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Chapter 39 Mysterious Intervention

Alice No. 9 was a little dumbfounded by Suzusen's speech about opening pathways to other worlds: "But opening a new world doesn't cost 20 million..."

"Oh, it will be no problem as long as Momo Othime is here." Suzusen replied, [Yomi Hirazaka] is just an ordinary technique for Otsutsuki, and everything is free.

"...Really, I'm sorry, I didn't think it through well. As expected, I am still inadequate as a novice in time travel. If you can open a new world at will, then there is really no need to begrudge the natives."

"Okay, I got the map and found out the location. Let's go."

On the streets of the Marais Empire, Ling Xian no longer cared about the unusual looks from the people around her. She raised her hand to open a space-time door and took Alice No. 9 in. She immediately went to Parade Island, where Allen lived.


It is clear that the various countries on the mainland are raising large armies to conquer the island, but Parady Island is currently falling into turmoil.

Allen, a "hot-blooded young man", was imprisoned for violating military discipline as a member of the regiment by causing riots in the Marais Empire without permission. However, Allen's riot in Marais greatly inspired the radicals on the island and supported

Called for Allen's release in front of the Presidential Palace.

Radical recruits who supported Eren assassinated the president with a bomb. Eren also took the opportunity to escape and occupied the government military headquarters with the radical soldiers. When the Survey Corps arrived, Eren and others came forward to threaten Mikasa, Armin and others.

People sit at the table together and talk.

Allen possesses strong mental strength and extraordinary mobility. He values ​​his companions, hates anything that is not free, and has a stronger yearning for freedom than anyone else. His friends Mikasa and Armin disapprove of this.

The radical behavior was the "slave behavior" he hated most, which broke Mikasa's heart. Armin was even more furious and prepared to fight, and was about to start a fight with Eren.

However, they are destined to be unable to fight.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang.

Accompanied by the noisy screams of the soldiers who were drowned out by the people, the room where Eren, Mikasa, and Armin were meeting was turned into ruins by the shock wave.

The brainless giants on Parady Island have now been eliminated, not to mention that even if there are still remnants, there are three thousand-mile-long ring walls of Wall Maria, Wall Ruth, and Wall Sheena to protect the Eldians on the island.

In the area where people live together, what kind of existence can cause such destructive power? Could it be the seven giants sent from the mainland?

At this time, people could no longer care about the civil unrest.

"What the hell is that!"

"What happened?"

"The wall... was actually..."

Just now, something flew over, instantly evaporating a piece of Wall Maria and the ground, turning it into a canyon. The canyon extended through the Wall of Ruth and the Wall of Sheena, and the human towns inside the wall were destroyed.

It was divided into two; then from the inside out, the Wall of Sheena and the Wall of Ruth collapsed one after another, and finally that something left a semicircular hole in the half of the Wall of Maria on the other side.

, flew out of the island and flew to the horizon.

The tsunami caused by the ensuing shock wave did not reach Wall Maria, but the shock wave caused the longest and largest outermost wall to collapse completely. Inside the wall... there were tall giants!

The uninformed people were astonished. Not only were they afraid of the mysterious power that destroyed the wall, but they were also horrified that the Wall of Maria, which once protected people surrounded by giants, was actually composed of countless fifty-meter-high giants arranged inside.

The area affected by the shock wave temporarily fell into silence.


Mikasa's voice temporarily broke the silence. She was glad that she didn't take off the three-dimensional mobile device used to fight giants when she entered the room when she was stopped to "discuss life" with Allen. Perhaps it was the result of training and combat training, she avoided it.

When the house collapsed, he saw Allen, whose legs were broken by a large piece of rubble and pinned underneath. His eyes were full of anxiety and he reached out to move the rubble.

"Mikasa..." Not far behind, Armin looked hesitant.

"Elmin! Now is the time to care about this, come and help!" Mikasa turned around and shouted sharply, even if they have different opinions for a while, they are still the best partners.

"Uh, okay."

They know that Eren can transform into a giant, but he is also a human being and will die if he is fatally injured.

At the same time, on the west side of Parady Island——

Alice No. 9 held up a high-powered telescope with the magic [clairvoyance] and said, "Sir Suzusen, is it enough to just punch through the wall? The trajectory is too high."

"It's really strange." Lingxian didn't think his [lunatic gun] would deviate so seriously.

Although Suzusen has never practiced long-range precision strikes, before the bombardment, he clearly set the ballistic trajectory to a flat angle gradually approaching the ground. In the end, it actually increased into a parabola and hit the sea. The difference between the impact points was like a hundred and eighty thousand miles.

, it’s just as nonsensical as throwing the ball into the audience when shooting a free throw.

The reason was simply that the ground beneath his feet seemed not to be firm, and it loosened a little at that moment, causing Lingxian to tilt a little when he fired the [lunatic gun].

How can it be?

Could it be that he was preparing to use his ultimate move to gather rich chakra and affect the land? There is obviously no recoil.

Lingxian told Alice how she felt just now and asked Alice No. 9 to write it down. These can be counted as experimental data.

Suzusen raised his hands, and the chakra that was as rich as black and solid was gathered on the finger gun. This time it was a double shot [lunatic gun]. In order to better confirm the destruction effect and destroy more efficiently, he aimed it

The attack just now has not affected the direction. Wall Maria is very long, and it is still too early to completely destroy it.

Alice 9's telescope was farther than Suzusen's two-kilometer field of vision, and it came with data such as a sight gauge and a secret position, reporting Suzusen's battle results. Suzusen reported the feeling of his launch and asked Alice 9 to write it down.

Then, there were two consecutive shots of [lunatic gun].

Some successfully detonated inside the wall, knocking down a large number of residential areas, and the attacks in some areas were more or less accidentally missed. One or two times can be said to be accidents, but if the number increases——

"There may be something there." Lingxian was about to open the space-time door.

Alice No. 9 raised her hand to open the magic circle and chanted the illusion magic that changed her appearance.

A moment later, Parade Island, inside the wall——

People watched in horror and sluggishness as the giant suddenly walked out of a huge dark "door" and continued to destroy the remaining wall of Xina until ten tails appeared behind it, waving and reaching around to grab people to eat.

When the giant fell, the people woke up from the panic and fled in all directions. Although there were people from the corps who came to stop the giant, they did not cause even the slightest obstacle, and instead sent new food.

(To be continued)1603445583

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