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Chapter 65 The Black Panther Tank torn by Hands

The Quagoa planned to wait until the gate was open enough to attack, then attack like an avalanche, and blood-sacrifice the dwarves in front of the gate. Then they would take advantage of the situation and ravage the city, killing with all their strength.

One of the Quagoa, filled with murderous intent, stretched his arm into the gap when the gap in the door was not big enough for his body to squeeze through, so——

"Gah ah ah ah ah!" The wailing Quagoa rolled backwards, and the arm that was stretched out was gone.

Surprised by what happened, the Quagoa's killing intent felt as if water had been poured on it. It's easy to imagine what happened.

They probably cut it off with a weapon or something. It was not impossible. They knew that there were strong men among the dwarves who could barely resist the devil.

However, according to reliable sources, the only person should have fallen ill.

Feeling the fear, the Quagoa took a few steps back. During this period, the gap in the door gradually opened wider and wider.

They seemed to see several shields tied in front of them, something like a sloping low wall. What was strange was that there was a box-like thing at the top of the low wall, with a long metal rod protruding from the middle of the box.

, facing this way.

What is that? Even if it is a weapon, it is not something that can cut off a Quagoa's arm.

However, they saw the dwarf's eyes behind a small window in the sloping wall.

"Assault! Attack with excessive numbers!" A majestic voice came from behind.

Along with the brave shouts, more than ten Quagoa launched an assault, first targeting the weak part that looked like a window.

"Bilibili!" Blocked at the door, the tip of the long and narrow "barrel" of the Black Panther chariot at the front of the row sped away with lightning strikes that violently shook the air, and with the thunder, it penetrated the bodies of several Quagoa.

It is only recently that tanks are equipped with "long barrels". Generally speaking, if the same level of magic materials is used to make magic weapons, the more materials are used, the magic effect will be better, but the more materials are used, the better the magic effect will be.

Making the weapon larger and heavier makes it unsuitable for use by relatively weak magic casters, but if there is a carrying device, that is a different matter.

However, if you have a vehicle, it would be better to make a relatively cheap trebuchet or ballistae. After all, even if there are powerful magic weapons, there are very few magic casters with enough magic power to use them continuously.

Thinking about it this way, it is better to use a trebuchet or a ballista whose materials are easy to obtain. Throwing huge stones, burning oil jars, and launching huge javelins can also achieve the effects of second-level or even third-level magic.


However, with the ability of dwarves, such a magic weapon can be made at any time. With good materials and hard work, one person can still make such a "cannon barrel" in a week or two. Black Panther

Part of the material for the "main gun" of the tank is the keel.

The effect is really quite good.

"Boohoo!" The short staff as a "coaxial machine gun" embedded on the side of the "main gun" of the Black Panther tank fired a burst of short bursts of thunder arrows.

Once again, several Quagoa fell dead.

However, it failed to stop the charging Quagoa. The first Quagoa's claws hit the body of the Black Panther chariot hard!

"Stab!" The shield tied to it was penetrated like scissors piercing linen!

Immediately after the second and third blows, the armor of the Black Panther chariot began to be peeled off! The dwarf inside was not injured yet and screamed in fear.

"I told you that you can't use copper." Nue, who was still hiding behind, muttered.

"Retreat the chariot! Let Graeme get on!" the commander-in-chief shouted loudly as he rushed to the observation deck by the city gate.

The tracks of the Black Panther chariot began to reverse, and the chariot retracted into the door. Seeing the enemy retreat, the Quagoa's morale was boosted, and they moved forward, forward. As long as they tore this obstructive vehicle into scrap metal, they could rush into the city and kill them.

The dwarves are coming!

However, two figures jumped down from the door, blocking their way. These were the main bodies that cut off the Quagoa's arm.

"Dang!" The claws of the forward Quagoa drew a spark on Graeme's shield, but it had no effect. Then, his body was chopped into two pieces by Graeme.

However, the Quagoa's advance cannot be stopped. To do so would be to fool the courage of the victims.

Immediately afterwards, another Graeme's sword flashed past, and the heads of three Quagoa flew out at once...


Inside the city gate——

"Can these people do it?" Nue looked at the two magic casters responsible for operating Graeme speechlessly. The tense and funny look was really funny.

It is true that Graeme has the advantage in the current battle situation outside, but judging from the faces of the two magic casters, can they persist until one third of the Quagoa outside are killed?

The Quagoa are not a human army, and they will not follow Lanchester's Law. If they lose ten percent, their morale will plummet. In the past, the dwarves would kill more than half of the intruders to drive them away.

The commander ordered the Black Panther chariot to retreat, tied other shields to temporarily fill the big hole made by the Quagoa, and then called the T-4 chariot and the Lee chariot to carry the magic caster who controlled Graeme, and followed Graeme.

Support operations.

This is a good judgment. Since the armor material of the tank is not enough to resist enemy attacks, and Graeme, who can only fight in close combat, can block it, then let Graeme and the tank fight according to the tank's output position.

"Anyway, before any disadvantage arises, let's record the possible problems with the chariot." Nue took out a small notebook and pen, started recording, and prepared to sneak out of the city gate.

At this time, the Panther tank, which had been simply "repaired" and was about to start up again to follow, suddenly stopped slowly and suddenly.

"I've had enough! Is this a control thing?"

"What are those drunkards in the forge thinking?"

The two dwarves staggered and yelled and crawled out. The reason was also very simple. The magic weapon materials were good, and the magic power required was also rising. The two were frustrated. In contrast, the other two were inferior in weapons.

Tanks with lower-end weapons have much less of a problem.

"Humph, you useless guy, you can't even withstand such a 'toy'." Nue closed the book and walked towards the Black Panther Chariot with a sly smile. Although she was a monster from the physics department, due to the level difference, she and

Compared with the dwarf magic casters, they still have a proud power.

Nue's idea is interesting. What would it be like if the Quagoa, who was approached by an enemy and thought he could finally destroy the chariot and saw the dawn of victory, was stepped on by her who suddenly appeared from the chariot?

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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