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Chapter 53 Do Goat People Eat Goats?

Ri Yestyje——

Sariel, whose race is the Dismolin flower, strolls through the streets of the busiest city in the western part of the Bahas Empire.

Twenty years ago, this place was the royal capital of the Kingdom of Li Yestije. Of course, it is now just a large city named Li Yestije. On the high ground in the center of the city, the magnificent original royal city stands on it. It is said that the empire at that time

The emperor was very dissatisfied that the city could rival his own palace, but he was not so pedantic that he wanted to tear it all down to waste. He only demolished the parts of the city that had been damaged by the outer siege, and all the expensive decorations, sculptures, etc. that symbolized the kingdom were also demolished.

, and then planted trees around it - so that if part of it is covered, it won't look so grand and gorgeous.

Sariel agreed with this from the beginning. She also planted a circle of her own low-level people around it. By the way, she "lived" in the palace because she had a government job. To say "live" meant to ask for it.

The ownership of a mansion declares her existence in this city. If she wants to live there, for an indigenous plant monster like her, it is more comfortable to restore her plant form and take root in the soil.

At this time, since the power of the Fairy Temple in the land of the original kingdom is currently much lower than that of the Empire Center, she is receiving the invitation from the Fairy Temple because she has a relatively strong reputation among the indigenous residents of Titania.

Go on a business trip.

The pretty face of a carefully selected human skin mask, the "hair" made of moist petals, and the countless connected leaves forming a noble dress that covers the dress that moves forward with rhizome tentacles, make her very eye-catching on the street.

Although there are many ways to be inconspicuous, she feels good about herself and enjoys those gazes. Whether it is admiration or fear, it is an important survival aid for this race.

In a sense, it is also political propaganda: the empire is a country that implements the policy of harmonious coexistence of races. You former kingdom people, please adapt quickly. Therefore, eye-catching things that do not affect the city's production and living standards are allowed.

However, this beautiful and lovely appearance, coupled with her job title in human society and the human etiquette she had learned well, brought her some minor personal troubles.

At this moment, the least troubled one happened to meet him.

"Lord Sariel!"

Sariel looked at the human whom she met several times a day, standing at attention and facing it. The human skin mask showed a kind smile: "Panar, you are not wearing a uniform today, are you on vacation?"

This is a featureless young man who is common in the kingdom. His hair is too common blond hair, and he has a short crew cut that is easy to take care of. He is wearing the linen clothes of a commoner. There is nothing outstanding about him as a human being, and his knowledge is barely enough.

He is literate, and although his body is not weak and looks very healthy, he has not developed muscles that can reach level 10.

As for the connection between such a featureless human being and Sariel: he is one of the tombkeepers responsible for opening and closing the gate for Sariel when she enters and exits the cemetery she manages.

"Yes, it's vacation time now, but I will definitely work hard to not hold you back." He said very seriously.

"Well, come on, but you have to pay attention to keeping healthy." Sariel said with serious concern. If this person will become its food sooner or later, it will be better to be healthy.

"Yes, I will be careful not to force myself. Thank you, Sir Sariel, for your concern."

"That's right." Sariel took out a ticket from the small bag on her waist, "The opera I'm going to attend the night after tomorrow, are you coming?"


"You're welcome."

"Then I would rather obey your orders than be respectful. I will definitely support you."

"Thank you, would you like a sip?" Sally took out another wine bottle.

This is a magic jug that can pour out unlimited vine flower wine. It is delicious to Sariel's race and other monsters and demi-humans who live in the big forests and swamps. The highest level is not even level 15.

It will become a legendary "secret treasure passed down from generation to generation" among the race.

But they look delicious, as if humans, orcs and other humanoid races would spit them out if they were not mentally prepared for drinking.

Sure enough, Panal, who had been a victim before, swallowed his saliva and said hurriedly: "No... no, thank you for your kindness..."

"Ah," Sariel said as if she just remembered something important, "I'm on a business trip now. I shouldn't be late, right?"

"Oh, I'm very sorry. Then I won't disturb you on your business trip. See you in the evening!" Parnall saluted and walked past it into the background of the street.

"This kind of person is much better than those who flatter me." Sariel took a sip of vine flower wine, put the wine bottle back into her small bag and continued walking. After a while, she came to an adventurer's inn.

As a monster that will cause great harm to humans if it follows its instincts, she has no harmonious interactions with professional adventurers who kill monsters. The reason why she came here is because it is a very luxurious hotel. Needless to say, the house and stables.

, some of them are of high quality, the windows are made of 100% glass, and there is an open space in the middle for them to train and fight casually.

Not only for adventurers, this place is also the first choice for people with high combat prowess and wealth.

The person it wants to visit now does have the ability to quickly defeat this powerful native.

Walking into the store, after accepting the bows from the clerks on both sides, I looked towards the hall. There were two people sitting on both sides of a round table. One was short, with a dark hooded cassock tightly wrapped around his body, and his blond hair reflected the light--

The light emitted from the gems of the magic props is hidden behind a strange mask.

The other one is also wearing a hooded cloak, but the attire underneath is vaguely exposed. According to the aesthetics of the Central Continent, it is very fashionable, but the humans in this country may not accept it. Looking at the head and hooves below, you can tell that it is a goat man.

Eat a lot of meat.

Sariel took a curious look, and for the first time she knew that goats and goats had different diets and could eat meat.

So the question is, do goatmen eat goats?

But the goat man looked up at it first: "Hey, I don't know much about professions other than warriors, but you look quite strong."

"Oh, can you tell? She has good eyesight. She is with the girl I'm looking for?" Just when Sariel wanted to make a pose to attract the attention of the surrounding guests, she felt that all the surrounding sounds were far away.


"It's okay, it's just a boring soundproofing magic. Are you the messenger?" the short one said.

Sariel put her hands on her hips in disappointment and said: "Yes, I am. But even if you don't tell me about the soundproofing magic, I know that I am a first-class magic caster - except for those goblins and other transcendents."

(to be continued)

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