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Chapter 7 The Great Idea

After the Elf King finished speaking, he swung the cloak behind his back, turned his back to the commander of the teaching team, and prepared to leave this place that was meaningless to him.

"Soulless!" The commander slammed the table in front of him hard, and the blood seeping out of his hand dyed the wood red. However, compared to the blood shed by his subordinates to protect himself, it was really insignificant.

"Why! Why betray!" the commander roared, "...weak people must find various ways to protect themselves. Why don't you understand!"

"Oh, that weakling—did I hear you correctly? You are so incompetent, are you talking about me?" The Elf King turned back with an expressionless face.

It is not the style of a strong person to be angry and to worry about the weak people crying in pain because of their weakness.

"Indeed, you are very strong, but if it weren't for the favor of the Six Great Gods and the destruction of the Dragon Clan by the Eight Desire Kings, even you wouldn't be able to raise your heads today! Shouldn't you follow the correct teachings and follow the same path!


The commander naturally believes in the six gods believed in by the Theocracy. One reason for daring to rise up here is that everyone respects each other's gods. The other reason is that everyone knows that there are many races and monsters other than human races in this world. If not

Unity and cooperation are dangerous.

Because the elves have a long lifespan and have time to exercise, individually speaking, the average strength is not weak, but compared with other races with more powerful abilities (born with a certain racial level), they may be in the middle.

Compared with the Dragon Clan, it is probably a complete defeat.

Comparing them to dragons may be too much, but even compared to demihumans and other races, the elves' growth cycle is too long and their advantages are infinitely reduced or even turned into disadvantages.

"Human races should not fight against each other, but should work together to create a new path!"

Although the commander of the Theocracy said so, the beliefs of the Theocracy are also extreme. First of all, the races they are willing to accept do not include dwarves who are basically the same as humans except for height, let alone those who were no longer than

There are other demi-human races that are much better off than humans, and they even suppress humans who have a favorable impression of other races.

"Hahahahaha!" After hearing the commander's words, the Elf King laughed loudly.

It's really rude. I am the king of humanity's (original) allies. Isn't it rebellion to treat me with such an attitude?

Is it reasonable to punish these people with death who have no strength or potential and only consume resources? But now I just kill more than a thousand people as a deterrent. I am really a gentle and majestic king.

"It's so boring. What kind of crusade? It's targeting me, but it's preparing for war against this country? It's so boring." The Elf King, who was thinking this way, spoke again.

"What's so funny!"

"If you want this rubbish country, then I'll give it to you. If it's just a rubbish country that can't even protect itself, then there's no point for me to be a king. The same goes for humans, and so do elves. The weak are really despicable, completely

You can't understand my good intentions." The Elf King said, nodding as if he was intoxicated with himself.


"Compared to those born in peace, people born in battle are stronger and their technology develops much faster. Human beings who were just domestic animals three hundred years ago can have today's civilization and technology and strive to reach this point.

Isn't the paradise developed in the previous world war? Therefore, this war was not caused by the king's improper behavior. I stimulated you to launch a war just for the evolution of the race. However, you fools

They came up with boring reasons for the war, ignored the nature of the war, and wasted all my efforts!"

"This... is the reason why you openly ruined the blood of the six great gods of our Theocracy and killed all the messengers?!" The commander was almost furious.

The grassroots and civilians do not know the details of the reason why the Theocracy launched a war against the elves, because the existence of the god-man is a certain degree of confidentiality, but as a commander, he will naturally know this.

"No, no, no, I don't remember doing such a thing. As the king of elves, I have been fulfilling the covenant. Aren't we going to fight against foreigners together? What's wrong with leaving humans with strong blood to me who also have strong blood?

?This will definitely give birth to powerful descendants. As long as there are descendants with strong bloodline and awaken strong strength in the struggle, they can stand at the top of the world. Can't the ultimate ideals you preached in the past be realized? Why not?

Got it! Stupid humans!”

There seemed to be some strange phenomenon outside the door, which made the Elf King frown.


"Wow, what this king said makes sense, I'm speechless." Outside the door, Crounpis, who had [perfet unknoable] turned on, was stepping on Frelia.

Watching the "speech" of the Elf King inside the door, he commented.

On the other side, the big goblin who was also using [perfet unknoable] also knocked down several guard elves.

They had to do this, and if they didn't, the elves who listened to the Elf King's "speech" seemed to be going crazy.

Thanks to the teleportation magic of the big goblin, they caught up with the elf king's action time in time, and then gathered together to let Crounpis activate the [completely agnostic] with the addition of [magic effect range expansion [iden agi]].

perfet unknoable]], watching the Elf King’s actions.

If the previous battle to annihilate part of the human army was okay for the elves who might soon have to fight with humans, then the "speech" just now shocked the elves themselves.

In fact, the Elf King also plans to give the female elves who can greatly improve their strength in the war the "supreme" reward of giving him a child. This has not been revealed yet. If he knew about it, what would the commander of the Theocracy and even the elves think?


"Because of these idiots, the Elf King discovered us." The big goblin stepped on the several elves who were piled on top of each other and said.

[Perfet unknoable] can indeed block almost all perception methods. Only by using very advanced detection magic can one detect the target. The prerequisite is to know that the other party has used [Perfet unknoable].

unknoable]], the very few shortcomings are that you cannot perform offensive actions during the use of this magic, it will become invalid once it is used, and it cannot shield the external physical phenomena caused by itself.

Just now, there were elves who were eager to attack the Elf King directly. As a result, Crounpisi and the big goblin had to take action to stop them without attacking. However, even knocking them all over at once could not stop them from attacking.

There was dust on the ground.

The Theocracy, can't you clean the ground properly?

(to be continued)

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