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Chapter 117 Battles Without Combat

For the goblins, they not only need to dig tunnels in the mountains, but also need to build culverts in higher-lying areas in the forest instead of flattening the ground or walking on it.

The great forest cannot be cut off. The fairies pay attention to ecological balance when building roads.

In the jungle on the plains, use the magic [earth surge] combined with [Earth Release·Earth Surge] to open a path. The ground turns into a wave, and the top is lifted up into pieces by ninjutsu like shoveling tofu, like an ark.

The plants made way for the fairies advancing along the way.

In addition to the fact that Midori, who has a strong plant-based bloodline, does not want to chop down trees casually, the range of her spells and the MP consumption ratio are also larger, making it easier to fire continuously.

Along the way, we also encountered troubles that even fairies would find difficult, such as wetlands and swamps. If it is a river or lake, we can use magic to open a temporary bridge. The formal bridge can also be left to others to slowly build in the future. When we encounter wetlands,

No matter how much magic or ninjutsu you use to move earth and rocks, you can't make a smooth path through the swamp. Do you have to evaporate all the water first? Not to mention the frogmen, lizardmen, water snakes, earth elemental elves and other races that live in the swamp.

According to my opinion, even the goblin himself is not willing to do this, let alone unable to do it. So he really has no choice but to take a detour.

But even if it is such an easy way to open a road, naturally it may not meet the empire's marching requirements, and Crownpis intends to use this as the main trunk road connecting countries to promote material circulation in the future, so please ask the empire and countries that are willing to use this road

It shouldn't be difficult to solve it yourself, right? Luna has sold so many excavators.

This is a problem they must solve. It’s really not funny that the Demon Cannon No. 2 that Luna sold to the Empire is stuck in the ground and cannot be pulled out.

Turning his eyes back——

Sunny asked Alice No. 0 and Midori No. 0 to come to her, facing the direction of the kingdom, both kneeling on one knee and placing their hands on the ground. Behind them, she opened a magic circle that absorbed natural energy.

, once again a large number of magical buffs related to magic were superimposed one after another.

"Alice No. 3, please contact them who are waiting in hiding at Linkou to prepare. However, the movement will be so loud, it should be impossible to seize the opportunity and fail, right?"

"Yes, Lady Sunny!" x 2

"Have you finished calculating the complete arrangement of the trees and the land?"

"No problem." x 2

"Then let's deal with the remaining mile at once." Sunny believed that her magic buff could definitely do it.

When you get here, you may encounter herb collectors and adventurers from the kingdom. From time to time, you will either erase their memory or capture them and throw them back to the Imperial Army who are left far behind. It's very annoying. Hurry up.

Just finish it.

"No, this is a bit difficult." Midori No. 0 hesitated.

"Oh, as expected of a bastard, can't you do it?" Alice No. 0 mocked.

"Go away, that's not true. Making things impossible is the worst kind of joke, isn't it?"

"You can obviously do it, right?" Alice No. 0 squinted her eyes and looked at Lin Zhong. "At this distance, with Sunny's ability, you can definitely do it."

"We'll see? Don't be complacent just because you look like your dad. There's nothing new at all."


Alice No. 0 and Midori No. 0, neither one looks down on the other? They will behave better together only in front of Crounpiss.

Sunny: "If you can't do it with one hit, keep adding more magic to make up for it. Either one shot or two shots? What's there to argue about? Let's start, three, two, one? Zero——"

"[Boosted Triplet Maximize Immortal Widen Magic Earth Surge]]!"

"[Earth Release·Ten Thousand Miles of Earth Release]!"

Taking the shaking of the mountains as a signal? The opposite side also simultaneously cast a huge amount of earth magic and earth escape ninjutsu.

Because the opposite side is the territory of the Kingdom, this is the first time that construction has started on both sides at the same time.

"Boom!" The dense jungle gave way for a moment, and the ground on both sides came into contact like a surge of mudslides. The air was squeezed and a violent explosion occurred. At the same time, a volcanic eruption of soil pillars rushed into the air.

The goblins were covered in mud.

Alice No. 0 and Sunny looked silently at the mountain of dirt that was lifted up and lying in the middle of the road.

"Hahahahahahaha... not moving? Alice No. 0?" Midori No. 0 laughed? "Are we going to add another attack? I'm afraid it will make this mountain get higher and higher."

"Did you expect that?" Alice No. 0's face turned blue and white.

Sunny stepped forward and knocked on the mountain of earth, making a "bang bang" sound like hitting a stone: "Is this compacted enough? [Fairy Kick]!"

With one kick, the huge mountain of earth was knocked down, uprooting even the magic-tamped roots? It fell in the middle of the road.

Midori No. 0: "Sunny-sama's power is better than seeing it once."

Alice No. 0: "Humph, you just know."

"Okay? Who will fill the hole? Then move the big stone away." Sunny waved her hand and walked back.

"Yes!" x 8

Several Alice and Midori who were cooperating on the opposite side flew back? While they hurriedly ran to the edge of the pit to start filling and compacting the soil, Alice No. 0 put her hand on the big stone and took it away with teleportation magic.

At this time, a group of dragon knights and griffon knights with imperial emblems flew over them.

"Has it started?" Sunny looked up and shouted to the goblins filling the hole, "Hurry up, the road is so smooth. Although some things and ordinary soldiers have not come up so quickly, the chariot troops and cavalry

The troops are very fast."

Soon, the road was cleared.

The militiamen in the watchtower stupidly watched the dragons and griffons flying overhead, doing nothing, and the smoke that should have been raised if there was danger did not rise.

The imperial armored soldiers and cavalry ignored them. They were busy attacking the city and had no time to pay attention to the sentries on the edge of such villages.

The villagers who were still plowing and working in the fields either hid in the fields or ran back home and closed the doors and windows, looking through the cracks at the soldiers passing by in the dust. They had never seen the army. They didn't know what they were. I really didn't know what they were.

You know, most villagers have very few opportunities to understand the outside world. It is normal for people who have never served in the military to not even know about neighboring countries.

The villagers did nothing, and the infantrymen who followed did not do anything too cruel to the villagers. At most, they just took away useful livestock and wine, because there was really nothing to rob. Maybe. For some people, it was a disaster that was as bad as bankruptcy. Faced with the villagers who had their livelihood property taken away, they knelt down, kowtowed and begged to the arrogant imperial soldiers, and then backed down after being kicked or bumped away.

However, they are still alive. If the villagers help each other, as long as there are no other changes, life can usually be passed.

(to be continued)

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