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Chapter 22 Banquet War Infernal Affairs

The Black Sacred Scripture, the strongest human force in the Silian Theocracy, only has a dozen people at most. Except for some special exceptions, no human can defeat them by their own ability, including Croyde, who claims to be bad at fighting.

Human beings have a 1 in 200 chance of acquiring natural powers, and 90% of them have the same powers. However, in the Theocracy where everyone has a household registration, it is quite simple to select suitable talents. Gram

Royed has the innate ability to sense the strength of other objects around his body. This is not the power of any magic system, and generally cannot be easily detected and counter-detected.

However, due to lack of strength, distance and accuracy are of course inversely proportional, and even if it cannot be easily detected and counterattacked, it will be blocked by some immune passive skills.

The dance between Diasha and Cloyed is not just a disguise, but also a linkage of abilities. Diasha, who is strong enough to ignore the "Destruction Dragon King"'s passive skills that invalidate any ability below level 90, takes advantage of the body to pass by.

At the moment of "Destruction of the Dragon King", Cloyed launched the innate power detection.

This is by no means something that can be done easily, but in fact it was finally successful.

[Before that, I have to talk about the vampire who destroyed the battleship and the miko from the Fairy Temple - the former is about the same as Yukari, and the latter is probably a little stronger than our captain.] Cloyed is

Think so.

Everyone in the Theocracy knows about the God War. This level is enough to make people breathe heavily, but it is not enough to overturn their sanity.

[There are also some non-human beings who are invited to the banquet... they are almost as strong as us, I mean they may include being fully armed. 】

Being fully armed with the Black Sacred Code refers to wearing all kinds of high-end equipment left by the six gods. The strength must be much higher.

[Especially that spar fairy, is she performing and showing off? 】

[Indeed, being able to turn a candlestick into a diamond is really a good ability, but that ability may also make weapons, armors and magic items useless like that. It seems that the 'Destruction Dragon King' is not only powerful but also

He has a good eye for choosing his subordinates, which is really tricky.】

[Although I know that the focus is still on ‘destroying the Dragon King’, but…………]

【Just say it, we won’t be surprised no matter what it is.】

[In fact... maybe even stronger than Seraph. Not just her, but also the Holy Father who dances with her... In other words, the power of Seraph is at least within the scope of our knowledge, but they have other specifications.

It’s become stronger.]

In short, it's like someone who can do arithmetic but doesn't understand exchange rates has no real sense of the difference between 800 million euros and a billion dollars.

Therefore, the envoy of the Theocracy, who claimed that he would never be surprised, immediately broke his promise and revealed his surprise——

[Wait...wait, wait, wait, stop, this is really unbelievable. Didn't it mean that Seraph can rival our gods, the Eight Desire King and the True Dragon King? Wouldn't that--]

[I think so, but I will just tell you the results of my observations.]

[Even Seraph... not to mention that it is not a power that can be used easily. The cost of using it once is not small. Could it be related to the incompatibility of abilities, as well as equipment and props? Our country's historical data records that God and the Dragon King were

The war between them is also confusing.】

[This is none of our business. I am only responsible for the report. The rest are the work of the brains. But in short, I suggest that it is better to give up the tit-for-tat policy with the 'Destruction Dragon King'. Don't do it just because you have developed the Angel of Possession.

It’s too indulgent of power.]

[I will report it. I believe that the higher-ups are not fools seeking their own destruction.]

At this time, Diatha patted Cloyed on the shoulder to signal that he was coming.

[Stop, the communication ends here.]

"Ah, everyone from the Theocracy." Crounpis also looked like she was enjoying the banquet. She raised the glass elegantly with one hand, and held a fork in the other hand and slowly moved the snake steak on top little by little.

Deliver by mouth.

"There are a lot of delicacies here made from rare ingredients that pure humans cannot easily obtain. How do you feel about seeing the power of many races?"

"Well, it's an eye-opener, but we humans are by no means your slaves. In many ways, they have to rely on human abilities." The Theocracy's envoy said.

"That's right, and you guys aren't bad either. In terms of combat capability, this one is quite strong." Clawnpis walked into Diasha, ate the snake steak in one go like noodles, put down her fork and stretched out her hand.

, “Come and shake my hand?

Seeing their hesitation, he added: "It won't be like Eucalyptus and Cattleya. It's not a vicious hand, it's just a handshake."

They winked a few times and didn't even dare to shake hands. Not only did they appear weak-minded, but they were also cowardly and arrogant.

After getting the instruction, Diasha stretched out her hand.

"Bang." Crounpis clasped his hands together.

[You...really, it turns out, ah, this, this is, my uneasy mood turns out to be...]

Deyasha trembled, her eyes widened, and she gasped for breath.

[Don’t say anything, don’t do anything, give me whatever you can. Then forget everything again.]

Crownpis let go of her hand, and Diasha staggered, holding on to the table and almost falling to the ground.

"What did you do!" Croyde supported Deiyasha and asked sternly. Although as a member of the Black Sacred Code, he knew the truth about Deiyasha, but with the "personality" given by this "beautiful city", he still regarded her as a companion from the bottom of his heart.


"Hahahaha, I only said that I don't want to imitate the Elf King sister and I don't need to use strong poison. No one said that I won't show you some other colors. She is the strongest among you, right? She can't even withstand the pure magic shock.

I think peace would be great for you guys. Hahahaha." Crownpis grabbed the barbecue plate and wine bottle on their table and left with a smile.

"Damn it, so arrogant!"

"But she has the strength and capital, so we really shouldn't directly antagonize her now."

"Diasha, are you okay?"

"Hmm...it's okay." Deiyasha soothed her physical discomfort while wondering, did something else happen during the magic shock just now?

[How do you feel about using her as your opponent?] Cloyed continued with the communication magic and asked.

[I was careless just now. In a head-on battle, I won't be so rude, but I definitely can't win. If I use my trump card, even if I can't win, it will be easy to greatly increase her battle losses and make her feel sick for a while.] Deiyasha replied.

[No, that trump card must be kept. Assuming that humans are really driven to a dead end by the power of that monster, if the 'Destruction Dragon King' cares about the faith he has gained, he has to think carefully about it. 】

(to be continued)

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