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Chapter 362 The wrong demonstration of the hand of pickup

"...Obviously there are better ways to investigate, but forget it. If you turn a blind eye when you think of someone being harmed, I will beat you up." Mikoto did not object to Touma's choice.

When the two came to Westminster Abbey, they happened to see a vague light in a half-collapsed room.

"There are two people inside, and one of them is lying down." Mikoto, who can scan space with electromagnetic waves, pointed there.

"Trapped people? Damn it! You can't move! Misaka, your English is good, go call someone!" Touma climbed over the half-collapsed wall and ran in without thinking.

"Wait a minute, this is very dangerous! It's true."

Mikoto reminded Nie Li that Touma was careful enough in his actions, but he still got into trouble.

It was as if the glass window was smashed, and the moment Touma reached for the other side of the wall while trying to get in, the light inside collapsed.


Touma said that something was wrong. His English was poor, but he could still hear such swear words. He thought that some kind of magic had been eliminated. The magician must be very angry when his magic was destroyed, especially if it was a life-extending magic.

It was a big disaster.

"Be careful, human being." Palai said awkwardly.

"You know magic, right? Mr. Kamijou hopes to give you some hints in advance."

"Who told you to rush in without even thinking? Hehe."

The explosive wind rushed out of the room, and Touma was blown several meters away, rolled twice on the ground, and turned over with a heart-breakingly skillful gesture.

With a dark face, Anasha jumped out with a broom in two steps.

Because Mathers' attack was extraordinary, even though Yanila's body had defenses beyond ordinary human standards at that time, she was still seriously injured. She was giving Yanila surgery-level treatment, constructing the entire room into a continuous

It took a lot of effort to create a magical ritual venue for destiny, but it was just destroyed like this?

No matter who this person is, his existence is a denial of magic. As long as this person is here, Yanila cannot be saved unless he is killed quickly.

"Between the sun and Venus, set up two realms and cut open the gate of the earth realm!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Continuous surging explosions forced Touma back. Even with his right hand to resist, the violent wind caused by the squeezing of the air before the explosions touched him and the flying debris from the ground were unable to do anything.

"You—" Mikoto joined the battle, manipulating the iron sand to form a barrier to resist the explosion. Although she was exposed to magic but did not understand it, she could still see that her sweetheart was being attacked.

Then she took out the coin. The opponent's firepower made her decide that it was not convenient to use a.a.a., but it was worth taking it seriously.

"Between the sun, Venus and the moon, set up two realms and break the gate of heaven!"

Anasha didn't know about the electromagnetic gun, but she didn't watch the opponent attack. She struck first and pointed the broom at Mikoto. A magic circle with an angel's shadow blocked the orange beam of light, and then turned into a light explosion.

Counterattack towards Mikoto along the path of the electromagnetic cannon.

"This is it!" Mikoto, knowing that she could not escape the speed of her movement, unleashed the maximum power lightning strike towards the unknown light explosion, but the lightning strike did not hinder the light explosion at all.

Fortunately, the speed of this move was not as fast as that of a railgun. Touma pulled Mikoto behind him and stretched out his right hand to eliminate part of the light explosion that would hit them.

However, the loss made Mikoto a little shocked. A.a.a. was hit by a stray bullet that did not disappear immediately! Part of the components were peeled off! Although it was only a very small part, even a little damage to this precision instrument would greatly reduce its performance and even render it unusable.

"Well, this witch is fun." Palai said.

"Give me something useful that can be done in one shot without hurting them!" Touma said hurriedly while parrying the attack.

"That's an angel."

"When did angels become so casual? It feels like the big explosion of Bai Dewei? Can a magician like this be seen just running around!"

"No, it's not just that there is no control, but that it uses out-of-control energy to explode. Touma, you know, in fact, the angels you can learn about through various channels now have nothing to do with the Bible. They are all made up based on needs.

.Just think of it as that kind of angel."

"Can that kind of angelic power be used?! Don't those who are addicted to fantasy online games have the qualifications to become powerful magicians? Don't be kidding!"

"Really, I would like to cooperate with your interpretation of the wooden fish head cognition. Let's put it this way, it is really normal for Christian Christians to worship angels, so making up random angels has occurred within the Christian religion since ancient times.

It is not impossible for a magician to use this to compile related magic books and magic. However, the 'ammunition' that guy can use to load is not only angels. The ones that knock you away at the beginning should be defined as fairies in the valley, causing shattering.

The explosions caused by the random shooting of rocks must be goblins."

"You can call the attack whatever you want, tell me how to deal with it!"

"Just be Stiyl who is stronger [Gift of Pain to Giants [purisaz naupiz gebo]] but not capable of [Hunting Witch King [innocentius]]."

"I gave the giant such and such gifts!"

"It's that guy's move where he throws flames with both hands and explodes. Touma clearly remembers the killer move [Innocentius], but he doesn't remember his average move?"

"I'm sorry, that guy set fire and muttered too many words, Mr. Kamijou couldn't remember them!"

"Hey, can you tell me some principles that I can understand!" Mikoto couldn't help but let go of her dignity and admit her ignorance. She could only resist the unknown information for a while. This was not the first time she felt aggrieved, but she still had to find a way to turn the tide of the battle.

But before the battle situation changed, the fire from the sky, which was insurmountable by both sides' long-range attacks, isolated their line of fire.

Touma couldn't feel the heat of the fire, and it looked more like a wall than flames. He judged that the person coming might be trying to stop a fight or maintain order, so he didn't rush to eliminate it with his right hand and looked at the source of the fire wall.

Hmm... I saw it in Denmark.


Going back in time a little -

Cynthia Exment, Richard Brave and Vaser, the magicians and other mercenary units of their respective forces, in the multinational coalition, the goals have successively shifted to search for Othinus from all over the world to Academy City and then to Denmark.

During this period, they had been secretly deployed via Iceland and Ireland to places where they could enter the UK at any time.

How did you hide it? It's a combination of politics and magic.

There are tens of thousands of members in this magical association that moves freely around the world. In addition, the United States and the EU are still at each other's throats, which makes the excuse for so many people to exercise together much more convenient through political cover.

After the British royal family evacuated London for a while, they captured London.

Of course, it is not like the World War. Their war targets are magicians and other related people who have strong Puritan beliefs and knights who are loyal to the royal family in London.

Cynthia is responsible for dealing with the Knights, Richard is responsible for the Puritans, and Vasseur is responsible for the others. The division of labor is clear - also because they don't know how to cooperate at all.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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