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Chapter 102 Siege defeat

A paladin squad leader witnessed with his own eyes the super cannon in Andalu City that was different from magic and traditional artillery shells. It was completely unable to intercept the attack of the super cannon with an absolute 999 shot. After receiving the order to attack and drag the cannon into melee to disable the cannon, he also personally

He led the attack, but encountered a large Graeme on the city wall who did not have many units in the empire.

Seeing that his troops had suffered heavy casualties and were unable to fight anymore, the paladin captain had already cursed the intelligence department, the scouts, and the aristocratic nobles for each generation of their ancestors from the time when humans were still domestic animals.

Ten times, and by the way, let them have a taste of the Holy Light.

Paladins are human beings, and they cannot represent noble sentiments. "Paladin" is just a knight fighting profession that focuses on sacred attributes and protective attributes. He can serve as a squad leader because he has been trained as a sergeant and has a supporting tank to display his combat effectiveness.


The leader of the Paladin squad knew that trying hard would be a waste of life. He was ready to run backwards. This kind of thing is too powerful for humans. If it is made of wood or stone, it would be fine. If it is made of metal, with the ability of ordinary Paladins

You can't cut it in even with all your strength. Unless you enter the hero's realm to fight with it at close range, otherwise using magic and cannons to blast it into parts from a long distance is the best way to reduce losses.

The same thing happened in every gap in the city wall that was attacked by the king. After all, there were not many gaps, and a few Graims were enough.

Graeme did not chase him out, but retreated and took his fighting position. The imperial chariot drove to the gap and sprayed fire snakes and lightning strikes around. The nearby ladders and soldiers were ignited, "Bilibili!"

The electric shock is also more lethal to Paladins and Paladin tanks than the city defense cannon - but the range is a bit short, so it has not been used until now.

The chariots and grems cannot be killed either, because they may be attacked by the kingdom's still dominant artillery fire and faith-based magic. The small number of chariots and grems cannot afford to use them up.

The battle on the city wall has reached a stalemate, and the kingdom's city ramming vehicles are still steadily approaching the city gate of Andalu City. Once the city gate is broken, the king does not need to fight against the city wall and rushes directly into the city from the city gate, attacking

The emperor is in danger.

The commander who was directing the battle in the tower above the city gate prayed to God that his tactics would be effective. It was only after seeing the power and ballistics of the Demon Cannon that he realized that his tactics were so feasible. They must succeed.

"Report to the commander, all four city gates have been prepared." The messenger came to report.

The commander stood up and said, "Okay, take the Dement cannon to fire again as a signal - open the city gate!"

Then, he ran away with other subordinates and soldiers present!

The city ramming car pushed the huge roller and approached the city gate. In the king's eyes, it was a fact that the city gate was about to be knocked down by the huge roller.

Then, the Paladin Army chariot brigade following the assault vehicle, the army composed of the Paladins of the Temple Army, and the Kingdom's elite army can swarm in.

In fact, at the next moment, the city gate was indeed shattered, but it was not the city rush vehicle that did all this.

"Fire the cannon!" General Elulu finally leveled the barrel of the cannon and aimed directly at the gate of the outer city wall from the open inner city, spraying out a huge ball of light.

The ball of light flew along a straight road, flew out of the inner city gate, and quickly advanced along the now deserted straight street. In order to ensure the suddenness, the city defense commander placed the outermost two-sided wooden castle

The door is abandoned. Anyway, that kind of door doesn’t have big rollers? Even a wall of wood that can be lifted by human power can be opened? Why not use it to ensure the suddenness of this attack——

The huge ball of light broke through the outer city gate, crushing the rollers and the Paladin chariots behind them into scrap metal? The Paladins, elite soldiers, and ordinary soldiers who happened to be involved in the ballistic trajectory were constantly evaporated by the high-heat white light.

, they are equal before the firepower of Demon Cannon.

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The ball of light, which was flying less than one meter above the ground, gradually approached the ground and fell in front of the king's formation, turning the artillery group and a large number of soldiers into garbage and dust on the battlefield.

The king's artillery fire and killing cries were completely silenced.

Then, from each of the four city gates, a Graeme rushed out with a few chariots and small groups of cavalry. There was a burst of slashing and shooting at the surroundings, causing the Paladin chariots that had rushed under the city wall and those trying to set up

The soldiers on the ladder were killed in large numbers of vehicles and people in a sudden crash.

Just when the king, who woke up from another roar of Demeng's cannon, was about to fight back, the emperor immediately retreated into the city gate? Most of the chasing kings were blocked by the metal door that crashed down from the top of the city gate. Luck

It was extremely unable to withstand the weight of the huge metal door and was smashed to pieces on the spot. The luck of rushing in was not much better, and was surrounded by Graeme, tanks and imperial soldiers who had just retreated into the city gate.

None of them fought to the death until the entire army was annihilated. After the Paladins and elite soldiers among them were killed, they surrendered one after another.

Those who were blocked out were not much better. The surrounding Paladin chariots that suppressed the magic fire on the city tower were smashed. The imperial soldiers who reoccupied the city wall poured water from the slingshots and shooting holes of the city wall.


A paladin squad leader who had just climbed out of the damaged paladin tank felt a little confused.

Is this water? Shouldn't it usually be hot oil? The higher temperature can also make them slippery and fall, unable to hold weapons, and even ignite.

However, the Paladins all have the passive skill [Fire Attribute Defense []], which is equally effective against thermal defense. Spreading hot oil is really boring for them. But it is effective for ordinary soldiers. According to the investigation, it is confirmed that there is no fire from the furnace on the wall, that is,

Even boiling water needs to be transported, and with the wind blowing from the high city walls, the temperature is no longer so high that people lose mobility. Although oil is more expensive than water, the empire will not be short of oil.

Then, the answer came out——

After crashing into the metal door and stepping on the water that covered the ground, the soldiers reflexively jumped back like a twitch. Those who were unlucky fell to the ground and twitched. Those who wanted to help were involved in the same situation.

"Be careful! This city gate has electricity! Don't tread water!" The paladin squad leader, who had dabbled in the knowledge of dealing with monsters, shouted to the soldiers whose culture was no different from that of farmers.

Although the cost is high, electrifying the city gate is indeed a good way to deal with the monsters and beasts attacking the city in the knowledge they learned. Legend has it that the dwarf country uses this kind of city gate defense to have claws and teeth that can tear through solid metal.

of Quagoa.

"Retreat, retreat!" He understood that this attack failed, and the retreat horn happened to be blown from behind. I am afraid that the loss from the cannon just now was really too great.

(to be continued)


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