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Chapter 151 The Madman's Consciousness

As the leader of a magical association known as "Darkness Before Dawn", which is known for its technical support, Arandus Daxlet's personal strength has spread throughout the UK. Even if it is not ranked in the top ten, it can still be ranked in the top thirty.

This is how it should be.

But the opponent they faced, Arandes, collapsed to the ground with a stream of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"You actually used this method to...easily crack the power of my evil god...it must be...very interesting to study." He murmured, his pupils gradually dilated.

Lessa: "Arandes Daxreit, the leader of 'Darkness Before Dawn', this can be considered a capture."

Not long after Flampis left the family restaurant, those people naturally noticed the problem and dispersed. As a last resort, Bai Dewei and "Light of New Life" had no choice but to pursue separately.

As far as the information is known so far, only Aranders and Cinderella are more difficult to fight. Considering that it is Aranders and Cynthia who are clearly enemies of the British, Freya, Saraya and Cinderella temporarily sent "new students"

Floris, a member of the "Light" team, followed, while Baldwei and Lessa came to deal with Aranders, while Belop and Lancis went to capture Cynthia, who was of average strength.

However, dealing with Arlands was much easier than expected, and the battle was over before Bai Dewei could show much magical power.

Bai Dewei: "This magic association admired the war and its behind-the-scenes supporters many years ago. There are all kinds of strange things that can make magicians struggle for life, but this extremely dangerous lunatic who wants to conquer the world can actually develop to this level.

It’s rare that it hasn’t destroyed itself yet.”

Lesa: "But aren't Puritan magicians very individualistic? Unlike me, they are typical patriots."

Bai Dewei: "But they also have principles... No, this guy also has principles, he just looks for trouble. Maybe they will use all kinds of fancy reasons to deceive others, but in the final analysis, their actions are just to find excitement.

Seal him and find a place to prepare for torture."

Lesa walked to Aranders and squatted down. Before she took out the sealing device, she felt something was wrong. She reached out and tried it on Aranders' neck and nose. She opened her eyes and shouted: "How is it possible? This guy

He’s already dead! He’s obviously shown mercy, but he doesn’t have any self-destruction techniques on him!”

"What? Let me take a look!" Bai Dewei stepped forward to check, lifted up his clothes, and saw that this man had magic spells engraved on his body.

"Ahem, I was tricked."

"Is this a communication technique? Is it contact... No, does he take the initiative to let his associates check his status at all times so that they can take action? Does it include remotely cursing him to death once he is captured?" Lesa asked.

"Not only that, this should be a transmission spell that can send out the magic itself. If Flampis injects any spell here, the person opposite will be able to understand it immediately." Bai Dewei said while holding her chin.

In other words, "Darkness Before Dawn" has received something from Flampis, reached some kind of deal, and may have launched some kind of action for this purpose.

"What? Such a cheating method, is it a technique that can be used so easily by a person in a battle?" Lesa felt ridiculous.

Bai Dewei shook his head and stepped on the body: "Impossible, so isn't he already dead?"

Aranders' role is to be the transmitter for Flampis to send magic and power to "Darkness Before Dawn", but this is not a load that humans can easily bear. He also sat there and had fun face to face with Flampis.

Haha, when playing games, the suffering of body breakdown has already started from the inside.

"But, isn't this person the leader of "Darkness Before Dawn"?" Lesa was stunned.

"Yes, this madman has long known that he may never come back. I am afraid that he came to Academy City in person just to attract the attention of his pursuers. In order to grow his magic association, he can even sacrifice the leader's own life. He

Maybe he is such a person. Let’s take the body away first. The magic on his body may be able to analyze something, but if it can be calculated to this extent, don’t hold out any hope.”

At this time, Lessa's communication technique reacted.

She picked it up and answered it, then said with a stiff expression: "Belop and Lancis were defeated with one move. Cynthia's strength is beyond imagination."

The information given by the British Puritan Church was really bad. Did she say that she couldn't even defeat ordinary knights?

"Your magic association is really useless!" Bai Dewei stepped on the corpse again.

"Then go ahead. You accused us of keeping the association so small in order to hide our powerful power. It's like fraud. Because the scale is small and the employment fee is cheap, how can it be considered fraud? As the largest magic association in the UK, you

Isn’t the boss a big financier? How about hiring more stronger people and just squeezing a few of us?"

"Then I won't squeeze you anymore, how about I just fire you!"

"Then don't get in my car!"

"I am the world's leading magic society here, so I don't care about your broken car. I can order a private jet to arrive in minutes with just a phone call!"

"Then you should scream!"

The two hurriedly collected the bodies, cursed each other and rushed to the battlefield.

Although the future investigation direction has been roughly confirmed, there is no hope of on-site solution.



Star: "Is that so? No matter what, Aleister doesn't want Pith to interfere in the world war that Kamijou Touma will definitely intervene in? He doesn't hesitate to use an expression that makes you complain? Although it may be very reasonable for him.

Let’s appeal, but isn’t this process too ridiculous?”

Crounpis: "...It would be better to say that that is his original character. If he does not have an urgent need to kill me at the moment, then it would not be strange to show this attitude, right?"

Star: "Since Pisi is the one who experienced it, at least this aspect cannot be wrong. After all, when a person can only statically operate a computer to strategize, it is very difficult to grasp his personality."

Cronpis: "Aleister valued that boy so much, so 'Imagine Breaker' must have had an extraordinary meaning to him. Even if he weakened his own magic, he still had to use 'Imagine Breaker' desperately.

(imagine breaker)'Attack me, but if you promote the boy's awakening, I probably don't need to worry, because even if the boy keeps losing his memory, he cannot allow someone to die in front of him, even if it is an enemy that the whole world will deal with quickly.

Compared with this matter, I am a little worried about Sunflower. The soul connection between me and her has been severed. Did she commit suicide in some experiment?"

(to be continued)

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