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Chapter 199 The Cockroach Doctor and the Self-exploding Nurse

Uiharu Shiri wants to search for data that can be used as a reference for her healing ability. She was involved in magic and caused multiple blood vessels in her body to burst. If she continues like this, she will die!

She analyzed everything in the entire Second Youth Academy. She was not very lucky. Among the people in the Second Youth Academy who had time to analyze it for her, there were no people with normal recovery abilities for her to convert into data for analysis.

Lily Black's repair ability is similar to the "aim beast" she saw a few months ago, and does not apply to humans;

Junko Hokaze's ability "rampage dress" has considerable self-repair ability when strengthening the body, but it will put great pressure on the head and body. If there is no other choice;

Sogiita Gunba also has similar abilities, but the ability of "Original Stone" is a black box, and it looks like it will take a long time to analyze;

The mysterious person who protects the love of honey ants and the blonde woman in nurse costume who controls the robot seem to have the ability to recover, but their rules will directly hurt Uiharu, so analyzing them is putting the cart before the horse;

However, the white-haired "volleyball" among the scattered parts of the robot caught Uiharu's attention.

Although it appears to be a robot core that drives expanded capabilities, it is actually something that can arbitrarily set the properties of the generated material to create phenomena. It is extremely convenient as a tool for temporarily repairing wounds.

In the early spring, his fingers kept shaking on the flower keyboard, writing, and setting the generation point of the unsubstantial matter on himself, with the same nature as the things that should be repaired in his body.

Soon, Chuchun, whose skin turned snow-white, sat up energetically again and continued to write programs for Flanpisi and the honey ants. Although every time she pressed a few buttons for Flanpisi's settings, it would cause her body to tremble.

The explosion occurred, but the snow-white substance was replenished in time, and the body made of the snow-white substance would not feel pain, and it would no longer have a negative impact on her programming.

"It's almost time for you to accept the punishment. Don't die too easily, otherwise it will be boring." Uiharu said like a villain.

[Hehehe, the Weiyuan material was not given to her in vain. Let’s break through the limits of human beings. Girl, you can kill Flampis once for this. 】

Sunflower, who had given me a small gift, saw it and laughed in her heart.


Anbu "item"——

After the fighting power of the four women cleared out the escaped prisoners, a pair of extremely unexpected opponents appeared.

These enemies are not within the scope of the organizers of this complex operation.

They appear to be doctors and nurses, and perhaps their apparent professions are indeed like this.

However, has anyone seen a doctor who controls a large number of cockroaches to fight; and a nurse who except for part of the brain structure is completely mechanical, can also use most level 5 abilities and the abilities of other people with abilities around her?

Hisako Yamika, a member of the General Council; born as a "countermeasure when seven Level 5s in Academy City are hostile to the General Council at the same time", Rencha is an android with the theoretical ability to defeat seven Level 5s.

No matter how many cockroaches Yaowei Hisako controlled, they were still cockroaches. Juanqi used the ability to manipulate nitrogen to use the smell to divert the battlefield; Liancha's firepower was extremely terrifying, and Mugino and Flanda, who did not call Crounpis for rescue, were also suppressed to death.


Whether it is a beam that annihilates matter or a bomb mixed with some magical elements, as long as the opponent can retain Accelerator's ability, he can deal with it. Even Black Wing can use it!

However, suddenly, Liancha himself exploded.

"What the hell, suddenly there was a big fight, and then it malfunctioned and exploded?" Mugino said inexplicably.

[Pisi, have you taken action?] Flanda asked in her heart.

[No, but even though she is a cyborg, she has the nature of an esper. Trying to copy the 'ability' you added to the bomb resulted in a side effect of the esper's magic construction, and it directly malfunctioned. 】

Flanda listened to Crownpis's prompt and walked forward calmly, squatting down and playing with the wreckage.

It is indeed different from ordinary mechanical failures. The circuits are aging and collapsing from the inside out in an unscientific way. Part of it is similar to the phenomenon that not long ago, medical equipment was used instead of people with abilities to perform magic, which incurs costs. Some of the differences should be

There are some differences between the life cycle that medical devices participate in and biochemical humans and modified humans.

"Mugino, it seems that this guy really blew himself up accidentally."

"Tch, don't put defective products on the table, Hundan. Speaking of which, the guy just whispered to himself that he came to kill Fremea. Your sister shouldn't have that kind of value, right? Or Frenda.

Which organization above did your family offend by hiding it from us?"

Flanda secretly glanced up at the phantom of Crounpis holding the back of her head with her hands. When she saw her spreading her hands and shaking her head like a silly grin, she said categorically: "No, absolutely not."

"Hmph...anyway, today's situation is chaotic enough, and maybe the higher-ups can't control it. Then, let's go see how the battlefield is going over there at Silk Flag."


"Sister..." Fremea poked her head out of the crater made by Flanda during the recent battle.

Mugino "tsk" in his mouth. Enemies appeared in turn before. It was not safe to put Fremea here. Even if the next wave of enemies is not targeting Fremea, she is now deliberately wearing makeup and wearing more than ten centimeters to increase her height.

Shoes, if you ignore the bust, a person who only knows her appearance will think that she is Flanda from ANBU's "item" at a glance. Maybe she won't be confused even if she kills a child who has no resistance.

Is it really okay to take this seemingly ordinary elementary school student to see a cockroach battlefield where trypophobic patients will faint on the spot?

"There's no need to come, I've already dispatched the enemy." At this time, Junqi came out of the dark corner.

"Juan Qi, you actually cleaned up all the cockroaches?" Flanda was a little unbelievable.

The reason why Kinuhata was moved to the battlefield to face off against Yaoji Hisako alone was because no matter how many cockroaches there were, they would never be able to break through her nitrogen-encased defense. Although Mugino and Flanda had enough firepower, they could not imagine that the cockroaches might stick to their bodies.

I can't bear it. But the weapon of the silk flag is only a small fist, right?

"No, that's super impossible. I think that person has not been attacked by cockroaches. There should be something emitting waves or a smell on his body, which makes the cockroaches not want to get close. This ruins her

You will be swallowed up by cockroaches first." Kinuhata explained.

"Well done, Silk Flag, then, go confirm the body and dispose of it..."

"No, the cockroaches are gone." Jinqi spread his hands, "Those cockroaches are super edible, and there are no bones left. I've blocked them over there. It's best to get past them now."

"Ugh..." Flanda covered her mouth and stuck out her tongue in a pretentious manner.

(to be continued)

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