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Chapter 354 The World War Comes Down to the Cosmic Hypothesis

"Actually, for higher beings standing above the world, human beings may be like Trojan horse viruses that are difficult to remove from their computers."

Halfway through what he said, Crounpis glanced at the people around him to confirm that not everyone was listening to the Book of Heaven before continuing: "In fact, human civilization has been installing things with higher beings who are trying to eliminate the 'virus'.

Fight and win, leaving traces in the world refer to some myths and legends, but there will be a moment when higher beings can't stand it - well, just reinstall the system or buy another computer, that's what I'll do. I explain it like this

Can you understand the image of both the science side and the magic side?"

After Clunpisi said this, she looked at everyone again.

Touma had a curious expression on his face and turned to look at Bai Dewei.

"Why are you looking at me with such a disgusting look?" Bai Dewei stared back.

"Why are you putting on a poker face? Stop pretending, tell the truth. I obviously understand every sentence, but I can't understand it when connected together. Our interactions with her are limited to battles and those things that are thousands of miles apart.

You will definitely not be able to keep up with my research!"

"...Well, indeed." Bai Dewei put away his unhappy eyes and raised his chin with his hand to pretend to think.

"Eh? Why did you admit it so quickly? Doesn't this seem like Mr. Kamijou is being petty?"

"Well... Anyway, let's try to explain it using a more common concept from our side." Bai Dewei said, taking out the chalk from nowhere and drawing a pyramid on the ground, "Using the life in Kabbalah thought

Understand the tree concept, the souls of gods, angels, humans, demons and other categories are divided into multiple levels with clear upper and lower levels, which is the composition of theocratic supremacy. The Tower of Babel built by Flampis once formed an absolute suppression of the largest cross sect on the magic side.

The force makes use of this mechanism. The number interval and time interval of the lives of each stratum are determined, so there will usually be no mutual interference and natural changes, but the existence of magic will be between strata.

Sparks fly out and break the boundaries. Although it will cause luck and misfortune at the same time to maintain the balance of mankind, but leaving aside the unfortunate part, in fact, the existence of magic will greatly continue the lucky part of human history, and this broken boundary will not be

Balanced circulation between classes.”

Bai Dewei's chalk drew a line downward on the top of the pyramid, splitting the human class in half, and continued: "This will not only cause imbalances in other classes, but the extension of human history also means that the new era queuing up behind cannot press

It is scheduled to arrive, which will inevitably cause dissatisfaction from other classes. Therefore, what Flampis said is by no means impossible. However, it is not a pleasant thing to happen in the century where this lady lives or in the not-too-distant future.


"Applause, applause." Crownpis opened and closed her hands frequently and said with a smile, "Although deliberately avoiding parts that do not belong to your field has biased the analysis and conclusions, in order to take care of the little friends in Academy City

The Kabbalah part of the world view that I didn’t specifically mention is explained in an easy-to-understand manner, which is amazing. Although the combat power is lower than that of the first-generation "Gold", at least it is worthy of the name of the Queen of Magic who is the successor of "Gold" in this era.


"Huh, of course." Bai Dewei raised her nose. Regarding the derogation of combat effectiveness, she could only accept it after seeing the battle just now. Her mental endurance is not bad.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" By this time, it seems, Touma can't do anything else except holding his head and sobbing.

The gap between geniuses and fools has not changed due to the distance between the two parties that has gone through phase time.

"That's what I said." Mikoto, who had been silent all this time, spoke up, "At least you really don't have any intention of just lying about what happened before, right?"

"Even if I say 'don't worry', it won't be convincing at all." Crownpis raised her hands and teased, "This thing is different from that thing. Our 'fooling around' in the world is based on the premise that the world itself can be repaired.

Next, and what is about to happen, although the world will not be destroyed, human beings will indeed be destroyed. The matter has been said. To be honest, Othinus has helped enough. I can go alone for the rest. Can't you follow?

It doesn’t matter if you come with me, I just don’t want some people who don’t know anything to cause trouble for no reason.”

"Then, what is your purpose?" Touma asked, "If it is similar to a bad person doing good things once in a while, he will look cool, and maybe he can erase the past, so he saves the world. Such a reason will make me unhappy.

It’s better to know how to react.”

Crownpis looked at Palai, who was huddled in his pocket and looking up at him with watery eyes, and decided to "confess and be lenient."

"...Well, it's been a hundred years anyway. To be honest, I can't even figure out the direction of my efforts. If I can get new suggestions, it wouldn't be a bad idea to tell them."

Clunpisi was silent for a moment, pretending to be mysterious, and then declared with a serious look: "Actually, I come from a planet in another universe. In the future, the terrifying existence of this planet will invade my hometown, so I, as my hometown, have the best fighting ability.

A representative of one of the powerful races traveled through vast space and time to come here and try to solve the problem a hundred years in advance. I definitely have no sense of mission, but I can't sit back and watch my home and compatriots be threatened. Although I have tried to make this planet's civilization

I was caught up in internal fighting and had no time to look outside and try to eliminate that possibility by directly using the power to change the entire world, but the future of my hometown has not changed because of my actions."

"Wouldn't it be better for you to destroy the world?" It was Pallet who interjected, obviously she was the only one who understood what Crownpis meant.

Crounpisi bent down with his arms akimbo and looked down at the little Palai: "Oh, thank you for such serious questioning. Now I know that there are various exceptions in this world, and daring to do that will only lead to those who will not even destroy the world.

The mortal and unconventional guys are flocking to my hometown to take revenge! So I can never watch this world be destroyed! Do you understand?"

"Wait a minute," Touma squeaked softly, "it really doesn't make sense to suddenly talk about aliens."

Crownpis raised her head and covered her face pretending to be sad: "Oh - come on, no one will believe you if you tell the truth these days. Come on, aliens are a scientific subject. You are still from Academy City.


"Whatever, aren't you on the magic side? Just give the grays or octopus monsters to the magic side." Touma said casually.

(to be continued)

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