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Chapter 189: Swapping opponents

Accelerator frowned and stared at his opponent: "It seems that my thinking mode has been written into your brain and robotic arm to analyze and predict the direction of each vector operation of mine. Where does it come from? Is it Kihara?

The soul is weak......"

"For an employer who has not betrayed me, I naturally have no intention of betraying him. Don't you know that reputation is more important than reward in this business?" Heiye once again opened his countless robot hands to Accelerator. She secretly thought that something was wrong. As the battle progressed,

It seemed that Accelerator was beginning to deviate from her absolutely precise predictions.

"Hmph, I'm about to get impatient!" Accelerator this time missed a bunch of nitrogen blasters with a slight difference like a show, and the nitrogen blasters bounced past him like ricochet.

"Could it be that the air wraps around the whole body to form armor?!"

"Fifty points, your attack also relies on rotating nitrogen to combine multiple attacks to make it as powerful as level 5, right? Then I can imitate your rotation and create a defensive wall to throw away your attack."

However, when spinning on spinning, a head-on collision will still turn into a head-on collision, and Heiye may hit him even if he retracts the nitrogen blaster, so he also needs to make some side-to-side swinging movements to assist. With his mobility, he originally relies on quantity.

The volume and range of the hit-heavy night make it difficult to lock the center of the target.

"Wow, it's hard not to take me seriously." Thunder Ax threw the bounced nitrogen blaster to Accelerator again.

"As long as we confirm your problem again, all that's left is assembly work." Accelerator sprinted again. He had already figured out that the range of the thunder ax's gravity ring could only change within a range suitable for her height. No wonder this range could only be used with

In terms of melee combat and deflecting other people's attacks, there is no comparison with his abilities.

But we still have to confirm the change pattern. Using plasma to cause a big explosion at the edge of the gravity ring can easily exceed the range and kill her. However, considering that the storm and heat transfer have directions, if the thunder ax can do it no matter how complicated it is.

The calculation of points can also cancel the attack and reflect part of the attack back.

Otherwise, to ensure that it will not be reflected by her, you have to use a central melee attack that ensures contact.

"No, since you are shorter than me -" Accelerator suddenly opened his arms as if he wanted to hug Thunder Ax.

Thunder Ax couldn't help laughing: "You, do you even want to save the enemy? You are indeed a hero, but if you can't bring me down, you are not qualified."

"No, it's over." Accelerator rushed towards Thunder Ax. As long as he aimed his head at her body, the body range beyond the gravity ring would be enough to touch her no matter what.

She wanted to take advantage of the moment when the door was wide open to fight back, but she had no means of attack, and the nitrogen blaster was also cracked. The moment Accelerator touched it, he could intervene in the opponent's bioelectricity, causing him to become confused and faint.


This was not a discharge phenomenon caused by Accelerator, but a mechanical arm in the dark night suddenly fired a shot from behind Thunder Ax. It was a stun gun that shot out an electric shock line, and Thunder Ax lost its strength and fell into Accelerator's arms.

"What do you mean you have such a dull soul!"

"That's it." Thunder Ax's hand suddenly aimed at Accelerator and fired two nitrogen blasters from zero range!

As long as the hand is judged to be connected to the dark night or belongs to the dark night, it can become the outlet of her ability.

The reason why Kuroyoru must make Thunder Ax suffer is just to capture the characteristics of Accelerator's behavior at the moment, so that he can make him react a moment slower. He never thought that "cannibalism" could be used as a hostage threat or to make Accelerator's brain go crazy.

When the opportunity arises, all you need to do is ask him to slow down a beat.

The nitrogen blaster exploded and smoke swept the area.

"It shouldn't have exploded like this. Did he use vectors to disperse the power at the last moment? Even so, under the micro-control of the microscope, he had no time to change the 'reflection' and suffered considerable damage. Right...


Kuroyoru soon became speechless, and Accelerator reappeared seemingly unharmed.

It would be too much to say that he was safe and sound. The gray face and blood-stained tattered clothes all showed that he was not feeling well. If that was the case - why was this "eldest young master" who was physically weak and rarely suffered harm, still standing there? Is it behind his back?

Is that something like black wings?

Although I have learned from the intelligence that outsiders may regard it as a black storm mixed with some substance, vector control of the wind is not difficult, but it is precisely because Kuroyukihime has transplanted Accelerator's thinking mode that he can understand that it is by no means the product of ability, but something more.

Mysterious and weird, something that she can never defeat with her ability!

"I thought you were a bastard, but I was wrong. You are a hopeless bastard. I thought you were very similar to me in the past, so I came here to play with you, but I see you are happy with this kind of thing.

Among them, then you won’t have any complaints if it turns into protein in the experiment like those dolls!”

The huge black wings fanned towards the night with the power to lift everything out of the atmosphere!

Dead - I thought at this moment in the night.

One black wing suddenly twisted and instantly hit another black wing.

Even light can twist like a gravitational ring as if passing through a black hole, and even the Black Wings cannot escape.

"Although it's good for me to be the protected party, I still prefer to fight heroes." Thunder Ax, who had not fainted for a while, raised his trembling body and said.

The distance was extremely close, and Accelerator swept his kick towards Thunder Ax's body, launching an attack with a range larger than the ring.

As he expected, Thunder Ax didn't dare to make a hard connection anymore, and jumped back to avoid Accelerator's leg.

"Confirm that the nature of the ability has been seen through, and the winning rate is less than 0.0002%." After saying that, she turned around and ran away.

"F*ck." Black Night cursed secretly. Although it was easy to fight with this guy's cooperation, she knew that this person had been almost hollowed out by Sunflower, leaving only the tactics and instincts of a hunting hero and the execution of Sunflower's orders.


In other words, you want your client to be left behind?

This was not a clause within the scope of the entrustment. After all, combat power that could not win was worthless, but it was really unpleasant. She stopped doing it, turned around and ran away.

Accelerator did not chase after him immediately, because right in the direction where the opponent was escaping, just like handing over a baton, the angel dragon he had always cared about flew over!

But before that, something that was knocked away by the angel dragon hit him first.

"That's it." Accelerator caught Estelle with both hands, not even looking at the machine parts and hairy volleyball-like things that fell everywhere with her.

"...We meet again, Master?" Estelle greeted happily but a little awkwardly.

"They said we don't want that kind of title anymore." Accelerator let go of his hand, letting Estelle land on his butt, and asked, "You have already experienced that, but are you still playing with those tattered dolls?"

(to be continued)

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