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Chapter 278 VS Those who are punished by God

A tanker truck full of aviation fuel smashed into the wall behind Thor, knocking him into the ruins on the other side that collapsed instantly, causing a fire and explosion. This was her plan in advance.

The unmanned vehicle has self-driving set up, so the self-driving function of Academy City's vehicles is so easy to use.

Kihara Enshu lay down and let the vehicle chassis roar past her. The carefully calculated charging position and explosion did not cause any harm to her.

Thor did not teleport to avoid the vehicle collision and explosion, and completely hit the target.

Because Kihara Enshu observed that Thor's teleportation to victory had no effect on factors other than combat. If the tanker was driven by her teammate, it would probably have been avoided.

It seems unbelievable. It's a complete gamble on a tightrope. If there is a slight mistake, he will die, but Kihara can make such calculations. Just like the Kihara Divine Fist, beating Accelerator seems to be very satisfying, but the direction is just a little bit wrong.

If you close your fist a little slower, your arm will become useless in an instant.

However, if he lay here, the fire and smoke would soon come, so Enju Kihara stood up, spread his legs and ran outside.

Juan Qi relied on her own ability to hold Flanders at high speed, cross the building and arrive near the fire scene at the right moment. Flanders took out a dozen small cracker rockets with black background and red stripes and shot them inside.

It caused a more violent explosion that was red and purple.

[In the end, Pisi, you can definitely kill that person with these bombs that you personally processed, right?]

"Yeah, yeah, I can guarantee this." Clawnpis said after crushing Thor's burned-out soul.

"Really, then—— ha det bra."

"Frenda, who are you talking to?" Kinuki asked casually.

"Ah, in the end I just said goodbye to the enemy I killed, hehehehe..."

Sunflower flew to them and landed next to them, and asked: "Besides Yuan Zhou and Lily, are you the only ones who are still awake?"

"Should we wake them up as much as possible and gather the most useful people to continue chasing?" Kinuhata asked seriously.

The main problem is that the relationship between the ANBU is not very good. The reason why the strong and weak ANBU acted collectively this time is also——

Many troops outside seem to be aggressive and want to attack Academy City in the name of eliminating "troublemakers". Regular troops are fully deployed and on alert at any time, and have no time to deal with these guys who have sneaked into the academy and "bought" some important ability users in Academy City.

, which allowed a large number of ANBU to take action.

Bai Dewei's ability to easily defeat the US Navy's warships by destroying them with one strike is recorded in Academy City's intelligence network.

Thor is a member of the original "Troublemaker", and the casualties caused by "Troublemaker" are also visible to all in the world.

So, it wouldn't be too much to gather so many ANBU to deal with them together.

"No, the rest probably doesn't belong to us." Sunflower raised her hands and looked at the battlefield, "Even I didn't expect Academy City to be so crouching tiger, hidden dragon."

Kihara left aside the fact that Hoshimi Maidon, the Karou twins, Ladybug, etc., who had no named organization in ANBU, even though they were beaten violently by Thor, they can already be rated as level 5 in terms of combat effectiveness.


Under the cover of ninjas, Kamijou Touma and his party escaped from the subway near the airport.

Having already left the area of ​​oppressive magic, Bai Dewei cast healing magic on himself. It seemed that the damage would not be healed so easily.

Although they are worried about Thor's safety, they have no time to spare now.

Now that the Anbu are dispatched en masse, it means that they are being hunted by Academy City, and they are unable to move forward.

"Damn it, this is obviously not the time to do this. Even now, the 'Lance' is still moving towards completion, right? Can't you explain it to Academy City!" Touma said urgently.

"That's the problem. If you say that the 'Lance' can destroy the world and turn the world into a hall of Othinus, who would believe it if you tell people who don't understand magic?" Bai Dewei sneered and looked at Mikoto and Honey Ant, "

What do you think a 'spear' is?"

Mikoto and Mitsumi said that if nuclear weapons were not enough to describe it, it would be better to think of it as a black hole bomb or a supernova explosion bomb.

Of course, this couldn't be more wrong.

Bai Dewei didn't bother to explain, and signaled Index not to talk too much, as it would be useless.

She said: "They really played a good hand. In the past, the 'Troublemakers' and Academy City's struggle did not have an advantage in the direct battle. It was obvious that the devil's card was there, but this was the result. Maybe it was because of this at that time

Be prepared - let Academy City think that it can deal with the "troublemakers", so as to prevent foreign countries from taking the opportunity to attack Academy City and refuse all support, and even just deal with those forces that use unscientific power such as magic without explanation.

"Troublemakers" of the same kind must be driven away and eliminated."

"There's nothing we can do!" Touma clenched his right fist, "We just need to find out where they are hiding in Academy City, and then we can go and deal with it directly! Isn't there a way to search!"

"If the target is limited to Academy City, there are a lot of magics that the multinational coalition can explore." Bai Dewei explained while holding on to his face, "The problem is the Tower of Babel, haha, for you, it is the Space Elevator Endinon. From today on

Since then, the anti-Cross religion barrier that has been opened by the Tower of Babel covering a radius of nearly two thousand kilometers has been greatly strengthened. As long as a cross sect magician who believes in God will fall into fainting and paralysis on the spot just by being in the barrier

Even in the state of suspended animation, if you want to cast any magic on the inside of the barrier, the same result will occur. Unfortunately, the current mainstream of magic is ruled by the Crusaders. Being able to use large-scale spells that can break through their possible hidden spells is the same as the Cross.

Teach about it.”

"What...what?" Not to mention the ability users, Touma, who had already consciously dabbled in some magic, was confused. In short, he had a super bad feeling at first.

Index started giving lectures on religious magic: "The Jewish Bible records that after the great flood, God made a promise with the people on the earth through a rainbow, not to use a great flood to destroy the earth again. But one day, mankind thought, 'There is no such thing.

The reason is to pin our future and the future of our descendants on the rainbow' and build the Tower of Babel that towers into the sky. God is angry about this, because this is an act of human beings forgetting God and doubting God, and they must be stopped.


"The barrier centered around the Tower of Babel is endowed with the symbolic meaning of the Tower of Babel. For those who have a cross in their hearts, going to the Tower of Babel (to heaven) is a great disrespect to God. Disrespect to God is

It must be punished. As long as you step into the realm or attempt to take action, it is directly equivalent to the end. Until the caster feels that there is no need to punish humans anymore, the effect will not disappear."

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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