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Chapter VI Hollit Medical Devices Co., Ltd.

Sasuke recalled the different attitudes of different Otsutsuki towards humans like them, and asked Moo Othime: "Is it possible that the Otsutsuki clan is still divided into factions?"

The only ones who arrogantly want to make this world a seedbed are Otsutsuki Momoshiki and Jinshiki. The others seem to be able to talk to each other, and they don't feel the will to fight with death. Kaguya can barely speak,

Although Urashiki was Momoshi's ally, he refused to save her when she was in danger. He was very talkative and humorous with humans, and he never killed anyone during the battle.

"Huh? It seems that you are all of the same mind? Why do humans who have never been integrated into one think that we are a perfect whole? How can we accept the definition of 'perfect' that has no room for evolution? It's really strange.

What about my thoughts, human being, you succeeded in amusing me." Moo Otohime covered her mouth and laughed.

"Do you know Urashiki?"

"More than just acquaintance? Xiao Pupu can be considered my former partner."

"Don't you have a different view of humans than Momoshiki and the others?"

"It is indeed different. Planting the sacred tree is naturally the same. After all, we and our family both need chakra. But the methods are different. In your words, the Tao style and the gold style are the schools that use all the water to fish, while the Wu and Ura styles are the schools of thin water. But as long as

It will threaten you, and there must be no possibility of peace talks, right? Ninjas like you have thought that you have dominated the world with your own strength for thousands of years. Hehehehe."

"Peace talks? Do you mean you plan to talk? Then please put my village down first, otherwise there is no possibility of talks as you said." Naruto is ready to sacrifice for the village at any time, which does not mean that he has no confidence in his own strength.

If you don't have confidence, why didn't you just suppress Shiro Otohime the whole time? But as Hokage, he must also consider the village.

"Okay." Mootouhime snapped her fingers, and the village in the sky began to slowly descend. During this period, she continued, "I heard that she has recovered part of her strength with the help of the small sacred tree obtained by my other companions, so she can get rid of you.

Naturally, the hostage that he had worked so hard to capture was useless.

"Our request is very simple. As long as Otsutsuki from the Zeze and Fishermen sect does not come to this world, I hope that you will not easily enter into a life-and-death relationship. On the contrary, if our clan from the Zeze and Fishermen sect comes, kill them all without mercy.

Hee. Okay, we’ll see you later——”

Moo Otohime quickly turned her back to the other ninjas, and without worrying about Hinata's eyes, she jumped on the spot and flew quickly in the opposite direction to distance herself.

"Wait!" Naruto's body began to sink slightly——

Moo Otohime turned around and flicked her sleeves, shot out six black sticks from the palm hidden in her sleeves, and unfolded the cubic seal barrier: "[Six Black Mist Formation]."

A huge dark barrier suddenly appeared and quickly enveloped the three of them.

"Can't see!" Hinata's eyes opened the pupil technique and stared, but the line of sight could not penetrate. The defensive power of this barrier is not strong against six-level ninjas, but it has the ability to block the pupil technique's sight.

By the way, this is produced by Orochimaru, so it must be a high-quality product.

By the time Naruto and Sasuke took a few seconds to tear open the barrier, Moo Otohime had already calmly activated [Yomi Hirazaka] and disappeared.

Naruto: "Damn it, Otsutsuki are all a bunch of guys who talk to themselves and don't listen to what others say?"

Sasuke: "Calm down, Naruto. This is a clan that treats people as seedbeds for planting trees, and treats all compatriots as food. Will Naruto still talk to ramen before eating?"

Naruto: "Yes."

Hinata: "...This is true."

Sasuke: "Well, when I didn't say...no, Konoha Village accelerated and fell!"

The huge golden Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara and the purple warrior giant rose into the sky and headed towards the fallen Konoha Village...

The process was thrilling and dangerous. Naruto and Sasuke had tried their best. Hinata and all the ninjas in Konoha Village also worked together to use ninjutsu to solidify the ground and buildings in Konoha Village and reduce the acceleration and deceleration of the fall as much as possible.

A magnitude 3 earthquake lasting tens of seconds was formed.

The village is fine and the villagers are safe, but the loss of some personal property is unavoidable.

Although Crounpis and Bai Yiji no longer want to do anything in this world, this muddy incident, coupled with the development of new media and the Internet, is still enough to make the mainland countries and the tailed beasts highly nervous.

It took a while, and various investigation organizations were running all over the place.


Guzhiguo, Hollitech Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.——

This is a legal enterprise opened by Himawari under the pseudonym "Hollett" to raise funds for various experimental research in this era where Akatsuki's identity and similar means cannot be used to make money. The number of employees is four figures.

It is also an important branch of the "Shell" organization, with a double-digit number of employees.

As the name suggests, it has brought considerable employment opportunities and tax revenue to this country in the valley, which is struggling to develop. Therefore, it has received high support from the daimyo, although in the past, other "shell" organization strongholds have been used to transport illegal research materials and employees have access to secrets.

He was forced to cause an accident and silenced it and was investigated, but with the protection of a famous person and quick remedial measures, he was not caught.

But now the troublesome investigators are here again.

"Why is it you again? Sarutobi Konohamaru of Konoha Village, even if the health tea and health snacks sold by our company and used to receive VIPs are delicious, you can't always come to my place and eat them in the name of investigation.

Let’s drink.”

In the VIP room, Himawaripi, who was sitting on the chairman's leather sofa, looked at Konohamaru and his teammates with a smile.

Were they really eating and drinking there, and at the same time they were testing poisons, trying to get some leverage?

I won't do such low-level things. If I were to poison you, you would fall down from the poison as soon as you step into the room.

Konohamaru put down the tableware and said to Himawari in a very friendly manner: "Oh, since your company has such good products besides medicines and medical equipment, I really hope that the Fire Country can also introduce them."

"Thank you very much for your praise." Sunflower also smiled kindly, "It's a pity that the country where our company is located does not have railways, so transportation is not convenient. Exporting high-profit drugs and medical equipment is naturally not a problem, but these little things

If something with small profits comes to your Fire Country, you won't be able to make any money."

"As long as the daimyo of your country nods, our Seventh Generation Hokage will be very willing to help build roads. Like Hokage, I hope that everyone can interact harmoniously." Konohamaru was polite for a while, then changed the subject -

"So, why did your company acquire the materials and body tissues of Hashirama cells and Otsutsuki? It doesn't seem like you want to coexist peacefully."

Dare to say this, only if there is conclusive evidence...

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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