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Chapter 28 The Luxurious Dollhouse

Maritime city, guild hall——

After hearing the other party's purpose and speech, and seeing the other party's flag, he was a little excited, annoyed, and almost cried as he shook hands with the god and Deyasha one by one.

It turns out that all the original guild companions came to this world?

However, there is a difference of hundreds of years, and they have passed away long ago. Although one of the companions named Stashar is an undead with no life limit, it sounds like he died with other players who traveled through time with the guild.

in the struggle.

If everyone had been together at that time and led the guild together, even if we were unable to find our way for a while due to time travel and reincarnation, would we have had a better future if we worked together. But the result now is that there are no resources and no levels.

They could only break out of a small world. He had a lot of resources but he was alone and didn't know what to do. The guild's functions were not even 30% of its strength in its heyday. Not to mention the two cheating guys, if those who arrived by boat

Even if the army attacks with all its strength, it may not be able to stop it.

It's too late to regret it now. It's already satisfying to meet the descendants of my former companions and people from the same game who are not hostile.

Although it's not yet complete trust, let's leave it to them for now.


When the empress and Nephthys wandered here as if on an outing, the place was already deserted.

"There is no real artifact."

"Yes, although I somewhat expected it from the myths and legends of this world."

The main city of the guild hall and the surface are not physically connected to the labyrinth. It is not a problem of blocking dead ends, but it is the same as a space barrier. It cannot be easily reached without space magic or the ability to break it.

After all - the guild hall is originally a private area in the game that is not a combat area. It is a place where any player who does not belong to that guild is not allowed to enter without the consent of the guild.

Therefore, at that time, the [Portal] used by the Theocratic Wind Miko Hime did not respond at first. If Mai did not lift the restriction and counterattack, there would be no response after that.

The strange thing is that it looks like a game, but the devil can still violently tear apart this rule-level protection.

"Empress, will you find anything by analyzing this space itself?"

"Okay, okay, the dollhouse manufacturing factory might be interesting."


The next morning, the sea city, the surface——

A sound that was not pleasant at all woke Fundilete up. She sat up and felt even more dizzy. Even though her vision was no longer blurry, she still felt like she was sitting on a boat about to be swayed by the wind and waves.

"Lord Fundilete, are you awake?" The person outside the tent once again hooked his fingers inside and outside the rope that had the [alert] applied so that the box would beep intermittently, and said in a respectful tone.

Telling it may not convince the military and adventurers who regard this magic as a warning measure, but this person is using this magic as an alarm clock.

She responded and took out her hand mirror to straighten her hair that was not untied last night and therefore not too messy. Being able to master the magic of life is very convenient at this time, but it is troublesome for girls who are too delicate and do not know this kind of magic.

Well, it would be very troublesome to maintain this environment without losing hair.

However, even though I didn't lose my hair, I still felt dizzy and my body was even more sluggish than when I was exhausted from fighting yesterday.

After all, this place looks like a city but is actually a maze full of dangers. She secretly thought that she might not be cursed. She also identified some things before writing the article last night and came up with cursed equipment.

However, as she had lost face by being rejected by the Crown Prince for an engagement not long ago, she could not show her weakness in front of her colleagues and subordinates.

At first glance, it seems that rejecting the engagement is just a matter of face, but in fact it is not. It would be fine if the head of the family refused when discussing the engagement with the royal family. Rejecting on the spot during the banquet has been heard by all the important guests. The highest duke among the noble titles is the royal family.

The collateral line of her, in fact, the highest nobleman who has nothing to do with the royal family is the Marquis. In addition, she has strength that most nobles do not possess. There is no possibility of being allowed to flow to the religious side or outside the imperial capital. There are young men in the imperial capital who can match her.

Not much, so this may directly lead to her not being able to get married. A story like being abandoned by a vicious prince and then the real Prince Charming standing up can only be found in girls' novels (of course not in this work).

It won't work if we don't do something to shift the focus of the matter and improve the reputation.

Never show weakness or flaws in front of your colleagues and subordinates.

She steeled herself and walked out of the tent.

"Good morning, Lady Fundilete." The colleague beside the curtain had already put on a standard maid salute.

"Well, get up. You are not my servant here. You are a colleague investigating and exploring the history, culture and technology of unknown areas. No need to be polite."

"Yes, Lady Fundilete... Then, do I still need to dress you up?"

"...Please, please. Also, I am going to put these on this time. They were identified last night and the specific effects are also labeled. This is yours. The rest will be distributed to others for me...

By the way, this and this are cursed equipment, but they can be useful depending on the situation. Maybe...Mr. Kit, Miss Olia may need it. If not, just give it to someone from the Ministry of Magic." She took out a handful of jewelry.


"Isn't this...these?" The subordinate remembered that these were all things collected in the city yesterday.

The equipment on the surface that is not the original game map is all "junk" and low-level props that enliven the atmosphere of the maze. These are not only the units summoned by Crounpith's creation, but also the citizens of Titania.

Even the higher-ups in the maze look down upon them, and they turn a blind eye to them in order to ensure that they can collect more valuable things in the maze. But to ordinary humans, they are all good things.

"I would venture to suggest that it would be better for you, the noble one, to take part in this matter. After all, we need to earn back our reputation, right? But...isn't it okay to take cultural relics and wear them without permission?"

"There is no guarantee that a battle like yesterday will happen today. There is no harm in having more life-saving methods. Most of these are magic props with buff and blessing effects, and some can also be used to release magic." Fundirette replied.

, stretched out the hand wearing a ring set with a large emerald, and continued, "For example, this one can cast fourth-level summoning magic..."

"...Huh? Although I know they are expensive, but these things scattered on the roadside, in corners, and even in some seemingly discarded boxes and cans are all magic props?!!!!! Or are they enchanted with fourth-level magic?

Props?! Are the people in this city sick?!!!!"

(to be continued)

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