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Chapter 56 The Principality of Randy

Principality of Randy——

Feng Beast Nue, carrying a small satchel and riding a huge adult sea dragon, headed towards the country's city.

The sun is high in the sky, but the light here is not very good, but there is a sparkling dreamy scene because it is under the sea.

Nue, who was originally not good at swimming, could only use his back to continuously shake the three sickles and three arrow-like tentacles formed by his back. They operated like paddles and rudders. It was quite easy to use once he got used to it.

But if you mess up your rhythm after doing it for a long time, you may get knotted, so it’s better to just find a sea dragon and ride it.

Her species does not need to breathe, and the salinity of the sea water is low enough that she can drink it directly. This solves the problem of long-term movement, and she can move here without any hindrance.

The Principality of Landi is not a national organization in the strict sense today. On the world map, there is a large area with land on one side of the ocean and surrounded by two peninsulas and islands further outside the territory of the Holy Kingdom and the Review State. It is marked on the world map.

Got this name.

The rise and fall of countries in the world is inevitable. No historian seems to know why it was marked like this. The only thing that is known is that it was a name that appeared after the end of the Eight Desire Kings period. Later, because of that area, other races were once very excluded.

The human kingdom is blocked and no information is available, so the historians and geographers of the Central Continent have not made any changes. And this ocean now has a variety of civilized marine creatures living in various sizes or in mixed communities.

"Oh, oh, oh, I didn't expect there to be such a city under the sea."

Nue looked at the seabed in amazement. Can the stones from the seabed be used to build walls in places where streets and buildings are irregularly divided? It seems that there are many places that look like they are made of coral, especially the walls.

Around it, there is a coral circle that looks like a boundary.

However, Nue said to himself that it was a city, but it was still about the same size as a land-civilized town. It's just that being able to do this on the seabed would make creatures from land-based civilizations who don't understand the ocean think of ruins of cities submerged in the sea.

Of course, it was not a ruin, and Nue could clearly see the residents swimming in and out of the buildings.

"The size of the tribe is about nearly a thousand people."

Before he even got close, Nue saw a number of mermaids dressed as warriors swimming up to the perimeter, standing guard with weapons. Most of them were made of non-metallic materials, but two of them looked well-armed, and they were rust-proof metal weapons exported from the Dwarven Kingdom.

Their eyes all fell on the sea dragon under Nue.

"It's true that this guy is a bit too conspicuous. Okay, just stay here, otherwise my limelight will be stolen." Nue patted Hai Long's head and switched back to the swimming method of simulating the rotation of paddles with the tentacles on his back.

, came ten meters away from the mermaids, and shouted——

"Is this the tribe 'Blue Scale'? I am the beast-seal Nue from Titania. Is your wizard here? I want to see you. I have something important to ask for!"

After a while, a mermaid wearing a shawl embroidered with colorful patterns and holding a cane swam over with several other mermaids who seemed to be a bit powerful as natives, while looking at her and the sea dragon behind.

Although he didn't know what the fancy patterns were, looking at its position and the magic power contained in the shawl, Nue felt that the mermaid was of high status and had a lot of magic, so he took out a piece of paper with his name on it and took a look at it.

He shouted to the mermaid again: "Can I meet your family's shaman? Oh... the name, let me look at it again, oh, it's Lanlan Xizi Anrulu Lin... That's right.


There was a silence for a few seconds, because Nue's tone was so casual. Was it a lack of dignity, or was it the other way around that he was extremely arrogant and didn't take the mermaid seriously?

"We have been told not to neglect, come with me, I will take you to see our Master Zhu Wu." The fancy-dressed mermaid spoke.

"It's easy to meet big people in a small place like this. In a big country, if you have to meet someone according to normal rules, you may not have the chance to wait for half a month." Nue thought, and followed the mermaid to a tribe.

In front of a relatively tall building with many totem patterns, Nue was signaled to move forward alone.

Nue swam in and saw a door made of heavy stone. He thought it would be okay to open it casually, so he pushed the door, which weighed hundreds of kilograms, open.

I seem to see a water-driven magic device in the middle. Injecting magic power will make the water filling the space push open the door... Forget it, the door is already open anyway.

The room was very dark, with only the illumination of some kind of underwater luminous object. At the end of the room, I could vaguely see a fish tail that looked like a mermaid with its legs folded and lying on its side on the ground.

"No matter how high a mermaid's status is, it's difficult for her lower body to sit in a majestic and comfortable posture." Nue couldn't help but think this, and closed the door again from inside the room.

"Welcome, Titania's messenger. I am the witch Lanlan Xizi Anlulu Lin of the Blue Scale tribe... In land terms, should I call it the part-time job of the chief priest and deputy chief? I'm here for a surprise visit.

What's important?" The mermaid inside said calmly.

"I have two things to give you, one is a gift, and the other is something to give back to you. After all, this time we are asking for something from someone."

Nue put her hand into the small satchel and fumbled around for a few times before pulling out a long box big enough to put herself in, and placed it in front of Lan Lan.

Lan Lan placed her palm an inch away from the box and opened the magic circle. It should be a detection magic to confirm whether it was harmful, or it might be an identification magic. In short, Nue, who didn't know any magic, didn't recognize it.

"It turns out to be a mythical treasure with tenth-level magic sealed... Although I can't know the details right away due to my ability, it seems that the favor I need to sell is quite big."

"Then, don't you accept it?"

Lan Lan decided to take a look before making the next step. The moment she opened the box, her eyes were a little straightened. It was a trident. There was no need to identify it. Just from the metallic luster and the carved patterns and polished styles, she could feel it was amazing.

Extraordinary objects. Even ordinary objects, according to her knowledge, their artistic value is worth thousands of gold coins.

She had just identified the amount of information contained in this trident, and she could believe it even if it was said to be the artifact of the Six Gods and the Eight Desire Kings.

She couldn't help but reach out and touch this trident, which was regarded as a derogatory thing even if it was said to be a supreme treasure among the tribe.

The tenth-level magic was instantly unsealed, and certain memories kept pouring out of Lan Lan's heart. She froze for a moment.

Nue shook the tentacles on his back, crossed his chest and said proudly: "Long time no see, do you remember? Should I call you by your real name now?"

"Let's call her Princess Wakati... no, Wakagagi?"

(to be continued)

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