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Chapter 340 Let's start a safe self-driving tour

After Cronpis input hundreds of billions of phases and information related to Cynthia and her, Cynthia almost suffered a brain breakdown. This was not even the consequence of giving her a complete set of memories.

Should we say that it is a miracle that Kamijou Touma can still maintain his personality and mental age despite accumulating experience and spending hundreds of billions of phases?

"I know, what should I do now. Thank you." At the end, Cynthia stood up with a pale face and quickly disappeared into the white snow scene.

Crownpis returned to where she was, looking down at humans and demons: "Is the reward over, Othinus?"


Seeing Othinus wrestling with his hands and feet on the snow, he was puzzled. Touma clapped his hands and admitted defeat and said: "It is true that Othinus wearing this kind of clothes is a reward for some people, but this does not include the above."

Including Mr. Tiao! To me, this is just pure violence!"

"You deserve a beating! Even if you are the one who understands, I will definitely beat you!" Even without using the power of the Demon God, it would be very easy for the God of War to beat up a boy who has traveled most of the world war.

"So, have you decided on the means of transportation you will use to set off?" Cronpis asked.

"I also observed the equipment of those armies just now, and now I have an idea." The God of War suggested, "Although I have never seen you use it, you should be able to use that kind of magic."


A row of tanks that looked the same as those of the regular army were heading towards Fredericia.

Of course, this is not a regular army.

For Kamijou Touma, neither walking nor lying on a stretcher was a good way to cross the ice and snow or the blockade. So what should we do?

The answer given by Othinus was to have Crownpis move a row of ghost chariots currently in active service in Denmark from the army and paint them with snowy coatings. To achieve this level, it is better than concealment and driving people.

With hint magic that is difficult to detect, you can walk on the road without any worries.

These tanks are all physical, and there are not many parts in the cabin that are directly constructed as magic. Just let Touma sit in the passenger seat, which has nothing to do with magic.

After passing the level concentration area and driving onto the highway, the mechanical and electrical engineer Crounpis started humming a tune with the remote control in his hand, which was a bit trivial.

Othinus, the commander and gunner of the vehicle, opened the hatch and poked his head out of the turret and said: "Well, as the god of war, it is natural that you can think of this level, but if you give it a try, you can actually do it.

Denmark also has American-made tanks. Well...yes, there is also a tea making machine here, so it is obviously not an English-made tank."

Crounpis: "Okay, this country has no independent research and development at all. Many of them buy backward products from other countries. As long as they are scrapped tanks and warships in the world, I have a way to control them."

The driver, Kamijou Touma, couldn't stand it any longer: "How scary! Is this thing really moving in a straight line? Why isn't it a professional Flampis driving this thing instead of letting a high school student who can only ride a bicycle drive this thing?"

Crownpiss: "I'm driving. Is it easy for me to control an armored platoon of tanks? Who told Othinus to remove all the ghost ship elements so that the whole army can't autopilot? Let me use it.

Controlling a platoon with a remote control to synchronize with this tank is a two-hand job."

Othinus: "If the scent of the ghost ship leaks out, magic cannons and holy spell bombardments will probably arrive soon. But it doesn't matter. Even if it doesn't drive well, what if this thing hits somewhere? It will be fine. Don't overwhelm it.

Just people will do."

Touma: "I know this kind of thing too! Then why not let the guy who came to Flampis just now drive it? He just doesn't have a driver's license?"

Crownpiss: "No, for the Amakusa elites, they can do a little bit of everything from motorcycles to large buses, from motorboats to submarines, from gliders to helicopters."

Touma: "...Although I don't expect to find help, it's really unfortunate that I feel inferior. That girl is younger than Misaka, right?"

Crownpis: "If you're talking about a normal age and appearance, I'd rather go to Othinus's subordinates. Speaking of which, none of Othinus's subordinates are on this side?"

A few seconds later——

Othinus: "It's rare to have a tea brewing machine, so just soak these hard ones until they are soft, and then try the canned food that looks like hamburger steaks."

Touma: "Othinus, no one will laugh at you now."

Crounpiss: "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... Just laugh at this time."

The chariot traveled smoothly, and now Denmark has become a place where weapons and wonders are displayed. Even if you meet passers-by occasionally, they will be illuminated by flashlights.

This added worries to Touma who was thinking about how to comfort Othinus, but he soon stopped worrying about it. It was not just a reason to drive into a sparsely populated place again.

Othinus: "Hey! We're about to enter the sea ahead!"

Touma: "Excuse me, is the brake...this one?"

Then the chariot accelerated.

Crounpis: "Wow, this is the first time I've seen a real thing using the accelerator as a brake."

Othinus: "Hey, hey, hey, then move the track control levers on both sides back to the center, both sides are required. You can also push the gear lever back to the center!"

Touma: "Don't say it so fast! Which pole is which! Franpis, can't you use your ability to take over!"

Crounpis: "Then you need to jump out of the car first or chop off your right hand and throw it away... No, no, it won't work. It won't work if the thing in your right hand comes out. Anyway, just jump off!"

Palai: "Touma! Extend your right hands one foot forward to the left, grab the round-headed pole, push it up one space, push it left, push it to the end, and push it up to the end."

Crown Pease: "Wait, that's——"

Although Touma was able to avoid the tragedy of rushing into the water under the prompts that even an idiot like Palai could understand, a series of collisions occurred due to the "ping ping ping pong" of a large number of tanks. Fortunately, the tanks were quite durable.

It was a crash, but there was no other damage except scratches on the paint.

But people inside were upset.

Othinus got directly from the turret to the cab and began to strangle Touma with his hands: "Why did you do it once! Once! So useless! Ah!!"

"Hey," Crowenpis opened the hatch cover and stuck his head out. He symbolically looked at the sky with a rangefinder and said, "Don't you think something is wrong?"

A big white explosion suddenly swallowed up the chariot team.

The torrent of impact caused the inside of the chariot to shake.

"None of them? A threat shot?"

The next wave is no longer the case. The orange beam melts away the armor of the tank and invades the interior. The originally sturdy tank bursts from the inside like a balloon filled with water to the limit. Three or two turrets fly into the sky, with flames and blackness.

Smoke is everywhere.

The reason why the car they were riding in was fine was because Crownpiss defended it, but this also exposed the target.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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