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Chapter 15 Guild Wars: The Fall of the Floor Guardian

After a salvo fired by the battlecruiser Imperial Power, the damage to everyone on the island seemed invisible. Yayaka Golden Light was a little unhappy for a moment, but immediately ordered to change the ammunition and continue shooting.

In each salvo, more than twenty large artillery shells flew out and hit the surroundings of the sea city. A small number fell into the city. Some enemies were hit on the spot and turned upside down, but the shells did not explode.

It shattered and released a large amount of white mist. The enemies who were knocked down suffered only minor injuries and got up to continue charging towards the battle line formed by the war ghosts.

Following the cannonball, the magic circle opened at the muzzle sprayed out clusters of white air masses, which spread out as the cannonball landed on the island.

Soon, the entire maritime city and the island where it was located were shrouded in a white fog.

Yayaka put down the telescope, muttered and ordered: "There really is no fire attribute, there is no way, No. 1 turret, No. 1 cannon, fire magic [flame dart]."

"Whoops!" In the red magic array that unfolded from the muzzle, the javelin composed of orange flames rushed towards the white mist at subsonic speed.

Then, light it all up!

Terrible flames rushed hundreds of meters into the air, the spreading air waves caused the boiling seawater to surge, and mushroom clouds rose into the sky...

"Hmph, it's true that they were all wiped out. Even if the defense is very high and you have fire resistance, so what? Since you are a human being, you always need to breathe. If you want to be qualified to compete with me head-on in terms of strength, you have to become a dead person first.


Yayaka looked at this spectacular scene and laughed loudly.


What would a below-average human being from the 22nd century in an ordinary technologically civilized world know about the reasons why humans can become the "rulers" of the earth?

The human body is very fragile, but it has more terrifying weapons than other creatures in nature, and that is the tools made by humans.

Even in the fantasy world of swords and magic, humans may not be able to make weapons with a range that far exceeds that of rank magic and is comparable to missiles, nuclear weapons, etc. Even a guild facility with an underground labyrinth that resembles space isolation cannot feel at ease.

In the twelfth century, ground-penetrating bombs were not advanced gadgets, and the possibility could not be ignored.

Therefore, for the first wave of invaders' attack, he just used them as tactics, and the nearly 10,000 people sent out were cheap or even free combat units.

If it were a guild composed of level 100 players, even nearly ten thousand people would be blown away like scraps of paper.

The invaders' individual combat power was higher than theirs, but the gap was not desperate, so he deliberately let in the team that entered the city with the purpose of secretly invading from the beginning.

In his opinion, the battle of this team should not be able to complete even one-third of the first floor of the underground maze, but what is that?

It's completely different from what's done in the game. The mechanisms that should be able to definitely solve them are constantly being cracked and destroyed. Buildings can't be destroyed, but the mechanisms that are designed to deal with enemies can be destroyed?

What's the principle? Judging from the surveillance, it seems that the elf tribe has the ability to freely change the size of all aspects of the body. It can avoid various seemingly unavoidable attacks and can get into small places. The team also carries a weapon that can adapt to the user's size changes.

equipment props - this is the same as the game.

In this way, props were stuffed inside the mechanism to jam the structure.

But, does the trap have an internal structure?

No, if this is reality, this is normal.

Poisoning to kill a pool of guardian monsters had a big impact on him. Although this seemed normal, casually spilling the purchased medicine in the game would only be a waste of invalid decisions.

Is this reality? In this case, his very strong HP in the game will be meaningless. If his neck is wiped by a weapon that can break the defense, or if his heart is pierced, he will be killed directly?


After that, a warship actually appeared on the sea?! A bombardment started?! It looked a bit weird in shape, but judging from the size and firepower, it should be at the level of the early to mid-20th century, right?

Combining the results of the first wave of bombardment with the intelligence from the previous surface battles, he understood that the average combat power of the residents of this world should be similar to the free combat units in the 100-level player guild.

In the second wave of bombardment, even the principle of cloud explosion bombs was used, and the remaining thousands of people were wiped out together with the hundreds of remaining enemy people. The weaknesses of living things will not disappear because of the existence of parameters. Then, shouldn't it?

Even if you spend krypton gold to strengthen and create powerful combat units, you will still face the problem of birth, old age, sickness and death if you turn it into reality? Isn’t that worth it?

I'm so scared that I wish I could block all the entrances and exits with those building components that have been confirmed to be undamaged by bombardment. There are also classes under the sea city that have sunshine, and the farmland, fruit trees and livestock that were originally used to create an atmosphere of self-sufficiency have become a reality.

, completely truly self-sufficient.

However, he was afraid that this kind of behavior that violated the gameplay would deduct fines from the treasury. Although the defense facilities and combat units had free parts, facing strong players close to his level still required payment and krypton gold.

Only when it works can it work, otherwise it will just keep sending out small amounts of experience gift packs.

Moreover, free combat power is not unlimited, there is a daily upper limit; the repair of free mechanisms also takes some time - otherwise the game balance will be destroyed? But this kind of place is still like a game.

It was raining during the house leak season, and in the scene of monitoring the intruders on the first floor of the maze, the floor guardian boss on the first floor was killed - the battle seemed fierce, but the chance of victory was not there from the beginning.

The floor guardian boss on the first floor is the heavily armored knight Varuz. Although we have not been able to get legendary level or above equipment for him, he is still at level 85. Even if the opponent is outnumbered, the defeat should not be too ugly.

However, as soon as the battle began, the elf shrank his body and got through the gap in the armor under the cover of his companions.

The four-legged creature with strong melee capabilities served as both a tank and a DPS. The other team members cooperated with him to cover him and launched a fierce attack. I wonder if the thing that got in did something. It may also be that the person who looks like the captain has been using it. I can’t tell the specifics.

The magic of the effect is some kind of strong negative buff - it's really inconvenient not to have a game interface.

Varuz's movements were very unnatural. Although every blow could severely damage or even kill an enemy, he always failed.

Finally, before Varuz fell, the mystery was solved - plants emerged from all the gaps in the armor, expanding the armor, and the scene that even made him want to vomit across the screen was - tentacle-like

Vines sprouted from Varuz's lower body and mouth!

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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