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Chapter 69 Momonga facing reality

Momonga felt powerless when he faced the hill dwarf woman who was afraid to obey him and the child who threw stones at him. He seemed to understand something, but he also didn't want to accept this extremely unlikely possibility.

"Come and see here, undead!" A hill dwarf man suddenly rushed over and threw a large bag at Momonga, causing dust to fill the air for a while.

"Ugh... Lime?" Momonga was stunned for a moment by the ordinary "attack" thrown by this ordinary-looking civilian.

In the dust, the male hill dwarf rushed over, picked up the woman, picked up the child, and fled quickly, turning into the intersection ahead.

The lime had no effect on Momonga's senses at all, and it was easy to catch up. But at this moment, Momonga was extremely embarrassed, opening his bone-mouthed mouth that looked like it would not be weird to dislocate at any time, and stood frozen in place.

It is impossible for a video game with complete stealth to do such 15X to 18X things. It is illegal. Even if it is an experience version or a beta version, no game company would dare to take risks in the gray area. Moreover, if the person I met just now

They are ordinary people. They are NPCs in games. How much memory is needed to make them so realistic? This level of realism is not impossible in the 22nd century. Momonga knows very well, but it is used to make games of this price.

, the game company is basically losing money.

In this way, the only possibility for this situation is that someone is causing trouble and has nothing to do with the game company. If this is the case, then you must subvert your previous ideas and think in other directions, otherwise you will never find the answer.

As for the other direction - even though I have felt that way for a long time, I really can't believe that this is really reality?

How is it possible? This is an event that is much lower than the probability of the game becoming realistic, right?

Of course, this can also be regarded as some kind of mischief: the unknown is X. Can we assume that there is

Momonga, who had the inertia of cautious thinking, thought about the existence he had fought with just now and what had just happened, and he had no feeling at all that he had been chosen for a good thing.

If it were realistic, his behavior just now was really a crime, right? In this case, what he just did cannot be easily solved by apologizing or kneeling and kowtow. Even if he was arrested by the police, it would be normal.

But are there police in this world? But since there is a city, shouldn't there be a guard system to maintain public order?

Moreover, those beings who came to kill him before did not hesitate at all when doing harm, and were very skilled. No matter how efficient they were in harming others, at least Momonga, a player who is good at finding winning opportunities, felt inferior to him. If they were players, after knowing that this was

In reality, he had no hesitation at all about killing. Even if his spirit changed - Momonga also noticed that his spirit was more like the undead setting, but he should have thought about the consequences of killing, such as the possible consequences after this commotion.

Being an enemy of the army, the country, a large organization, etc. In other words, the opponent's background in this world is enough to make him feel confident. Of course, he himself is special as an alien and the undead, and it is normal in this country to fight against aliens and the undead.

the possibility of something happening.

The information is overwhelmingly insufficient, and there are too many possibilities. It is no longer time to worry about where to save a file first, how to get out of here, how to sleep, and what to do at work.

Their reaction just now seems to be that they are afraid of the appearance of skeletons. Are the races with skeleton appearances considered villains in this world? After all, it is basically normal for skeletons to play villains in various works.

By the way, it seemed that I was under surveillance just now. Will this riot expose me again?

Anyway, run away quickly, collect information and put on a disguise next time.

By the time the guards who had made great sacrifices to suppress and eliminate the Mud Graeme and other monsters (actually disintegrated by themselves after exhaustion of their magic power) arrived, Momonga was no longer here.

The fact that the units she used to monitor several towns started rioting after Pachi was knocked down spread among the people, and Momonga was also blamed.

The costumed Momonga was never used again, so the incident eventually became a mystery and became one of the topics sung by the bards. But that’s a story for another day.


Catinias Mountains——

"You guy!" Jack the Ripper appeared as a middle-aged man, waving two daggers and cutting several zombies near him into pieces.

"What's wrong, Fool? With your extremely superb assassination skills, you have to kill me tens of thousands of times. How about showing some stronger martial arts skills? Or is this the only level you can do?"

"Ugh..." Jack made a very troubled sound.

"What's wrong? It's a rare game. I want to play it some more. Don't give up so easily. Hey!"

The giant emerged from the crowds of zombies and grabbed Jack in his hand while he was killing the zombies surrounding him.

"Hundan, let go, let me go! It hurts!" Jack struggled "desperately".

More zombies moved out of the way, and what appeared in the deepest part was a dragon that looked like a giant snake with bright and beautiful scales. Its blood-red vertical slit pupils looked straight at Jack.


Jack screamed in fear.

"Huhahahahahaha, it's such a pleasant scream. It seems that even the undead will make such a sound when they know that their death is approaching."

"Wait, wait. I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have the chance to steal all the living people into zombies... No, your property, I already understand. I am wrong, I am wrong,

Please forgive me!"

"Really? Then - I agree, you can be my jester."

Jack showed a somewhat happy and relieved smile. Of course, she knew what this kind of person would do next, just as she expected -

"As a jester, please perform your duties immediately and please me. Let me enjoy the screams of the stupid undead assassin whose soul was crushed -"

"Ahhhhh!" Jack's screams became hoarse and the pressure continued to increase.

It's not just squeezing, but it shouldn't feel like this to this extent. Jack feels that his clone's soul is also being squeezed. If it is squashed, Jack the Ripper's entire existence will be permanently weakened. Fortunately,

It's just a child's split soul, and with the power given to Jack by Bengyu, it doesn't hurt that this small piece of soul is crushed and dissipated. At most, the image of the man currently used cannot be used again.

Finally, here he has indeed disappeared from this world.

(to be continued)

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