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Chapter 12 Imperial Power and Yayaka

Crescent Lake (Sea)——

More than two hundred meters long, with a majestic appearance, the warship flew the flag of the Bajas Empire and had a huge imperial coat of arms painted on its side. It sailed at high speed on the sea, leaving a line of fog unique to the ghost ship.

It took the Bahas Empire more than twenty years to fully understand the ghost battleships and other advanced magic cannon technologies transferred by the Fairy Temple, seize the most fertile areas of the human kingdom, and then become richer. It also took several years.

It is a product that has just been officially manufactured. Although its actual combat power will probably be instantly killed by Titania's capital ship, a combat power level of 60 or above can dodge all firepower and rush in to open holes in the ship or rush in to kill the crew.

But such warships are enough for the navy to completely defeat most of the ocean monsters and sail through the seas that were feared by humans.

However, although deliberately building a ship and then converting it into a ghost ship will improve its performance, the construction period will be much longer. It is a necessary process to turn a considerable number of crew members into undead and sink together at once. However, as a civilized human country, it cannot always be

Are so many people deliberately committing suicide in order to improve the performance of the ship? If the crew members die of old age, their potential will be exhausted. In the end, it can only help the necromancers and other related professions to regain their sanity and be able to perfectly obey the dispatch and perform the functions of crew members and sailors.

Skeletons and Zombies - These are the least difficult to create and the easiest to use undead.

For battleships like the Imperial Force battlecruiser, the Empire has built three of them so far, and each has assigned a number of other smaller ships to form three fleets.

One of them was given to all ghost ships, which were directly given to Yayaka Ty Korn Borderer to use the power of high-level undead control to ensure that the level of the battleship was raised to a level that could cope with the monsters that descended from the last "100-year aftershock"

and the hero's highest level (level 75).

The remaining two ships are under the control of necromancers trained by the chief magician Fluder Paradine and are directly used by naval officers and soldiers.

The reason why they put so much effort into building a navy that has no place to show its power except at sea and coastal areas is because of the inherent characteristics of the ghost ship - like the ghost, it can fly. Although the empire's technology is not as high as Titania's, and it can't fly very high,

But at least the ghost battleship can be used as a hovercraft in another time and space, and it can easily sail ashore to support army operations.

At first glance, the appearance of the battleship seems very ridiculous to those with knowledge of dreadnoughts. The space left for the superstructure and mast on the deck is very narrow. In order not to reduce the number of necessary rooms, the buildings are piled high, exceeding the mast.

Half the height; and, although the main gun turrets are all arranged on the central axis of the bow and stern of the ship in order to maximize the firing range of all main guns, there are actually six quadruple 540mml/30 magic main guns, on the sides.

There are countless weapons, and just looking at it makes you wonder whether the ship will capsize regardless of whether it turns or fires.

However, considering the shipbuilding cycle and the occupations involved, the ghost ship has the property of being able to float in the air. It will definitely not have radars and magic cannons, which do not have huge recoil like artillery. Therefore, the buildings on the ship should be made taller, as much as possible.

Stacking powerful weapons on top is also an inevitable choice.

On the high bridge at the top of the battleship's superstructure, Yayaka occasionally raised a telescope with the magic [telescope] attached to it to geometrically improve its performance.

Soon after, the scene around the maritime city gradually became clearer.

"Is the war in the Fairy Temple already getting heated? Really, after the headquarters relented, they actually directly sent us and Lord Paradine and his disciples to fight," she said.

"Lord Yayaka, you still have some bellicosity. I remember decades ago you said that there would never be such a war for a long time, but you looked regretful. This time you are even more unhappy.

." said Leili, who was a close attendant.

"Naturally, I am very self-aware." Yayaka put down the telescope and held her hand on the porthole. "If I were a noble child who had a smooth life, and was given the power I have now, I would be so ecstatic that I would think I was alive in seconds.

Isn’t it a matter of seconds? Those guys who were cared for by their families and bought quotas for life extension and immortality at such a young age have such faces."

"Yes. There are many people who have ideas and admiration for you, but they can't see your difficulties."

Looking back on Yayaka's life, every time she gained powerful power, it was like winning a lottery for free. Just looking at this, her luck and opportunities are simply enviable and jealous. However, if you look carefully, what kind of situation are they -

She accidentally boarded a ghost ship and was forced to fight the undead and the dragon, which were quite scary to her. In the end, the ship capsized and she drowned, and was bitten to death by the giant rat undead; she was turned into an undead and was killed by the evil Night Dead magician.

He was forced to do all kinds of bad things that he was unwilling to do, and he was involved in the struggle between the crusaders and made him no longer human inside and outside. He was an outcast to one side and an enemy to the other side. He could neither be a human nor a ghost, and he suffered at the same time.

The persecution of both sides; the time when she became the true ancestor and gained the power of the Valkyrie, she was pushed to the front line of the war involving the destruction and survival of the world. Fortunately, she was not involved in the core battle, otherwise she would have been crushed.

into dust.

Really, there is no experience worthy of admiration or envy at all. If it were any other noble with even a little bit of martial arts background, Yayaka was sure that they would not even be able to pass the first level. The situation at that time was that Yayaka was

My own innate powers were tortured so much that I wanted to give up and got them through various coincidences. Others probably couldn't even become immortals, and they would rot as the ship sank to the bottom of the sea or be eaten by monsters in the water.

"Moreover, there are actually people who want to use this as a bargaining chip to marry Lady Yayaka. They are really overestimating their capabilities." Leili thought of another thing and started teasing her angrily.

Yayaka grinned: "But they and their family are not useless to the country, otherwise no matter how rich and powerful they are, they still won't be able to get a quota. But marriage is still exempted, huh, I always look at this picture

What should I do if my face gets tired? One-night stand is the way to go, hum."


"Eh? Was that a speechless topic just now? Your race is obviously more open than humans, right?" Yayaka looked back at Leilili who looked sad.

After Leili realized the meaning of what she just said, she waved her hands in panic for a moment and defended: "No... As a special bloodline, I am also suspected of being a mixed race. I can't be a human, an orc, let alone a half-orc. I'm the target of my choice.

I can't find it at all. Thinking about spending money to buy it will make it more empty... No, no, no, I'm not dissatisfied with Yayaka's sleeping skills and toys, but it just lacks a masculine flavor and I feel like something is missing."

(to be continued)

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