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Chapter 124: Pisi's remote forest area teaching support

Crownpiss: "You didn't include the third-level space magic [dimensional move] and the different space storage magic technology that even today's humans have the opportunity to learn?"

Drautilon: "But these magics and technologies can't move people, can they?"

Crownpiss: "I know it wasn't even at this level a hundred years ago. Maybe it will be better in another hundred years."

"I hope development will not breed ill will." Drautilon raised his head and looked at the surrounding big trees, his eyes lingering on the fruits and flowers. "Therefore, this country's technology to promote plant flowering and fruiting has brought great benefits to our domestic agriculture.

It’s been a big help.”

"Ah la la? Although the quality is not as good as the ones here, my country can still do it for the time being." Crounpis said hurriedly.

"It's different from selling them for money. Because of my relationship with His Highness, I give you a batch for free every year."

"That's really enviable... Is it okay to undermine the market economy?"

"Market economy?"

"Oh, you don't have this concept? In fact, I don't specialize in this... In short, if the privileged and outsiders are not concerned, it means that ordinary people can obtain returns that are much higher than the value of their labor with less labor. This is not

That's great, isn't it?" Crownpis thought as he touched his chin.

"...It is true, but our country does not have this problem in agriculture. Because the population has expanded too much in recent years, and although our country has gained a lot of land thanks to your relationship, excluding the part you directly occupy, most of the land left to our country

It is not suitable for direct farming, and there are also conflicts with the local people for generations... In short, due to many reasons, food production is insufficient in some areas of our country, and excess fruits and orcs are imported from Titania and the Lionheart Kingdom as livestock feed.

Food. In short, self-produced food cannot satisfy the people's food and clothing situation. There is no harm in increasing the yield per mu and the harvest season."

Crownpis said in her mind that these trades are not under her control, so she doesn’t know much about it. In short, it’s better to talk about something that can be asked without exposing herself or asking about her own national affairs: "What about population expansion?"

"Our country was once used as food rations by the orcs, so we had the habit of having more children. But after the number of deaths decreased, this historical habit has not improved, hey."

Hearing this, Cronpith patted Drotilon on the shoulder: "Practice family planning, right?"

"family planning?"

"Isn't it just a matter of limiting people's marriage age, childbearing age, and the number of children?" Crounpis was very happy to sell favors without paying anything.

"But this..." Drautilon made a circle with one hand, stretched out a finger with the other hand to poke inside, and lowered her voice as if she was embarrassed, "Even if the law can set it, can it still restrict what you do? Is there any?

Don’t children look at the sky?”

"Contraception and abortion are available... For details, please consult the Fairy Temple." Crounpis replied.

The Fairy Temple does not rest on its laurels just because every goblin born from Crounpith is born with a priestly profession. It has also collectively studied the practical medical techniques of the indigenous people, which can not only enhance the market and reputation, but also be beneficial to level improvement.

.Crownpith didn’t know more specifically, but there were ways to solve problems that could become more serious with casual treatment magic, such as abortion, tumor removal, and foreign bodies entering the body.

Because the fetus is too big to handle, you can beat the pregnant woman severely to force her to have an abortion, and then use healing magic to heal her body - this is generally not used.

"...That's it, thank you. The government affairs will be discussed as an issue next time." Drautilon was about to say goodbye and leave, but saw that Crounpis's footsteps did not go anywhere else, "Is there anything else?"

"Do you want to go back to the VIP guest house? Why don't we just walk around and have fun after seeing each other for so many years? You are usually busy with government affairs and have no time to think about it, right?"

"Hmm..." Drautilon raised her head again? Her feelings about Crounpiss are conflicted? She might get help intentionally or unintentionally, but in fact, she would feel upset when she gets entangled? It's like a companionship.

Like a naughty child? She couldn’t help but think about the time when she first ascended the throne. Wouldn’t the prime ministers and ministers feel the same way? If they weren’t Lolita fans, they might have been impatient already.

Whatever comes to mind.

There happened to be a blond elf wearing a black pointed hat and black robe who looked like a cultist and passed by with a large group of people, more than half of whom were elf lolita.

"Hi, Lily!" Crowenpis raised her hand in greeting. "We haven't seen each other for more than thirty years. Is it okay to be a royal teacher of elves?"

"Well, no problem. Now, it's physical education time, I should go." Lily put her hands in front of her body, bowed slightly to Crounpisi, and left with the children.

"Hehe." Crownpis grinned, looked at the children, and said, "Do you have something to do with the Elf King? Since he doesn't come out, why don't you come and help my compatriots in class? I think their father is the same.

Will be very happy."

Drautilon: "It does sound like his idea...but I don't know how to take classes. I haven't learned anything."

Crounpis: "Then I'll go."

Drotilon glanced at the frivolous pace of Crounpis and had a bad feeling, so she hurriedly said: "It's a physical education class, right? Don't tire them out."

Drautilon knows how eager the Elf King is for the power of his own race. Therefore, he hopes to train his children to death. The elves will probably cater to the Elf King's ideas? It's just that Crounpis is probably just doing it for fun.

Are you in the mood to do it? Very bad.

"Really? I will not kill the child of an important ally."

"Don't kill him and pretend to be healed and resurrected."

"...Yes?" Crounpisi paused for a moment, although in fact there is no need to listen to the words of this "real and fake Dragon King"?

Drautilon prayed in her heart for the Elf King's children, and then followed.

After two hours, the Elf King finally found time to meet.

He had no objection to the kingdom declaring war, but the Elf Kingdom and the Kingdom of Li Yestije were not bordering each other, making it inconvenient to send troops. The elders of the Elf Council were opposed to direct military intervention in the war. However, the Elf King overrode all opinions and sent thousands of troops.

The elves, including some of their own weak children, went to fight.

The target is the Kingdom's border city E-Rantel, which can be reached through the Abelion Hills to the northeast.

Seeing that the opposition was hopeless, the Elf elders hoped that Clawnpith, who had considerable intimidation in the Abelion Hills, would come forward to prevent the local demi-humans from conflicting with the elves.

This is not a difficult task for Clawnpis, just throw it to a few Alice and it will be done smoothly.

(to be continued)

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