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Chapter 62 Ten Blades Rebellion!

At this time, what surprised Captain Yamamoto the most was this incident that had been hidden in Soul Society hundreds of years ago. Why is the Zanpakutō whose owner was sealed here? When he sealed Kuchiki Xianghe, he clearly broke the "Muramasa"

"That's right.

No, that sword is different from the "Muramasa" in terms of blade length and handguard style. It is obviously shorter than the shallow sword, and her liberation words are "Make trouble, Demon Sword Muramasa" instead of the traitor's "Whisper,

Muramasa", from this point of view, it is better to use a modified broken blade knife or a knife with similar capabilities.

But one thing will not change, the Zanpakutō will be controlled. If you strike first, you will be stronger, and if you strike later, you will suffer disaster. Captain Yamamoto flew in front of Kakino with a [Shunpo], and with a speed that exceeded his ability to detect nerves, he struck with great force and heavy force.

Punch to the center of Cachino's body!


Kaqino's Xuye Palace uniform exploded with a large hole on the spot, and her body flew backwards, but Nellie could barely catch it.

"Are you okay?" Nilielle stared at the empty hole in her clothes.

"It's not bad." Kaqino stood up and said. With good luck, the old man's punch was enough to severely damage the ten blades in one blow, but this punch happened to hit the empty hole in Kaqino's body. Just the wind of the punch made her feel like

It flew up like a punch from the front.

It wasn't just good luck. Kagino's vagina was so big that it almost occupied her entire torso, causing the dress-style uniform to have to be fixed with a bustle.

As if to protect Kakino, the flames of the Zanpakutō "Ryuugenwaka" broke away from Aizen and surrounded Captain Yamamoto and all the Shinigami.

Muramasa's human form appeared, kneeling beside Kakino, and begged: "I have played a full role in your battle. At the same time, I have also successfully obtained the location of the master's seal from Yamamoto's mind. Please allow me to

Go and rescue the master."

"My permission."


The Arrancar no longer paid attention to Muramasa, but instead looked at Aizen walking out of the extinguished firelight with steady steps along with the sword beast that had betrayed the Shinigami's Zanpakutō.

"Oh, is there anything else you need to do? It's time to get down to business, isn't it?" Aizen said slowly with a smile.

Harribel took a step forward and asked, "Lord Aizen, before that I have a question that I want to check with you anyway."


"Before you asked me and my companions to take off our masks, you saved us from a Daxu who had acquired strange and powerful powers. Was that Daxu the Arrancar made by you?"

Aizen smiled and answered truthfully: "Yes."

"Why!" Harribel said with anger.

"Test your courage. If you are killed by that bastard in one fell swoop, you have no value in becoming my subordinate."

"Aizen!" Harribel pulled out the big knife from her back and was about to rush towards Aizen, but was stopped by Jack who was standing a little ahead because of the advanced sequence.

Don't be impulsive when doing indigo dyeing.

"Aizen, today is the day you die!" Bailegang stood up from the Throne of Bones and shouted. Aizen is based in Hueco Mundo. How can he, who is supposed to be the king of Hueco Mundo, endure it? He and

Even if his direct lineage gained the power given by Bengyu, they would always be watching Aizen's life behind his back.

At this time, Aizen was surrounded by a large number of people, and his momentum was even more overwhelming than when he was confronting the God of Death.

Led by Balegang Ruisenbang, as the former King of Hueco Mundo, he led many subordinate officers, including Charlotte Kurufeng, Abirama Leda, Findol Kellias, and Chinon Bo.

,Gio Weig,Nilge Paddock;

Headed by Dia Harribel, as the Hueco Mundo Women's Protection Association, she leads three female subordinate officers: Apache the Blue Deer, Mira Rhodes the Golden Lion, and Sunsun the White Snake Princess;

Led by Jack the Ripper, as the new Ten Blades he leads a very small but elite group of subordinate officers, Aronillo Alurujeli and Ruby Antenor;

Led by Kakino, as the subordinate officers of the new Ten Blades who led a large number of the former Ten Blades camp, Neliel Du Odessiuvanc, Neutra Gilga, Peixe Kadishe,

Dondchaka Bilstein,Desile Lindkrutz;

As well as a large number of sword beasts transformed from the Shinigami Zanpakutō: Enreimaru, Hibiscus, Five-shaped Head, Wabisuke, Feimei, Tianshu, Huaten Kuanggu, Fuushi, Hyōrinmaru, Gray Cat, Onidenmaru, Glazed Peacock,


Even the Masked Army who saw the situation was not going well and came to the rescue were not spared. The Zanpakutō turned into sword beasts: Tengumaru, Kinsara, Iron Plaid Dragonfly, Orochi, and Nifu!

Because Muramasa has been continuously absorbing Hollows, and when Kakino carried "Muramasa", he obtained the transformation of Honyu, allowing Muramasa to completely adapt to the power of Hollows, and injected the Hollows into it when he invaded other Zanpakutō.

With the power, each sword beast also put on a virtual mask one after another. While losing their own consciousness and being completely controlled, their power increased again.

"What! This is different from... what we agreed to last time." Hirako Mako pressed her hands on the hollow mask that was moving around on her face and could lose control at any time, and gasped.

The other members of the Masked Legion did not have the endurance of Mako Hirako. Without their Zanpakutō, the balance of power between the Hollow and the Shinigami in their bodies was broken, and they all began to lose consciousness uncontrollably.

"Aizen Sosuke, you never expected us to help you defeat the God of Death, right? This is just to buy you time to merge with Bengyu. That's why you don't want to join the battle right away. The one who just injected such a large amount of spiritual pressure into Bengyu

You are at your weakest right now."

Bailegang was in high spirits at this time.

Even though it was the newly promoted Ten Blades who were secretly dissatisfied with Aizen and were subverting the situation openly or covertly, this gave Bailegang an opportunity to separate the Ten Blades who were loyal to Aizen from those who would rise up against Aizen if conditions allowed.


Finally, the moment has arrived.

He recalled the scene when he leisurely returned to his "palace" to have afternoon tea after failing to recruit Harribel to become his subordinate as usual. The failure to recruit other Vastrod was not a defeat for him.

With the large number of Vastod's subordinates and his special abilities, no matter what kind of Hollow is his opponent, but in fact he and Harribel are old acquaintances in Hueco Mundo. They are both Vastod, and they are not fighting to the death.

relationship, their real enemy is the God of Death, isn't it?

Then, the real enemy suddenly arrived during the afternoon tea that day - Aizen sold his power to him like a sales advertisement. As the king of Hueco Mundo, how could he give the God of Death a good look? So Bailegang planned to use these

The death of the God of Death comes to pass the boring afternoon tea time.

However, reality gave him a blow. Not to mention Aizen, even the two followers (Kaname Tōsen and Gin Ichimaru) could not win!

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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