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Chapter 9 Butterfly Storm

Crounpis found the most suitable child to take over the cause and effect she created in the forbidden world on her behalf, Alice No. 3, and gave her the tasks and precautions. After receiving the permission, she continued——

[Looking forward to you. Hmm... Let me think about it... If your life span is set to end between 1947 and 1955, there are very few people in this world who have the magic to stay young but their life span does not come with eternity, so

Except for the extra-human features of your appearance, there is no need to use illusions to constantly update it with the aging rate of human beings. That explanation is enough. The rest is up to you.]

【Okay, Dad.】

Alice No. 3, who had opened her eyes like a little rabbit before, has changed, like a magician who lost an important battle in life not long ago, something unexpected happened and is full of obsession.

A week later, Crownpis, who had a relationship with Flampis V. Gropius, visited Mina Mathers and "requested" to officially join the magic that had been severely damaged by Crowley and was in decline.

Association "Golden Dawn".

"Is this necessary?" Crounpis stared at a book that looked like a roster pushed over by Mina across the table.

Do magic associations still need to be like recruiting in the world? Although there is almost no need to fill in any personal information, and there is no need to reveal any magic information about yourself, your name and magic name are still required.

"Yes." Mina seemed to have no intention of answering any more.

In other words, is this common sense?

There are some other names on it, would it be weird if I declined?

Anyway, they are all made-up pseudonyms. Crownpis knew the meaning of the real name to the magician in magic, and even contained the meaning of the soul, but what she failed to understand was: regardless of whether the name is true or false, the user of the name only needs to exist in the world.

Therefore, there can be meaning associated with it.

But just in case, maybe writing on this book or using that pen has magical meaning in itself.

Crownpis excused herself to go for a walk and think about it before leaving. Alice No. 3 came over, picked up a quill that was not related to any magic, and wrote "flownpiece v. gropius" and "call666" on it.

This was a decision she regretted for decades.

Even a hundred years later it will become an interesting story in my memories.

Alice No. 3, who signed, asked a little reluctantly: "Do you really don't need to contact Ms. Sprengel for a casual chat? Even if she is difficult to find, the influential "Rosicrucian" is still easy to find.

After all, he is the contact person between Mr. Westcott and me."

"It is not suitable when the Golden Dawn is weak. After all, the Rosicrucian belongs to Germany."

"Humph, I am also of German descent." Alice No. 3 said.

Flampise v. Gropius, the full name is "Flamppiece von Gropius (flownpiece von gropius)", is related to the Junker aristocracy. After all, Flampise is a German fan.

Otherwise, the car used as a transportation vehicle for Midori would not have the shape and name of a tank from the German zoo during World War II.

In this regard, Mina's answer is that free magicians and magicians who have associations and are closely related to secular power can represent different meanings. Flappis belongs to the former, and Ms. Sprengel is the latter.


A few years later, Crowley, who was expelled from England and was living in Egypt, wrote the "Book of Laws". Crowley managed to learn about this and managed to seize it personally, but she was careful and her opponent had many plans.

In the case of , it failed.

After the end of World War I, a thin red-haired girl named Dionne Forchun was recruited into the "Golden Dawn". Crownpis confirmed that after Mina's various "education", although this person was still a

A new recruit, but to a certain extent, he could challenge the veteran magicians of the "Golden Dawn". At the same time, Alice No. 3 also fully adapted to this place, so he left the rest to Alice No. 3 and left on his own.

Go and transfer all the cause and effect you have established to Alice No. 3.

It would be great if the "Golden Dawn" magician named Flampis V. Gropius played by Alice No. 3 could get what she wants and return to "die of old age" peacefully. If she is killed midway,

It has nothing to do with Crounpisi anymore. It can be regarded as the official separation from the forbidden world.

However, even if Crownpis can control all the memories of Alice 3, he still cannot control all of her actions after she is no longer with her.

Although Alice No. 3's 100% loyalty and love will make the process work towards the results that Crownpis needs no matter what, the process is another matter.

Alice 3 completely complied with Crownpis's orders. The "individual" did not directly participate in any disputes that tried to take what he wanted. But if he doesn't participate, doesn't it mean that he can't manipulate the disputes from the outside? Human beings all value interests and power.

In the struggle for hegemony among the imperialist powers at the beginning of the 20th century, war was something that could easily turn into a raging flame from a spark.

She successfully used World War II to reveal information to the British Puritan Church so that they could defeat Crowley, and seized several copies of the original "Book of Law" and the Index of Forbidden Books of the British Puritan Church that were being collected by the Roman Orthodox Church.

After the original version of this grimoire, he became a public enemy and was jointly attacked by dozens of saints and God's right-hand men. He was seriously injured and fled in a panic. Later, information about his death was revealed.

However, the historical events triggered in order to achieve the goal will be recorded in the annals of history forever, even in the surface world that has no connection with magic for a while, and even appear in history books, textbooks around the world, and even in future video games, movies, and original novels.

Its subject matter and shadow.

The subsequent consequences for Crounpith across the plane are——

The foreign object that appeared in the "Hundred Years Aftershock" is very interested in Crounpith and has the possibility of becoming friends, but it is an object that will turn the planet into cosmic garbage if it is not careful. If it is not restrained, it will turn it into cosmic garbage.

Compared with Otsutsuki, whose planetary life has been drained, it seems a bit weak.

Unlike the monster with the same general name that was eliminated by the "Thirteen Heroes", it has attributes defined as undead in the Overlord's world view, but it has a strength that cannot be matched by the undead above the tenth level - an existence called the Demon God.


Crounpis has never interacted with the demon god in the forbidden world. Alice 3 follows Crounpisi's order and will never interact with the demon god.

This is just the pseudonym that Cronpis gave herself, and the impact of Alice 3 on history, which is slightly in contact with Aleister Crowley's "plan" to destroy the magic side and the magic side's offense and defense.

An inconspicuous spark produced a prairie fire, and under the hurricane caused by the flapping of the wings of a small butterfly in the distance, it spread to the forest across the river.

(to be continued)

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