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Chapter 86: Bai Yiji's Original Magic

Bai Yiji didn't care about Alice 78's problem of how to solve the war between inferior creatures: "Just go and eliminate the source of this situation."

"...Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything." Alice No. 78 waved her hand in disgust.

"The whole planet is yours. You were strong enough back then, so you naturally had no scruples. It's great that you can do whatever you want when you are strong, I'm so envious." Alice No. 78 muttered sourly after hearing Bai Yiji's hypothetical declaration of a war of annihilation.

"Cronpis can do it easily." Bai Yiji disagreed.

"No, there are forces in this world that she has to be careful about."

Bai Yiji thought for a while and said: "If you have the opportunity, you must let me see your honor."

"Please wait until you plan to go back. I will personally ask Master Star for instructions." Alice No. 78 could not make the decision and did not agree directly.

Bai Yiji didn't have many friends, so she walked without stopping and walked into the city's most elegant neighborhood. Although it was ordinary in style, it had a lot of decorations to show off its appearance while ensuring it was strong and durable enough.

The five-story spire building is a building made of lime and stone, as there are currently no buildings in the world that use reinforced concrete in their construction. The level looks really good.

This is the branch of the Imperial Magician Guild that has spread to all large, medium and small cities across the country since the establishment of the Imperial Magic Academy ten years ago.

Normal human nations would never be able to do this. Even if they could, branches in small and medium-sized cities would be at most like a small office, not as large as half the headquarters.

What? The number and cultivation of magic casters in The Theocracy are also unusual?

This is indeed the case, but the Theocracy is all under the responsibility of the church and is integrated with religion, and the Imperial Mage Guild does not receive much support from the Fairy Temple, so I will not make a comparison.

"The guards at the door have also changed." Alice No. 78 raised her head curiously and looked at the three-meter high metal double door waiting for Big Graham standing on both sides.

Wasn't it made of wood last time? Will it become metal now? Bronze will become platinum?

The weapon has also been upgraded. Originally it was only equipped with a sword and shield, but now it has a magic wand sword in one hand that exudes magic light and can be used for both long-range and melee combat. There is also a long gun on its back that can also be used for long-range and melee combat.

But Alice is just curious. The style of this Graeme is a little more handsome than the previous model. Its strength is average. It can barely handle two human heroes one on one. She can fight a group of them by herself.

Bai Yiji ignored the "statue" at the door and walked straight in.

"There are so few people, are you the only one?" She walked to the counter, stepping on the ground that seemed to show the scenery under the Taoist robe, and looked down at the spirited young man with whom she had a close relationship.

"Welcome...Long time no see. You came at a bad time today. Do you have something important to do at this time?" the young man asked with a professional smile, seeming to be impressed by Otohime's somewhat extravagant appearance and alluring country.

Qingcheng's appearance is not very popular.

You must know that although the empire has lifted the ban on exchanges with outsiders under the influence of the Fairy Temple, humans in the country still account for more than 99%. Outsiders enter the empire mostly for employment, slavery, trading or other temporary purposes, and there are not many of them.


And Baek Eul-hee's appearance, although not as exaggerated as making someone petrified on the spot, is enough to make the energetic young man who meets her for the first time take a few deep breaths before he can speak properly.

Apparently Bai Yiji is a repeat customer.

Bai Yiji stated calmly: "What other books did I like last time? Bring them here together with the corresponding magic materials. I have almost raised enough money."

Saying that? Bai Yiji took out a few securities boards and a set of scrolls and put them on the table.

"If I sell this magic, can I cover the price difference?"

"Are you selling magic? What kind of magic is this? Are you selling a one-time scroll or the magic itself?" After counting the securities board, the young man took the scroll and opened it for inspection while asking a routine question.

Bai Yiji looked back slightly and asked Alice No. 78: "Do I have the right to sell my original magic patent?" Because the composition of knowledge is different? Therefore, their words are also different.

"Yes, but there is no patent here." Did Alice No. 78 confirm whether there is any problematic item? So it's okay to correct it by the way.

Magic is not patented? Even if the magic is sold, there will be no hindrance to Bai Yiji's magic? It just means that whatever the Magicians Guild does based on that magic in the future, the creators can't complain. The Magicians Guild can study that magic,

It also has the power to produce and sell magic scrolls and magic props related to that magic. Depending on the situation, it may also be compiled into a magic book for circulation and teaching.

"Selling magic composition? Is this the only magic I have successfully created in recent years? Will I get more money this way?" Bai Yiji asked.

"Yes, please register the magic effect, payment price, and your personal information. We will verify and evaluate the magic level. For other rules, you can just read the yellow sign on the right."

This process took an hour and a half.

Usually it doesn’t take so much time. Even if you want to register original magic, with the talents of the natives, you can’t do anything that requires too special treatment? However, Bai Yiji’s magic is ordinary in her own opinion.

It seems that Alice and Midori are just using magic to add fresh snacks to Shiro Otohime? But simply looking at the effect, it wouldn’t be surprising if it caused a revolution.

"[Rapidly growing], considering that the price required to pay is too high? Evaluate the fifth-level magic, a total of 2,300 gold coins? All of them will be included in your securities board? Please confirm." The young man placed the order.

and the securities board were handed to Bai Yiji from the counter with both hands.

"More than expected." Bai Yiji took the order and the securities board and said in a low voice.

"Oh, you are too modest. If both the caster and the recipient had not paid a life and lifespan that matched their growth, this would be enough magic to cause a war." The young man joked.

This is just like resurrection magic. Natives can usually only use fifth-level resurrection magic that requires payment of life force. Although higher-level resurrection magic is better, it is by no means without any cost other than magic. Only resurrection in the realm of gods can be used.

Magic [true resurrection] can easily resurrect any dead person, but it also requires that at least the body still has a certain integrity and the soul has not dissipated.

Therefore, even if the proportion of magic casters who can use resurrection magic is very small, they will not be overly competed for, and there will not be people who have lost relatives or friends in accidents queuing up to kneel down all day long because they cannot afford to pay. It is not just a matter of money,

The life force price paid for resurrection is something that most people cannot afford.

(to be continued)

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