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Chapter 25 Transcendent Kill

Before leaving for the Dragon Kingdom, Crownpis stopped by the Katz Plains to check out the threats that Ibiruai and Wakagi-hime briefly mentioned.

However, I didn't expect to bump into a guy whose level was close to 100.

Although one level is over 80, and several fairies over level 60 and 70 are put together, there is no chance of winning against this "wild monster" that seems to have no tactics, but it is not without a chance of defeat.

Crounpis is not a fighting-blooded person. Although she has never fought in the past, except for the forced battles, she only chooses to take the initiative when she is completely crushed. In fact, she would rather leave it to other fairies to do this.


Therefore, just a problem of this magnitude made Crounpis think, "Why is this so unlucky?"

Please, can anyone tell me the spoilers? Although it would be very boring to watch movies and novels if they are spoiled, but if all this becomes a reality, then spoilers are very welcome, and the value is not too high.

Ah, if Desan got the future history, he might be able to drive leopard 2 and me262 early, build an atomic bomb, punch the Soviet Union and kick the United States.

He made a joke just now, and now he continues to make a joke. Crounpis, who had just made a joke to himself in his mind and prepared to continue making a joke, was now surprised that he still had time to make a joke to himself.

This is not a tongue twister, this is the state of mind of Crounpisi now.

Obviously the opponent's level is 95, which is much higher than here, so he should be nervous, but now Crounpisi can't be nervous anymore.

The light and flames exhausted the magic power of the attack and quickly receded, revealing the seemingly unharmed stone lion.

However, the stone lion did not make any new movements, it just looked at the bone dragon that had risen in the sky.

"Pissy, why don't we keep attacking here, maybe we can knock it down?" Star suggested.

"I agree. After all, the bone dragon's time in the air is infinite. Dad, come on." Granbell also waved her pink fist enthusiastically and pointed her finger at the staring stone lion on the ground, "!"

A small, swaying black flame appeared on her fingertips, as if it would be extinguished if she blew it. It fell like a free fall and landed on the stone lion, which was completely unaware of dodge.

The flame was ridiculously small, but it spread instantly and engulfed the stone lion.

This is a pretty good flaming attack magic in the necromantic system. According to the setting, it can burn the attached thing before it is extinguished. If it is a living person, even the soul will be burned out, but only

Limited to objects directly hit by the small fireball, the spreading black flames only cause fire damage.

However, now that it had directly hit the stone lion, it should be... However, the flames eventually went out on the surface of the stone lion.

"." Luna began to confirm the damage caused to the enemy by each goblin after attacking, and couldn't help frowning, "The effect is very poor, but if it can't come up, we will win sooner or later."

"I see, that's why I'm not nervous? It should be said that I've felt it for a long time, but I just haven't made it clear enough. Then let's do this." Crounpis was stunned for a moment, then nodded happily and asked, "How's the damage?


"I don't know. It seems that he was injured in the first place. But now he still has 97% HP."

"Then, let's attack with all our strength again, let's go." Crounpisi commanded on her own, and threw down another wave of fruits.





These magics do not conflict with each other, and there is no weakening of each other. Red, holy white, translucent, and pitch black attacks take turns bombarding the stone lion.

The stone lion seemed to be making a sound of anger or anger, but it still looked helpless.

"Probably, one percent was consumed just now. The defense is quite strong."

"No way, we just attacked with all our strength. Even if you are level 100, you shouldn't be so unreasonable, right?" Granbell grinned.

"Our magic power is not enough to support a hundred consecutive rounds of special moves." Sunny also helplessly spread her hands.

"Sigh." Crounpis sighed and sat on the bone dragon's back which made her butt very uncomfortable. "Be prepared to take one day of fighting and one day of rest, and repeat a few rounds."

five days later

In the end, the stone lion was brutally dismembered after rounds of magic bombardment by the goblins. The stone was completely shattered, revealing a robot-like structure inside, which was also divided into several pieces.

"Make sure it's safe, and I'll collect them separately." Crounpith jumped to the ground and put different parts into different infinite backpacks.

It's rare to see a "serious" machine, and it would be a waste to completely dismantle it into parts.

"Really, if Pisi showed up directly two days ago and fought with this guy, we could have solved it faster. Pisi is such a coward." Star flew down and laughed.

"Hmph, if you have the ability, come and try it. I know I have more HP and a larger body, but I'm not using it as firewood." Crounpis took up his hands and said breathlessly.

"Yes, yes, we are much weaker than Pisi, don't you dare." Star chuckled and waved her hands.

This always seemed a bit mocking in the eyes of Crownpis.

However, the other goblins didn't seem to care. Sunny raised a palm and shouted: "Anyway, we defeated enemies that are much higher level than us, and everyone has also leveled up. I'm happy."

"Oh!" x4

"Pah!" This was disappointing, and several goblins gathered around and raised their hands to slap each other.

"Then, we have to say goodbye to dad for the time being, right?" Granbell showed a slightly lonely expression. Because it was an undead area, she took her with her. Originally, Crounpis planned to send Granbell to the empire.

Over there, I will be a closed disciple of Fluder for a while.

On the one hand, it is sincerity, and on the other hand, it is to help Fluder research the undead. Granbell's identity is quite unknown compared to Crounpis and others, and Crounpis thinks that her reputation is not good, so for

In order not to cause too much commotion in the human society, Crounpis plans to temporarily conceal Granbell's identity from the general public, so they may not be able to meet her for some time.

"It's okay, it's not like you can't use contact magic."

"Really, then... let me go, everyone, have a safe journey." Granbell was not unprepared, she was just being naughty and decisively took off on the Bone Dragon.

The other goblins looked at each other a few times

"Then, shall we walk to the Dragon Kingdom?"

"How is it possible? Just call the Frost Dragon when you step out of the Kaz Plains."

This chapter has been completed!
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