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Chapter 217 There is no happy ending

At the moment when "Sunflower" was half a beat slow in confusion, An Qi's "Zanpakuto" slashed hard!

For a moment, the battlefield fell silent.

"I see, that's it." The unharmed "Sunflower" threw An Qi's body away and patted the ashes on her body, "Maybe you are more likely to kill Accelerator's spirit than Misaka-mei, nice guide."

Regardless of the consciousness of Crounpisi or the body of Himawari, the parts here are clones, and they disappeared into smoke on the spot.


Academy City——

"Poof -" Flanda, who was taking her sister to the mall, suddenly fell to the ground on her face, and fell in front of the pink-haired little lolita and the low-presence black-haired straight girl who were about to cross each other.

"Wow ah ah ah, sister, sister, what's wrong?" Fremea was frightened.

"Whoa, ah, ah... this student, eh... is he a foreign student? Are you okay? Are you injured? It's so heavy... Himegami-san, help me."

"Yes, Teacher Xiaomeng."

Teacher Xiaomeng and Himegami Qiusha put down their shopping bags and moved Flanda, who was lying motionless on the ground, to the side of the road.

"Please, I don't have a myocardial infarction or cardiac arrest, so I don't need to be like this!" Flanda raised her hands and shook her hands vigorously and shouted, "In the end, it was just a harsh complaint!"

"Sister, is it great to complain about grabbing the ground with your head? Meow?"

"Fremea, you don't need to learn! I'm very sorry for causing trouble to you two. Goodbye——"

Flanda hurriedly pulled her sister away from the combination of legal lolita and witch.

[Pissy, is Angel’s matter finished? 】

[It’s finished. All the parts related to me that should be recycled have been recycled. But she actually made this choice. If she is serious about making me happy, I have to praise her. 】

[Just solve it, but Pisi, can you stop being so scary with your big complaints just now? You should compete with the psycho-sensitive sonic weapon!]

[Sorry, sorry, did I disturb you and your sister’s holiday? 】

Now in the midst of a world war, considering the confidentiality of combat information, basically the tasks that were originally managed by students and magicians were assigned to the Academy City Forces and the ANBU, which is mainly composed of troops.

Student ANBU are on vacation just like the students in Academy City who have suspended classes.

[As much as I want to complain, are you really not going to control my body to play pranks when I sleep at night? 】

[Of course, depending on the situation, I will consider various pranks that cannot be seen by your sister and your friends.]

【Are you a devil?】

[If I were a devil, I would have eaten your soul, taken over your body, and taken away everything from you. Be happy, I am just a goblin who likes to play tricks on humans. ]

【Why not an angel?】

[Angels will not give miracles to people. If they do, they will be punished by God. It has nothing to do with whether you have accumulated good deeds or not. Let me tell you something, demons have more emotions than angels. 】

Just as it happened, the TV in the mall was broadcasting war reports, and many of the usual programs were off the air.

The host of the program is interviewing the host to discuss the direction of this war. Although it started with Russia's declaration of war, Italy and France later joined the Russian camp, and France also launched an attack on England, which declared neutrality.

At the same time, all parties to the war are seeking support from China and India.

There were also voices in the U.S. Congress that wanted to join the war.

The current war has been officially named "World War III".

The Bricks are serious about saying that the expansion of war is not only economic and technological, but also closely related to ideology, religious beliefs, etc.

"Huh...this is Academy City, people who don't believe in religion!" Flanda naturally spit out the white mist of winter and said loudly in reality.

"elder sister?"

Flanda bent down slightly and held Fremea's shoulders: "Fremea, you have to believe in science. Even if there are any setbacks in the future, don't believe in religion."

After all, the religion of this world is such a dangerous thing in this world, and the magic side is even more unfriendly to people who have developed abilities. Flanda regrets her decision to support her sister in Academy City even if she kills people to make money.



Russia, ruins of an air force base——

Accelerator climbed over the rubble flattened by the wave of flowers with the last work in his arms. He didn't know why the opponent suddenly stopped attacking. There were not even any remains of Sister Misaka made of earth-like materials. How could they retreat so easily?

Then I saw a scene where my eyes were completely broken.

He almost stepped on the ground until it exploded again, rushed to An Qi's side, and squatted down with disbelief in his eyes.

An Qi was cut into pieces by five horses. Her skin was a deathly gray color, her hair was gray, and there were waterfall-like blood stains under her closed and sunken eyelids.

"Really, is that what happened?" Accelerator made a hoarse voice.

Academy City's mental breakdown and the recovery of the Last Work were probably one of the purposes of this attack, but both he and the Last Work had the value of living. If the opponent failed in the psychological breakdown battle, he could calmly plan new actions; the person in front of him

The difference is that if she betrays the organization behind her, only death awaits her.

But it was him who forcibly brought her out. The reason was to extend the time to save the last work.

Because she was the first person who could still talk and get along with her in such a casual and normal way after understanding who he was. From a certain point on, it seemed that he began to rely on her, because he was not a god and destroyed

No matter how strong he is, there are things he can't do, but he is afraid of contacting others and hurting others, so he can't ask others for help. Except for her, she can recover as before no matter how hurt she is.

Her body exerted the power of strange laws, but it was precisely because he had a dark past that he didn't ask her intentionally and got along with her in a way that he thought was casual, thinking that he should be enough of a friend.

It's the same this time. Anyway, taking care of the last one is just a piece of cake for her. It would be more appropriate for her to take care of him as a villain who still has that kind of ability. He will give her an injury that will take a few minutes to recover.

She pulled over without thinking about her own situation.

Human beings all consider their own interests as the centerpiece.

However, would it be right for him to leave Academy City with the Last Work on his own? Can his petite body withstand the bumps in the cold? His ability does not have the power to ease the pain of the Last Work. Can he take care of it like Angel?


"That's what it's like. It's impossible to have a perfect ending, isn't it? Speaking of which, this feeling is... ugh... wahahahaha! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh..."

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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