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Chapter 142: The Opinions of Different Historians

A hundred days, a hundred years, a million battles.

This is what human historians call this war.

It's not that the war lasted for a hundred years, just a hundred days, but that the most important influencing factor of this war, in addition to the conventional factors such as the population, resources, technology, political system, religious beliefs and other factors of each country, the most important influencing factor is probably the continuous bringing of external forces.

The "hundred-year aftershock" of the unknown.

However, it is true that the number of participants in the war was approximately one million.

660,000 from the Kingdom of Riestij, 70,000 from the Bahas Empire, 60,000 from the Holy Kingdom of Roble, 50,000 from the Silian Theocracy, 40,000 from the Temple, 20,000 from the Dwarf Kingdom, 20,000 from the Demihuman Tribe, and 20,000 from the Holy Fairy Kingdom.

The palace has 10,000, the ocean tribe has 10,000, and the elven kingdom has 1,000.

The armies of these countries and tribes are not the only ones participating in the war. The Beyonders are: the high-ranking goblins of the Goblin Temple, the Knight King of the Holy Kingdom, the Dragon Queen of the Dragon Kingdom, the high-ranking angels of the Theocracy and the so-called "Thirteen Heroes"

"People associated with the Council also participated in this war.

Although there is no extreme loss of life caused by the massacre at the rear of the Beyonder, what does this mean?

The upper fairies of the Fairy Temple and the Knight King of the Holy Kingdom represent the indirect products of the world's fourth "Hundred Years Aftershock". The weapons displayed by the "Thirteen Heroes" and those related to the Council of Nations are from the legacy of the second "Hundred Years Aftershock"

, the high-ranking angels of the Theocracy are the orthodox successors of the world's first "hundred-year aftershock".

The Transcendents had little impact on the outcome of the war, but they represented the absolute driving force for the development direction of all parties in the war. Therefore, the outcome of this war re-changed the spheres of influence of the different human countries supported by the Transcendents, which was equivalent to deciding

The direction of the development of civilization in human countries for at least two hundred years.

Yes, it is a human country supported by transcendents.

Because the first and second "hundred-year aftershocks" liberated a small number of humans from the status of livestock and slaves, and pulled the dragon tribe from their status as world rulers, giving different races a chance to compete with each other, only then did humans have the opportunity to dominate a corner of the continent.

Develop civilization.

For nearly three hundred years, the human countries surrounded in the most comfortable center gradually forgot that they were once cattle slaughtered by all other civilized races in the world, and instead absurdly proclaimed themselves human supremacy.

The peripheral human countries bordering the foreign races have mostly gone through the baptism of war and gradually integrated with the foreign races. They may have a smaller population because of this, but they are extremely powerful. With a military strength that can reach six figures, they easily defeated the army in a hundred days.

A human supremacist country twice as big as theirs.

Although the army composed of alien races also had a certain impact on the war situation, it was just the icing on the cake. Even without them, as long as the Transcendents did not intervene in conventional wars, the final winner would still be the human country that practiced racial integration.

"Day" is just removed.

Apart from the significance of changing the division of forces and the balance of power between countries, the greatest significance of this war is that it made most of the overly comfortable human beings recall the fear and vigilance caused by alien races and death. It also made human beings understand why they are qualified to have high

The civilization based on livestock was still maintained after the departure of the six gods who civilized mankind and the eight kings of desire who ruled the world, and became more united and enterprising.


Humanity's Hundred Days War.

War is a common occurrence between countries across the continent. Every hundred years, countries will rise or decline, or new countries will be established and old countries will perish.

From a common sense point of view, it is obvious that humans are basically livestock that are commonly raised as food and slaves in various continental countries, so this event called the "Hundred Days of Humanity" seems a bit childish.

However, this is not the case.

There are indeed several countries dominated by the human race in the northwestern part of the continent. According to the common sense of all countries in the world, those areas were originally wild lands for livestock grazing by the three major Western countries and the current Lionheart Kingdom of the orcs - of course, this is not the case.

The human beings there have a level of civilization that is no less than or even slightly higher than that of most countries on the mainland.

The fact that humans can reach this height is not due to natural development, but due to the indirect or direct impact of the "hundred-year aftershocks" coming, just like the changes to the world in the era of the Six Great Gods and the Age of the Eight Desire Kings.

Human beings with different beliefs, and human countries that have been affected by different "hundred-year aftershocks" and have taken different development paths, have broken out into a war that is no less than a national annihilation war between the major powers of the Central Continent, and has even been directly involved in the Central Continent.

A country that only maintains trade, religious and other exchange relations with the Western Continent.

Due to the remote location and lack of information, more detailed details are difficult to verify, but it is said that the total number of troops mobilized by all parties is approximately one million.

The military strength of various human countries is more than 900,000. In addition, the Dwarf Kingdom has 20,000, the Kingdom of Titania has 10,000, the Principality of Randy (the name of the mermaid in the central continent, and the name of Naga on the coast of the western continent) has 10,000, and the Kingdom of Avasha

(the Central Continent’s name for the Elf Kingdom), one thousand, and a combined army of 20,000 composed of many other common races in the Central Continent.

As well as the combat power of all parties to control the country, a general war was launched to rival the Dragon King's Transcendent.

The largest war that has occurred in the Central Continent recently was the war of annihilation launched by the Cantein Empire against the Oga Kingdom. The total number of participants in the war was only about 600,000, and the eight strongest warriors were only capable of fighting against an old dragon.


Even though it was such a war, it was clear that the Transcendents of each country abided by the rules of war and fought many battles alone without committing the despicable act of massacre in the rear. However, the time spent in this war was only a mere hundred days.

Judging from the number of soldiers and materials used and the number of participating countries, it is not surprising that the war should have lasted for more months, or even counted in years. A war of this scale cannot end early.

However, excluding various factors, the actual time spent in the battle is less, and the losing side is the side with the advantages in resources, geography, and personnel, and the military and technical disadvantages are not significantly different in theory.

And this is the reason why the "Hundred Days of Humanity" was specifically recorded.

All the correct reasons still need to be studied by scholars and experts. Perhaps a historical event called the "Industrial Revolution" in the Western Continent played a certain role, but the two reasons currently generally recognized are: First, inferior creatures do not deserve to have it.

The thinking of superior creatures is a sign of destruction; secondly, the main subjects of the war are just human beings.

The "Hundred Days of Humanity" was adapted into children's stories and various novels, and the poems were published and sung.

It is precisely because the main subject of this war is human livestock - in the eyes of the people of the Central Continent, it is similar to a dog fighting match with a scale of a million times, so the authors of stories and novels can speak freely without worrying about the taboos and conflicts between different races on the mainland.

written locally.

(to be continued)

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