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Chapter 11 Accelerator Adventures

Accelerator showed an expression of not knowing what to do.

He didn't know that there were standard rules for handling intruders in this secret experiment. When he saw the intruders, he was at a loss. It was different from the assembly line killing of clones worth 180,000 yen each. If

If clones are not defined as humans, Accelerator is just an outstanding high school student who has never killed anyone directly. Therefore, he was at a loss for a while.

"Hey, if you don't kill her, you will die yourself. No matter how bad you say and irritate her, she won't beg for mercy. I don't think her life will feel the temperature for something like that to happen." Although there was no such thing in the dead of night.

They couldn't see each other under the street lights, but Accelerator heard these words.

"Huh?" Accelerator didn't believe his ears for a moment.

Not to mention the ordinary people who encountered the so-called "murder incident", even the lowlifes who challenged him in various ways because he was the "strongest" existence saw their teammates or other competitors being beaten like this by him.

was seriously injured, and no one had ever said such words to encourage Accelerator to kill.

"You... are quite interesting." Accelerator stepped forward, causing a shower of debris from the asphalt pavement to fly out, and his body was ejected towards the opponent.

The distance was closer, and in the darkness, he finally saw clearly that this was a red-haired girl in a short red yukata. Whether it was natural or dyed, red hair was quite rare in this city.

This was just Accelerator's intention to scare the other party, because her words made Accelerator very unhappy, and that was the reason.

However, Accelerator was even more unhappy because the other party actually showed a confused expression. Is what he was doing confusing rather than scary? How could this work? What if people were not afraid of his power because of his "strongest" title?

And the troubles that come to him will continue to arise.

He added the super power of "vector change" to his hand and swung it towards the red girl's face, intending to leave a moderate injury on an important part of her to teach her a lesson.

However, the other party turned slightly and took a step to the side to avoid it.

"What? This speed... my current speed is comparable to that of a rocket. Is there anyone with the ability to increase speed? It seems interesting."

For Accelerator, speed-based ability users were also more troublesome to those who found trouble in the past, because the opponent could slip away quickly.

Anyway, Sister Misaka will die soon, and the experiment will be completed automatically - he knows this very well after killing Sister Misaka more than 9,000 times, so he simply leaves it alone and catches the red girl for fun.


"Haha, you actually challenged the 'strongest' me! Isn't that how you feel confident that you will never be caught by me?"

"It's rare that I'm not in the mood to fight, but the fight comes to me. Hahaha, should I say lucky or unlucky? Haha." The other party said, not as calm as he thought.

The strong wind caused by "vector change" blew away sand and rocks, but failed to touch the red girl at all.

"...You seem to be quite strong, but what's going on with this move? Are the little gangsters more agile than you? It's rare that I don't want to fight. I just think this is a good place to ask some special questions, so I won't disturb you from killing.

Can you stop first? Listen to someone, hey!" the red girl said, punching Accelerator on the cheek.


Accelerator felt relieved for a while. The sound must be that the opponent's arm had been broken, but why was he pressing his face to the ground? Was he knocked down by the punch just now? How is it possible? The opponent's arm was indeed broken, then

Why is he still being affected by the force?

Wait, what is this around? Flame? Magma? Is it actually a scorching ability user? Does the speed of the explosion also depend on the rocket principle? No, this still doesn't explain how he was knocked to the ground.

He immediately activated his ability to wash away the lava and flames that were trying to wrap him up. He stood up and saw that the other party had put his seemingly dislocated arm back on without changing his expression. He said with a smile: "You... are really interesting. You can say that kind of thing."

It’s okay if people don’t show mercy.”

"So, I'm going to ask questions about what's beneath the surface of this city. Although it seems like I've found the right person... is he a fighting maniac? Could it be that, unlike the streets outside, this is a place where you can fight casually

? Hahahaha."

"It's true that it's a testing ground where you can fight casually!" Accelerator stepped on the ground again and leaped towards the red girl.

The arms that can transform into human-exploding weapons at the slightest touch draw complex orbits as if holding different weapons on the left and right, like poisonous snakes.

However, what makes Accelerator a little panicked is that the opponent is not an eel, so why can he hide so easily by bending around there?

"Well, could it be that you are actually very weak? Because I just broke my arm, I misunderstood your strength? Hahahaha?" the red girl sneered.

"Crack!" Accelerator felt a sharp pain in his stabbing hand, which almost made him scream. If there was no "vector change" to exert a passive reflection effect, I'm afraid this hand would be gone, right? Calculate

Accelerator, who has extremely high power, will reach this point immediately.

"I didn't expect that I would become a teacher one day? It's good. Guan Shou is very useful, but it's really easy to hurt your hands when you use it like this. You know? Guan Shou is like this - [Fire Release·

Fire Strike]!"

Feeling the power contained in the closed fingers, it was a more mysterious power that was difficult to calculate in a moment. Accelerator hurriedly calculated and calculated, and then got the most correct way to deal with it - narrowly avoiding it and retreating

He distanced himself and immediately became confused by his behavior. Why did he, the "strongest" one, want to retreat?

The wave of air created by the rough and rapid retreat using the "vector change" swayed the ends of the hair of Accelerator and the red girl opposite. So Accelerator came up with a good idea.

Using his hands as claws, he grasped the air and manipulated the airflow, forming a high-speed rotating vortex in his hands and threw it towards the red girl.

"You were ten years earlier than you were making balls. [Fire Release·Dayu Rasenwan]."

As soon as the two explosive vortexes of colorless and red came into contact, Accelerator's vortex, which he thought was enough to destroy a building, rolled up the flames on the opposite side, escaped his calculations, and swept toward him.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't reflect! He could only defend himself. Not only that, but feeling a little short of breath, he realized for the first time that he might suffocate. He immediately retreated sharply again, leaving the anoxic zone that was about to be formed.

"Not bad, not bad. I really almost died just now. You are the first person in the world who almost killed me!" Accelerator became excited despite being frustrated one after another.

(to be continued)

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