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Chapter 2 Shemale War

After Clunpis pushed the problem to Sunny in an evasive manner, she continued to stay in the Elf Kingdom and waited for the Theocracy's next step.

However, it has been two months since spring began, and the Theocracy's preparations have been slow, which makes Crownpis a little upset.

In fact, it is normal. Since the Theocracy is going to hold a war to destroy the country, war mobilization and preparation must be indispensable. There are many things that need to be done to prepare for a war, from mobilization to material preparation, especially since humans and elves are not good at it.

Forest areas require more preparation.

After all, it seems that the elite's invasion operation is unlikely to succeed. The only way is to attack the big forest slowly and slowly, and to consolidate the occupied territory in the big forest requires a lot of consumption.

In fact, the common sense of the earth's wars in this world can also be applied to a certain extent.

Well, the basics are the same as the people on Earth - roughly speaking, the people on Earth in the 18th century.

If you don’t eat, you will be hungry; if you don’t sleep, you will be sleepy. If you don’t eat and sleep, you can’t fight.

Races that can go without sleep or food, or people who are strong enough to endure without food or sleep for a long time, are really only a very small number of exceptions.

If you are hungry and tired, you will not be able to exert your power no matter how high your level is, and the "Winter Offensive" will be even more difficult.

Furthermore, even if there is a level, it is not a big deal. Because the natives of this world are quite strong if they are level 0 alone. The level of human elite troops is in the early 10s, and level 15 is a level soldier.

Most soldiers are definitely in single-digit ranks.

It's not that Crounpis doesn't know this kind of knowledge, it's just that the wars she has participated in recently have been very fast-paced, which makes Crounpis think that wars in this world are very "casual".

Looking at it this way, although Crounpis knows that her level cannot be compared with the peak and full-level players in this world and is a little timid in action, in fact she and the fairies around her can basically do whatever they want.

The bastard who destroyed the country.

During this period, Crownpis also contacted the Dwarf Kingdom and the Abelion Hills twice -

The "Thirteen Heroes" retreated to seek justice for another dead comrade. Nue finally climbed up from under the big crack. He was pretending to be ill and continuing to delay while secretly practicing painting - yes, while entertaining the dwarves,

Regarding painting, the dwarf made her talk so much that she wanted to give it a try. Crounpis used the big goblin to teleport back once and instilled all the memories of painting into her, allowing her to practice by herself. I hope it won't be just a matter of three minutes of enthusiasm.


That time it seemed that a good metal mine was found under the big crack - it was the one that Nue inserted his tentacle into and almost couldn't pull it out. However, there was indeed something wrong with the air in the big crack, making it difficult for the dwarves to mine. In fact, all the exploration teams had been wiped out.


The research and development of chariots seems to have been carried out independently by the dwarves. On the one hand, all the grems that ordinary dwarves can control have been lost, and the grems in the royal capital cannot be operated at all without the strength of the dwarf king. Therefore, the defense capabilities of the dwarf country have been greatly reduced.

On the other hand, it is true that the manufacturing difficulty of the tank is lower than that of the Graeme. The last time it performed poorly was because the metal used was inferior to the Graeme and it could not move.

As for the hills, the migration of several demihuman races went very smoothly with the help of several ghost ships controlled by Granbell Fishing.

Kroenpis was very happy with the above news.

There are just some problems——

1. How to deal with the elven prisoners from the last war?

Second, the ghost ship found is quite powerful. It is not a problem for one ship to carry hundreds of demi-humans at a time. However, considering that air transportation is not faster than water transportation, and demi-humans are not completely wild animals, they still have property and supplies.

Yes, empty-handed migration will also cause certain troubles. According to Star's estimation, even if there are four ghost ships, it will take more than a hundred days to complete the deployment of personnel and materials - longer than the time that Crowenpis originally asked the dwarf country to delay.

It's still a long time ago, so that's not a big deal. The problem is that there are actually some dissatisfied and dissatisfied people who are causing trouble, but punishing them all will increase the conflicts. It would be a waste of resources if they continue to stir up resistance and turn into a war of genocide.

For this purpose, Crownpis visited the Elf King's bedroom specifically once - after the Elf King had had fun with the women.

If you want to ask why you don't look for someone in the main hall, and why you need to look for someone after they did that kind of thing, the reason Clawnpisi gave yourself is this -

First, if there is an official official interview, there may be many officials and ministers. Crounpis is self-aware that he has no official power. If he gets into a verbal battle, he will make a fool of himself, even if they are too frightened to say anything.

, but there may be hidden dangers in exposing your IQ;

Second, the Elf King should be in a better mood after having fun with the two girls. Wouldn't it be easier to talk if he is in a good mood?

Just like that, one morning in the early morning, Crounpis climbed through the window and climbed into the Elf King's bedroom.

Then I saw the unspeakable scene that was over as usual, but it didn't matter, as a plant race, I didn't have any special feeling when I saw this.

"Good night, Your Majesty the Elf King." Knowing that the Elf King was not very polite when talking to her, Crounpis lay on the window sill of the tree house with her legs hanging in the air and greeted the shirtless Elf King in a joking tone.

"What's up?"

The elf king's tone was just as Crounpis expected.

Cronpith told the story of the elves captured in the last war.

"Well, has anyone awakened any power during the crisis?"

"How is it possible?" Clawnpisi spread her hands, "Even if there is, it's all flat for me. I can't feel it."

"Then do whatever you want, I'm going to sleep." The Elf King lost interest and was about to pull up the quilt——

"Wait, wait, Your Majesty the Elf King, although you are free to keep these two people as 'princess', it is still unknown whether you will be able to conceive a child, isn't it? Anyway, the Theocracy will attack sooner or later.

Come here, why not take the opportunity to look for a new 'princess'?" Clawnpisi said in a low voice.

"...go on."

Crownpis pretended to be mysterious and continued to lower her voice: "Well, how about... like this, and then... like this? It would also be fun to go on a 'blind date' in person."

"Have you finished talking, are you okay? I'm going to sleep then. You can go." After hearing this, the Elf King said the next sentence and turned over and pulled up the quilt without waiting for Crounpisi to reply.

"Eh?" Crownpis felt that what she said should be in line with the Elf King's wishes. Sure enough, it's not okay to take it for granted that everything will go smoothly. Forget it, she has nothing to lose. Let's talk to the Elf King when he is in a better mood.


(to be continued)

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