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Chapter 35 The First Line of Defense: The Garden of Void

After Momonga and Mordred entered the house, they looked around the house. There were no lighting fixtures in sight, but the windows on the roof of the small foreign-style building were almost level with the tree tops of the jungle outside and were not blocked. The sunlight coming in illuminated every room in the house.

There are simple wooden furniture such as tables, chairs, and cabinets in the corner, but there are no other utensils visible. It doesn't look like a place where you live for a long time.

Momonga sat down on the chair. Although his butt was made of bones, he knew from experience that it was not very comfortable even for humanoids. In short, it was full of temporary taste.

"I've kept you two waiting..." Tilini's face quickly stiffened when she brought out the snacks and water glasses.

Momonga followed his gaze and turned back, just in time to see Mordred wearing full armor for some reason, digging into the wall with his metal-gloved fingers, and scraping off a lot of stone powder.

"Hey..." Momonga made a speechless voice.

Mordred turned around and stood there.

[Sorry, Momonga. I always feel a sense of incongruity when I come here, so just let me keep it like this for now. 】

[Mordred, it’s not surprising that this time and place feels incongruous, but it’s not surprising that there are things in different countries that outsiders don’t understand, right? 】

It's not that Momonga was careless, but he used magic to detect all the equipment here, and there really was nothing that could threaten them.

"Sorry," Momonga turned to Tilini and apologized, "As you can see, travelers with strong warriors like us are always vigilant and did something rude. If we just lowered our heads and helped repair the wall in your house,

To the extent that I can ask for forgiveness, I would like to apologize here."

"No, no, I can just do it myself. Anyway, I'm a little worried about letting outsiders do this kind of thing." Tilini quickly put down the tray with an apologetic smile, waved her hands repeatedly, and said politely, "But having said that, this knight is still

You really have a pair of powerful armor. You must be a very powerful warrior, right? Although I have heard that some disabled children inherit equipment from their fathers, but you also look very powerful."

"Hmph, of course." Mordred immediately interrupted Momonga before she could speak, seeming to have forgotten her identity.

"Well... the mask and costume of this 'father' are also very good." Tilini continued to praise, making some flexing movements with her body.

Momonga immediately felt that the other party was trying to determine his background based on his clothing, but that didn't seem to be the case, because Tilini was posing for a photo while talking.

"Well, Tilini, your dress is also very beautiful, isn't it? It suits your appearance very well."

"Thank you very much. What do you think about this?" Tilini suddenly pointed at her face even more enthusiastically.

"Well... compared to humans and other humanoid races, they are indeed very beautiful." While Momonga continued to praise politely, he secretly thought that this guy seemed to feel a little too good about himself.

Although the clothes seem to be made of plants growing directly along the body into that shape - it feels like the square fruits that Momonga heard about in his previous life were placed in a square transparent box to maximize the use of storage space.

Even that pretty face is a human skin mask, but it must have taken a lot of effort to select the production materials and post-makeup. This is a race that is good at drawing materials from Lin He's beauty.

"Thank you for the compliment, please use it, both of you." Tilini took advantage of her happiness to pour drinks into two cups and pushed them to the opposite side.

The room was soon filled with a floral scent.

"Please use."

"Oh, no, I'm not hungry or thirsty. Please don't bother."

Momonga raised his hand and said that he didn't need it. His entire body was just a skeleton and he couldn't eat or drink at all. In fact, he couldn't help eating or drinking once. However, besides being unable to swallow and letting the food fall from his jaw, he couldn't feel the taste at all.

. Even if it is food from the realm of the immortal, he is an immortal without a tongue and esophagus, so he still cannot eat it - at most he can smell it. This is really a ridiculous story.

But Tilini seemed to have misunderstood. She picked up a glass and took a sip. She smiled bitterly and said: "You can't poison, how vigilant can you be?"

But it was Mordred who took a bite first, then uncharacteristically sat down and started to devour it.

[What about the vigilance you promised?]

[It doesn’t matter, at least there is no problem with this in my gut, and the taste is okay. 】

Momonga saw Tilini's face becoming more and more stiff, and even though he had the possibility of fighting to the death on the country's stand, he became more and more apologetic. Tilini was not hostile, and she probably didn't know about the fight between the country's big shots and him.

Love, it's like this in any country. He received guests so carefully, but ended up being so rude. Maybe it was Momonga's mistake to refuse drinks and snacks in advance when he knew he couldn't eat but didn't expect Tilini's enthusiasm.

However, the next response will not change. Momonga has not forgotten that he is not traveling for leisure but has a purpose.

When the other party is kind to you, it will be a little more difficult to make demands yourself. Although you can easily control the other party with spiritual magic, if a trigger is created, it will directly evolve into a national wanted manhunt, and then a country that has established diplomatic relations with Titania.

Putting wanted posters on them all will cause a lot of trouble in their future lives.

However, if the other party thinks that it is part of the job now, just like a receptionist or a ranger with Titania's salary, and is dedicated enough, then you will most likely be able to get the result if you ask questions that are not excessive.

Be satisfied.

"So...can you tell me something about this place?"

"Yes, I'm very happy." Tilini agreed happily. In Momonga's eyes, she was a bit like the kind of person who doesn't talk to outsiders for a long time, but can talk for most of the day when she does.

More than two hours later——

"Hey, how could this happen?" Momonga made a feeble voice.

"What's wrong?" Tilini seemed to be getting more and more uneasy. She leaned forward slightly and asked, "Did I do... anything to make you unhappy?"

"No, it's nothing, I was talking to myself. Sorry for making weird noises."

Momonga heard a lot of information, but it wasn't much compared to the outside world's evaluation and knowledge of Titania. What was extra was probably the living environment and conditions of Tilini and her people and friends.

It's like getting information from a border village of a certain country.

By the way, Mordred has already cleared away the drinks and snacks.

"Forget it, let me get straight to the point and say hello." Mordred turned the cup he had just drank from a little loudly and asked loudly, "What should we do if we want to visit this country?"

Momonga did not stop this "discourtesy". The previous apology can be regarded as foreshadowing. The responsibilities of the white-faced and red-faced ones have been assigned.

"No...I don't know about that." Tilini really didn't know. She was just one of the many plant-based monsters responsible for sending away intruders and enjoying the intruders.

(to be continued)

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