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Chapter 252 Who Killed the President?

"This is terrible!" Robert saw that his clothes were on fire and immediately began to tear off the coat that was stained with flames. However, his presidential fabric was very good and it would take some time to take it off quickly.

Mikoto: "Hey, even if you are the president, please stop being so formal at this time!"

Robert: "Wait! Boy and girl, it's not very hot yet, don't do anything extra..."

Touma: "What are you talking about here!"

Touma and Mikoto pushed Robert down and helped him beat and roll around in an attempt to put out the fire.

Although it was a correct response not to hit the faucet when faced with a gasoline bomb fire, the fire on the president spread extremely quickly.

Soon the president became Pyro!

Middle school students do not know enough about incendiary bombs. They are napalm bombs that will stick tightly to attachments. If they are slapped or crushed, the contact area with the air will be expanded due to splashing and attachment flow, increasing the range and intensity of combustion.

.In an emergency without any external conditions, the only way is to take off your clothes before being burned directly to your body. Being burned to death by napalm is one of the most feared ways for soldiers to die. On some battlefields, soldiers just saw

If the enemy uses napalm to attack you, morale will collapse.

Robert, who began to flutter in severe pain, gritted his teeth and shouted: "You... run quickly. If I die next to you and be filmed by the surveillance camera controlled by black hands behind the scenes..."

Mikoto: "How can you ignore death and not save me!"

Touma: "There must be another way, Misaka, can you collect iron sand to put out the fire?"

Mikoto: "It can still be like this, okay, I'll give it a try!"

Mikoto's head was filled with electric light, shutting down all the surrounding cameras and trying to delete the records. At the same time, a large amount of iron sand was attracted by the magnetic force and covered Robert's body.

This is usually not a good method, such as the impact of dirty hot iron sand on the burned area.

However, the fire was finally extinguished by blocking the oxygen, which was impossible with ordinary sand compaction.

But the president, who was severely burned, was also dying.

Touma: "It's terrible, what should we do? We still have to save Lindy, but because the president has become like this with us, we can't just leave it alone."

Mikoto: "We can only leave it to the nearest U.S. military. Although the U.S. military goes berserk and wants to capture the child behind the scenes, the president will still protect it - as long as it is not controlled by magic."

"It would be much easier if they were willing to shake my hand." Touma held his right hand loosely.


Robert was dazed and felt his body shaking a little, and then stopped. Perhaps he was being carried somewhere on a stretcher.

When he opened his eyes, he saw his own army soldiers. His body could not move, but he felt a little better. Did he take emergency measures?

Among the noisy sounds were the sounds of contacting ambulances and discussing tactics on how to break through the enemy's artillery blockade to capture Lindy Brushack.

He struggled to open his eyes and saw only the curtains of the field hospital surrounding him. He shouted at the top of his lungs: "Hurry... someone is here."

Soon, someone came in, but they were not doctors or nurses, but soldiers.

Even so, perhaps it was what he wanted. He said forcefully: "As the president, I do not allow you to... use... to kidnap hostages, -"

"Are you going to get in the way?" The soldier drew his pistol and pointed it at Robert, "What a pity. If you were not in the way, I wouldn't have to do this."


"What are the bereaved dogs barking at? Look what's happened here! Jack and Billy turned into rotten bones in front of me! Bragg somehow became like a demon possessed and became an enemy spy. He was captured by the military police.

Kill me! I didn’t join the army for weird things like this! Why would a president who can’t protect the people of this country bow to you? At this time, you leave everyone and disappear, and then you become like this?

You are not worth serving!"

The pistol's safety was on.

"We can perform your duties on your behalf. If you insist on causing trouble, we can't save you. Fortunately, your existence has not been reported to the superiors. The people who sent you are Japanese immigrants who entered the country illegally, so it will be easier to handle.



"Thud, tug, tug, tug..."

The next moment, the president was covered in blood. And it wasn't just his.

"That idiot!"

"This is the president, what has he done!"

The assassin who was shot down by more shots, with a slightly crazy smile fixed on his face, was dragged away from the president by other soldiers who poured in.

Maybe there are only a few soldiers who have fallen into madness, or maybe this person is just an outcast from above, but the president has no life left to worry about.

Shortly after the news about the president was sent to his superiors, it was completely destroyed by the bombardment explosion from the warships at sea.


In the town that has been occupied by the "Trident", Pliny tilted her beach chair to send and receive new messages.

"What? The Scarlet Sunshine has begun to evacuate? That's right, after all, their real purpose is not to start a complete war with us now, nor is it to help the current American government. So, are those Academy City personnel okay?"

"Okay, then we will also..."

"What, do you want to ensure your daughter's physical and mental health and take her back without violence? Don't force it on others, hey. I'm sorry, I can't guarantee Lindy Bruschak's case. However, we will annihilate everyone who knows where she is and plan to immediately

I can guarantee the person who killed her."

"Well, let me give it a try. Please give me a higher reward and include it as your daughter's protection fee. Anyway, you thought you were right by letting those people act without permission to ensure that your daughter was screwed up. Then clearly mark the price and bargain with it to be honest.

Business is a matter of course."

After saying that, she turned off her communication device, put it into her clothes, and sat up from the recliner.

"Are you going to go out?" Dora, who was standing next to him like an attendant, asked.

"You go back and rectify your troops, and give this order to other magic associations. You will not be without any losses and consumption when fighting the "Scarlet Sunshine"."

"Then, Lady Pliny, you..."

"Get ready to greet the 'enemy'." Pliny stretched her waist, took out her hand mirror and pretended to put on makeup.


President Robert Katze's results were disappointing, but broadly speaking, Touma and Mikoto's choices were not wrong.

And they really have no time to take care of these things now, because they are facing off against Saraya.

Saraya did not listen to Flappis's advice and launched an attack in order to snatch Lindy away.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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