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Chapter 2 Dryad Patriarch: Doriad

Just when the sailors were changing shifts and chatting for a while, the alarm sounded!


"Enemy attack?! What is the lookout post doing!"

"None of my business! I didn't see anything! It couldn't be underwater, could it?"

"Stop being so silly! The Fairy Temple is about to take action! The commander said, we should retreat some distance before we get involved!"


The water in front looked like an explosion, stirring up high water columns and huge waves.

"Steady! The magic engine increases its power and turns the rudder!"

In the water column that just erupted, a dark warship rushed out almost vertically, hitting the water and causing waves again.

Fortunately, there was no danger.

The few crew members who were busy but stationed in relatively fixed positions on the deck were still talking about it.

"Is that a battleship from the country where the Fairy Temple originated? It's so big."

"But what's the point of getting out of the water like that just now? It's not a flying fish. Don't the people inside get seasick?"

"Then the premise is that the crew inside are all humans or demi-humans. Look, a crew member came out of the cabin, and sure enough, there is not a single human."

"Do you know those races?"

"The Dragon Kingdom is a country that advocates mutual assistance and co-prosperity among multiple races. You came to be a navy crew member and you didn't know that? Those demi-humans in areas where there is a large demand for demi-humans are all demi-humans that everyone can name by their race."

"I don't know if it's an illusion, but I was an adventurer in the past. Although the aura of those demi-humans in white robes is not as good as those of the undead sailors, they are still a bit cold and weird."

"What a coincidence, I actually feel the same way."

"Although they are not a race with powerful power in the legend, aren't there rumors in the underground market that some people have undergone body modification in order to gain power and fear death? I wouldn't be surprised if they say they have undergone body modification."

"Hey! Why are you lazy here? Why don't you go in and work!"

The governor is here.

"...obey!" x n

Titania's domestic version of the ghost battleship is full of white-robed men. They are war ghosts formed by body modification and brainwashing by the Fairy Temple using the escaped slaves collected from the Central Continent and the races used as food. Their thoughts are unified until they become gods.

They will not betray anyone even if they are destroyed, and are less painful consumables to squander than a large number of weaker lower-rank Alice and Midori.

In addition, some of the indigenous residents sent by Titania and sent out have also been gathered - a few indigenous people whose strength can keep up with the war ghosts. At least they are the best in the jungle, and they have more ghost ideas for exploration missions.

Make up for the shortcomings of fighting ghosts.

In the cabin, Larva, who was wearing a similar hooded white robe in order to avoid standing out from the crowd, was sitting quietly and using magic skills, silently applying battlefield buffs to all our team members.

Because of the magic enhancement and her in-depth exploration of natural energy in her spare time, the level of enhancement of her own members within the battlefield buff range is almost equivalent to half the level.

In a sense, this is perception in disguise.

"Although I asked that part of the logistics force to follow up, they actually sneaked in. The empress and Nephthys in the intelligence." Larva thought secretly.

However, the buff she applied was rejected by the two demon gods whose existence itself seemed to distort everything. I don't know whether it was disdain, dislike, or unnecessary, but fortunately it did not cause dissatisfaction on the other side.

Fire reconnaissance naturally has a meaning consistent with the value of this term.

But the real purpose of this fire reconnaissance is to see if the demon can be thrown into the center of the vortex of the "Century Aftershock".

The goblin watched for a while, and probably figured out some of the devil's temperament. There is no such thing as a devil that is as arrogant to the world as Othinus when he first appeared. Now that he has become a devil, he can easily do so because of his ability to add phases at will.

He has a lifelong wish, and because if he fights casually, he will destroy the world if he is not careful, he lives a Buddhist-like life.

However, that is the suppression of desire in order to prevent the world he can paint as a painting from being destroyed. Once he finds something new and interesting that even the devil can find, he will try to take action.

This may be the reason why they boarded the "car" heading to the center of this "Century Aftershock" manifestation.

It would be a good idea to throw them in as "bombs" who also like to play fighting. If you are lucky, maybe the devil will dig up the place where the game characters can be turned into reality and released into another world - although the latter is just

Just the random thoughts of a fairy.

Across the cabin, the sound of waves could be heard.

Not long after, there was a "dong-dong" knock on the door.

Larva raised his head: "Who?"

Although it can basically be confirmed by sensing natural energy, the form still needs to be worked out.

"It's me, Doriad. Doriad Rufi Perulia, leader of the Dryad clan of Titania."

Doriad is one of the natives of Titania who has completed part of the new system of training. She is in a very outstanding class in terms of strength and brains - native standards. Her current level in the Larva domain is level 52 (28).

, it seems that the basic level is high, but excluding the racial level of 15, one-third of the levels are leadership professions.

"come in."

The door was opened from the outside, and a dryad wearing a white robe of the same type and a figure similar to Larva walked in. He took off his hood, revealing his short emerald green neck-length hair and a pink five-petal flower as big as the hat.

With a pale wooden face, he nodded and saluted.

"Report, the ship is about to dock, but there is still no movement on the other side... Is this island that suddenly appeared in the sea really sent by the 'hundred-year aftershock', just like you adults and the existence of the six great gods and the eight kings of desire?"

"If you think it is a natural phenomenon that there are artificial facilities on the islands that appeared due to volcanic movements... But this is the scope of the human kingdom after all, so you have ignored the 'Thirteen Heroes'."

"Well, Lord Larva, the strength of those so-called heroes is really not impressive. They grew up with the help of the Dragon King and the rest of the Eight Desire Kings, right? Just like me."

"...That's true, strength is really not eye-catching. Then let's march, the command will be left to you. Is there anything else you want to say?"



"Excuse me, Lord Larva, if we die, can the cost of resurrection be reimbursed?"

"...This time it's free for Titania residents!"

"Ah, thank you!"

"But the premise is to remember to send the body back. By the way, since I've come here, I won't have to make an extra trip after landing. Take this."

Larva waved, and a palm-sized goblin wearing a crown flew over unsteadily. It looked like it was using all its strength to carry a handful much larger than her size - about

A sword two feet long and two fingers wide - landed in Larva's hand.

(to be continued)

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