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Chapter 96 Human Paradise, Kingdom Expedition

The Silian Theocracy has helped the Kingdom of Ri-Estij expand to its limit.

If we expand further, we will have to fight a big war, and the human country, which has just escaped from the chaos of the demon gods, cannot afford it.

Well, the most important thing is not that kind of thing. For the human kingdom, there are only two things that are important for the existence of the kingdom -

1. If you only look at the size of the territory, the territory of the Kingdom of Li Yestije is probably relatively low among human countries, but you cannot just pay attention to the paper. Although there are many people around the Kingdom of Li Yestije that are not friendly to humans.

area, but generally speaking, it is surrounded by other human kingdoms. On the other hand, the hills, forests and plains where demihumans, monsters, and undead gather are also surrounded by human kingdoms. Those who are sensible should be careful.

Therefore, there will be no extremely large-scale inter-ethnic wars in the kingdom.

Second, the geographical environment of the Kingdom of Li Yestije is extremely advantageous. The Holy Kingdom has a long and narrow coastline and sea areas, and the sea is not friendly to humans; the empire also has many mountains and hills that are not convenient for human development; the southern part of the Theocracy is full of

Desert; Dragon Kingdom...the gate to the human kingdom and the alien kingdom. Before the awakening of the dragon girl, it was basically used for tooth-beating sacrifices for the orcs. The kingdom is different. It is located in the plains, between cities, and there are not many vicious monsters in the countryside.

The land is fertile, the resources are abundant, the climate is pleasant, and the natural conditions are truly unique. As long as the country is properly run, it is not surprising that it will develop faster than the surrounding countries. As long as the country is not governed by extremely incompetent and ignorant people, at least it will not make the country worse.

For humans, the geographical location of the Kingdom of Li Yestije is the rear area of ​​humans. After all, humans, who were originally just livestock, are able to have a piece of paradise in a corner of the continent only because of the arrival of the "Hundred Years Aftershock", such as players and other game characters.

So far, in the Central Continent, humans are still livestock. As slaves, humans have a bright face and are treated as food as normal. "One-hundred-year aftershocks" have occurred four times so far, but there are only two "hundred-year aftershocks" that are beneficial to humans.

, no one knows what the next "hundred-year aftershock" will bring, will there be a racial war? Therefore, having a country that can become the rear is a good thing for mankind.

Therefore, even though the Kingdom of Li Yestije has not done much since its founding, its presence in the human kingdom is quite large. In terms of influence, it is not inferior to Slian, who inherits the player's legacy and has the player's descendants.

The Theocracy and the Bahas Empire supported by the prominent "Dragon King of Destruction" in the Central Continent.

On the other hand, if something big happens in the kingdom, it will have a considerable impact on the surrounding areas.

And this kind of thing, with Luna kidnapping Andora, a noble of the kingdom, who is the player's daughter-in-law, ignited the powder keg.

Luna is obsessed with scientific research and usually does not interfere with political affairs. She is a little surprised, but she kidnapped a person whose level is not even level 10. Is it true that you reacted so fiercely? Is it true?

Not only that, Luna promised that she did not leave any clues that they were responsible for it. Although she left trace bait in order to try to obtain the Mini Gundam, there is no indication that these are related to the Empire and the Fairy Temple? At most, it is

It's just related to the existence of power that can use the fairy system. Directly targeting the empire and the fairy temple? It's like trying to settle the score with the hen that laid the egg when you choked on the chicken.

What's more, the kidnapped Andora did not disclose to the public that she had "Thirteen Heroes" as her wife. The original owner of Mini Gundam knew very well the principle of "the cunning rabbit dies, the lackey will be cooked".

In short, the kingdom's soldiers have been recruited in large numbers, and after short-term training, they are bound for border towns. Weapons, equipment, food and other important supplies are also constantly arriving and urgently needed in various territories of the kingdom. There is an atmosphere of imminent war.


And in the border area between the two countries, the kingdom's army of 180,000 people has surrounded the city of Andalu on the border of the empire.

The garrison of Andalu City itself and the imperial troops mobilized from surrounding towns? There are only about 10,000 people.

It seems that there is a huge disparity, but in fact, about one-third of the kings are currently preparing to participate in the main attack. Andalu is not a big city, and there are only so many troops that can be deployed in the direction of the main attack during a siege.

In the large tent in the center of the army, there were many seats and a large table surrounding the center.

The young King Rambusa I sat in the center facing the camp door. Several nobles gathered around the table, staring at the large map with some chess pieces on the table. There were commanders' lists and reports from the reconnaissance troops scattered around.

Information about the spies' investigation of the Emperor? As well as records of the surrounding monsters and undead, etc.

The argument was so heated that the kettles brought by the servants had been refilled several times and were now about to be empty again.

The six nobles who participated in the founding of the kingdom represented several generals who were in charge of heavy troops - Bolumula, Urovana, Pespeia, Bololopu, and other nobles whose number was more than twice theirs.

At this time, he looked somewhat tired.

To dispatch such a large-scale army at one time, the matters that must be negotiated and coordinated are extremely complicated? Although there should be a lot of adjutants and junior officers, but the composition of the king has a fatal flaw——

The Kingdom of Li Yestije and the Bahas Empire are both feudal countries, but the degree of centralization of power in the kingdom is much lower than that of the empire. For example, the empire has a military headquarters that commands the entire army of the empire, while the kingdom is a territory directly under the jurisdiction of the royal family.

Each noble territory prepares its own army, and the same goes for the economy. It is difficult for the king to intervene in the operation and management of those noble territories outside the territory directly under the royal family.

Although there are nobles who are completely loyal to the king, unfortunately they are not more than half. There are even some who are specifically trying to oppose the king. There are also many nobles who do not participate in either side and just manage their own territory with peace of mind, socialize on time and pay taxes. Such a royal faction

, the aristocratic faction and the neutral faction maintain a delicate balance at about "1:1:1", so that the kingdom does not have any troubles. Coupled with the superiority of population, geography, climate, and resources, it can be stable even if the system is not good.


As a result, when the troops were assembled for this expedition and detailed adjustments were made between the armies of different territories, the noble generals from different regions had to personally coordinate. Because if nobles from other territories came in person for such a matter, they would only send a minor official or adjutant.

Wouldn’t it be a great loss of face for the nobles who come to do business?

By the way, the above issues are the reasons why the king personally went on the expedition, and they are definitely not to boost morale or to suffer from secondary disease.

Fortunately, the boring questions are over, and now we can talk about things related to the siege.

(to be continued)


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