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Chapter 43 Slow Motion Observation

With the blessing of several buffs, Brett released a powerful slash that contained both physical and magical elements.

"[Never Fall Fortress]!"

Brett's sword was blocked by the red wave in front of the scarred man. Although it still added a mark to the scarred man, it also caused Brett to freeze for a moment.

As long as the person being beaten can endure the pain, he will not be in a stiff state like when being beaten in the game. He will use his hand to move the sword body, move the sword to one side, and kick Brett's lower body.

"Dang! Stab——"

The two raised their legs one after another and collided, sparks burst out, and the metal leggings made a tooth-piercing sound.

With his weapon freed, Brett immediately jumped back and reset his stance.


Crownpiss: "What? This is a boring battle? Here and there, turn-based?"

Larva: "After all, it's impossible to deploy weapons in that narrow 'thick door frame' walkway. I know it after watching the mercenary group drilling holes to defeat wild goblins and lizards."

Crounpis: "Yeah, yeah, yeah... I feel like I'm starting to lose interest."

Star: "Then, is Pisi going to blow them away?"

Crownpiss: "No, what's the point of me knocking them away here?"

Luna: "Can you exercise some magic power? I remember that Pisi tried Wakagi-hime's exercise method..."

Crownpiss: "I tried it for a month, but it was completely useless. The total amount of P is not there. How can I exercise the amount of magic power in place when upgrading, and it will not increase the upper limit of P, so I gave up. It is probably my initial level.

Is it too high or because it is still restricted by some game rules?"

Luna: "Rules of the game, right?"

Although other fairies can also be considered as travelers to different worlds, their perspective is one level lower than that of Crounpis, so they are still a little bit unaccustomed to it.

Larva: "Oh... let's stand a little further, Uncle Brett jumped to a spacious place."

Luna: "That's when the real drama begins."

Sunny: "Uncle Scar should be ready to open the door. I'll go in and take a look later."

Crounpis: "Eh? What are you going to do? You can finally watch an exciting battle."

Sunny: "Well, these inferior creatures look like they are in slow motion anyway. What's so interesting about them?"

Crown Pease: "Don't all movies like to do slow-motion replays in action movies... Isn't that wrong?"


"Up!" Seeing that the other party didn't seem to be planning to come out of the seemingly narrow place for the time being, Brett raised his sword high and shouted, but his body suddenly jumped to the side.

"Wha--" A huge fireball passed by him and flew straight into the passage.

The scarred man glared at Maryse who was standing behind him, and threw himself on the ground without caring about his face. The fireball flew over his back, making the armor become a little hot.

"Boom!" The back room was engulfed in fire caused by the fireball explosion.

Brett swung the sword in his hand vigorously, and it seemed like he was swinging it in vain, which made people want to laugh, but the scarred man couldn't laugh and quickly rolled to the side.

Immediately, the fire burning behind was suddenly created by some kind of shock wave and a "vacuum" was created. Although the flames "healed" immediately, it fully demonstrated that there was indeed some kind of attack just now.

It is a martial skill called [Air Slash]. After a slash, the power of the slash can continue to fly forward. It is an air blade that is invisible and can bend.

Although it is strange that the air blade spreads so far after flying this short distance, the situation at the scene is not what both parties care about.

"[Enhance low-level agility [lesser dexterit]]." Sean continued to apply buffs to Brett.

"Drink!" Brett, who was further strengthened, slashed at the ugly scarred man rolling on the ground with ever-increasing momentum.

Although I don't think this simple attack can defeat the opponent, but facing an opponent who has lost his weapon and body balance, there is no doubt that it can at least be the beginning of finding a flaw step by step.

A strange scene appeared. The scarred man's body posture was very awkward and he quickly returned to the ready position, with one arm lying across the path of the sword.

"Dang!" The moment the sword blade struck the skin, there was a metallic collision sound, which made Brett's arm feel numb.

"Have you become a monk part-time?" Brett thought to himself and continued to attack fiercely.

If you practice in a fighting profession like a monk, you can condense the energy on the surface of the skin. There is indeed a way to make the skin like steel, but it will also be consumed every time you are attacked. In addition, high-intensity attacks can also easily cause flaws to the opponent, so what to do

Things haven't changed, they just keep attacking without exposing any weaknesses.

"You actually forced me to reveal my trump card. I am worthy of being the strongest paladin of the Dragon Kingdom, 'Brett of Fierce Light'." The scarred man gritted his teeth, concentrated on his defense, and looked for opportunities to fight back with punches and kicks.

Dozens of sword and hand and foot exchanges, but neither side's methods succeeded in causing scars on the other's body.

However, Scar Man's hope is diminishing because his opponent is not fighting alone.

"[Light ure ounds]." Sean released the healing magic on Brett.

Brett was not harmed, and the energy consumed by the continuous release of martial arts is there. The recovery magic can restore energy to some extent. If the player team is brushing copies, it is a complete waste to use it, but in the current battle, it is

very suitable.

The scarred man is constantly being consumed. In the past, relying on weird postures and speed to recover his body was a technical advantage. It could create opportunities for him to attack, but it also placed a heavy burden on his body. If he did not find a fatal flaw or his crisis could not be solved, he would not be able to do anything.

This method is easily used, but if the two sides continue to trade off each other, Brett's attacks will become more active.

"[Har person]." After aiming a strike, the two bounced away from each other to stabilize their position, and Maryse released her magic.

Maryse's strength was obviously at a lower level. For a moment, the scarred man felt something was wrong in his consciousness. He immediately shook his head and eliminated Maryse's mental interference.

However, in high-intensity close combat, this is a fatal flaw. Gathering energy to turn skin into steel requires a lot of concentration. In this case——

"Stab!" Brett's sword blade pierced the scarred man's shoulder. This was probably because the scarred man's body, which was accustomed to fighting, subconsciously dodged to avoid hitting a more vital place.

But, this is the end——

"[Holy Strike]!"

The holy light radiated from the tip of Brett's sword and exploded in Scar Man's body. Scar Man's body was smoking and fell. The "Shining Sword" won a deserved victory. Brett's strength and Scar's

There's not much difference between the men. It's three against one. But this is not a duel between knights. Victory is ok.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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