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Chapter 9 Mini Gundam

"Ah, you're talking about this?" Crounpisi touched the back of her neck and saw that the erosion rate had indeed greatly increased.

But it's also Crownpis's own fault. It was so much more fun to use Otohime's ability when dealing with Kaguya. It was so pleasant to suppress the whole process. Is this the same feeling after accepting the existence of "weapons"? Maybe this

Is it the inducement carried out by Otsutsuki in order to revive himself as soon as possible?

Who would have expected that using Otohime's ability increases not the amount of erosion, but the rate of erosion? If it only increases the amount of erosion, then Otohime's ability is nothing more than a harmless thing that can be used once the erosion rate reaches 99% and then no longer used.

; Increasing the erosion rate is really fatal.

If you think about it for a moment, you should understand that if you activate the "weapon" and use Otsutsuki's power, it will only increase the amount of erosion. Then as long as the holder of the "weapon" is a rational person who is not confused by the power, Otsutsuki may be resurrected forever.

No, is it possible that Otsutsuki, whose civilization has developed to the point where he travels around the world and sucks planets at will, would use such a half-baked thing? It is possible that it is not impossible, but it is a small probability event.

Fortunately, the properties of Crownpiss itself are incompatible with Otsutsuki, and they can be suppressed by mobilizing the energy in the body. However, judging from the growth of the erosion rate, it will be overtaken by the real Otohime in at most ten years.

What will happen then?

It was probably the real Otohime who, before she died, desperately ran to other people to attach a "devil" and then died on the spot.

In this case, if the resurrection magic is used on her, will it be Crounpis or the walking dead Otohime who is resurrected? In fact, Crounpis is quite curious. Of course, she doesn't want to experiment on herself, and she doesn't have any other experimental samples.

But it seems that asking other companions to help with this matter is useless. If you do too much, it will probably cause panic. Trying to recruit Luna into the research team is the last attempt.

"Okay, let's go and have a look." Crownpis held the back of his head with both hands, looked back at the ceiling, walked a few steps, turned back to Otohime and said, "Okay, let's go and have a look. I can do it myself."

It might be easier to abduct a few guys who look suitable to be reincarnated by Otsutsuki... What identity should I use to hide it? Like last time, use Alice who once defeated the three tails with Star?"


That day, on the way back to her room from get off work, Luna looked somewhat sad.

Although there is no big loss if she makes a casual bet and loses, and she doesn't have to worry about something like that being done to her who usually doesn't have to fight on the front lines, but it is better to win the game that can be won.

From Luna's point of view, the rivalry scene between Crounpis and Moothime was probably to hide her shame? That is, once she quickly made a mecha that could perfectly and greatly improve her combat power, or if she didn't wear it,

If you put on Otohime's clothes, what would happen that would embarrass or embarrass Crounpisi?

But it's definitely not a big deal, otherwise she wouldn't be playing like this, so even if it's just based on interest, Luna wants to win as much as possible.

"It's impossible to do it just by working hard. Let's sit down and have a meeting tomorrow."

The next day——

Luna asked the top fairies from her research team to come together to a place that could be used as a conference room.

"Do you have any good ideas to speed up research and development?" Luna said after stating the reason for the bet with Crounpis.

"I actually want to wear that kind of clothes." A fairy whispered.

"If you want to wear it, you can buy it yourself. If you lose, won't my prize be gone?" Luna said. Oriental and Oriental-style clothes from another time and space are relatively rare in this world, but customization and finding

There is no problem in merging compatriots with corresponding magic and skills.


Another goblin raised his hand and spoke: "But the enhanced armor is not an ordinary enchanted armor. Let's not talk about the research and development and weight reduction of each component, the weapons it carries, the flight propulsion device, the steering balance device, and the radiator.

, how to balance mobility, firepower, and defense by putting them all on a pair of armor, while also ensuring that lower creatures can withstand the reaction force of the reinforced armor while exerting combat effectiveness comparable to that of adults. This requires a long time.

Time is slowly testing, and we also need to consider the new issues of the balance of mobility, firepower, and defense after the magic equipment automatically adapts to the size of the user. Not every component can maintain strength and performance in proportion if it is scaled up or down.

But it is much more difficult than the research and development of tanks and battleships.”

"After all, is it necessary to integrate a large number of weapons, equipment and protection into a full-body armor that looks similar to Graeme? Spend the same cost to build more tanks, magic cannons, or cultivate some magic casters and warriors

Maybe the overall combat power is even stronger." Another goblin raised doubts that arose during the research and development process.

"Combat strength can't be calculated like this." Luna raised her hand and gently touched her eye sockets, reflecting the blood-red three-magatama kaleidoscope.

Although it is not the pair of colored lenses in [Limited to Tsukuyomi], since the prototype is the Mangekyō Sharingan, it is natural that it can use certain genjutsu.

He unleashed an illusion on all the fairies present who were looking at him, and released dynamic images of a conflict in the human kingdom a few months ago.

Luna does not have the magic of holographic projection and remote monitoring. In the past, she only mastered the magic of projecting and reproducing the information she had obtained in the form of static pictures, which she usually used to give everyone ppt lectures in research and work.

Another advantage over the projected image is that this illusion affects the minds of the participants, making them feel like they are seeing a holographic projection. In fact, there is nothing in reality, which eliminates the possibility of secrets being peeked at.

Now Luna admires in her heart that the contact lens that Himawari asked Crounpis to transfer is really useful. She usually does not use mp in battle, but uses the magic ammunition and weapons that she usually stores with extra mp to fight, so she is very interested in this contact lens.

I don't care about mp consumption.

"You don't know about that yet. Although it was just a boring fight between inferior creatures and has nothing to do with us, since you have questions, I will answer it this way."

Rather than saying that it is a giant wearing weird bright red armor, which is what humans in this world will definitely call this existence when they see it, it is better to say that it is simply a mini Gundam, or it can be called "Iron Man Titan".

In front of the Mini Gundam, there are several transparent metallic bodies. In addition to the coat of arms of the Holy Kingdom, there are also large rings with five-pointed stars and crosses, indicating that these are the forces of the "Hell Fairy" sect.

"Is this a tank? It feels a little strange yet familiar. Has it been taken care of by the Mini Gundam?" a fairy asked.

(to be continued)

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