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Chapter 46 The girl is exploring

Under the continuous wash of all kinds of violence, the functions of the sea city maze have been completely destroyed, except for those low-level guards that automatically refresh for free and some ordinary traps.

Therefore, the personnel sent by the Bajas Empire are constantly and smoothly penetrating into the maze of the maritime city.

Even work outside of combat could be carried out leisurely. The members of the exploration team were chatting away.


"Speaking of which, if we only count fatigue, we need more care than those knights, right?"

"This is part of the hidden mission. There's nothing we can do about it." He said this in a very low voice.

"Don't talk about this now! Why don't I remember that I was taken care of by such a beautiful young lady at work before?"

First, stop someone who looks like he is yelling violently and throw him away.

"Miss Ashley, you seem to be quite free. The title of your family is only a knight. Who has taken care of it yourself? Go and talk to her?"

"Pull her down. She has been rumored to have caused fights among students in the past, right?"

"Although she's pretty cute, she's not particularly outstanding. I've interacted with her at work, and I don't think she's that kind of person. Although it doesn't sound nice to say it, frankly speaking, it makes people want to bully or protect.

The type who wants to rise."

"The result was that someone bullied her and someone wanted to fight against the injustice?"

"No, it was a fight caused by competing confessions."

"...Is that possible? Let alone confession, if she attends a dance party, she will have to lean back to find a dance partner, right?"

"Then what are you worried about? Go and talk to her."

The male compatriot who was pushed out, who was more interested in rejecting Ashley, went away for a while and then came back.

"It seems that Miss Ashley is also a victim in this regard. She doesn't want anyone to fight because of her relationship."

"Well...I heard that basically everyone who talks to her has this evaluation of her."


"So, aren't you really under the spell of charm?"

"What are you talking about! It's easy to detect traces of that kind of magic! You are slandering me!"

Someone was grabbed by the collar by someone who had just returned, and was separated by the peacemaker actor.

"Stop, stop, stop, this is not a place for fighting. It's his fault for casually mentioning that dirty way. You are responsible for that."


People who had just returned from Ashley were placed further away from her.

"Oh, if you are really a vixen, you can curse a few times. This type who does nothing to look pitiful but only arouses the desire to protect is really troublesome."

"Then why do you still have a bad mouth? Obviously nothing like this has happened to her since she entered senior year. Has it relapsed recently?"

"Isn't this also part of Lady Fundilete's plan? She was the one who helped Miss Ashley resolve the problems around her and recruited her into the student union."

"Is it a faction?"

"Anyway, it's better if we stay far away and treat it as invisible."

"Yes, yes, my family is a common people and we can't afford to get involved."

On the other side, the eldest ladies who had finished "serving" the knights who served as escorts gathered together in twos and threes and started on their way back.

Although the passage of the maze is spacious, there are a lot of people in the team. After clearing the maze guards on the first floor, the personnel spread out according to work needs. The total length of the passage occupied is more than three hundred meters. There are also some places where the sentries are manned by powerful members of the exploration team.

Those who take responsibility.

Several people finally reached a place where they could speak freely.

"Phew...finally I don't have to pretend anymore."


"Nila, what weird noise did you make just now?"

"Sorry, I accidentally got a little too diligent and got into the act, and I almost got entangled with that greasy uncle."

"Hey, is it okay to address His Excellency Vice-Captain Paresik in such a disrespectful manner?"

"We're the only ones here anyway."

"Okay, that's right. It's just that sometimes when you say something, your attitude will be revealed in front of the person inadvertently. You have to be careful. But I didn't find anything here. What did Yuya and Katsu-chan gain?"

"...Unfortunately, I don't have it. Where is Ke-chan?"

"Well, there is something very wrong with Mr. Captain Moranz of the Guard Knights. But this was not discovered by me, but the result of other sisters. It's just that her background is relatively large, and a sudden change in actions will be more conspicuous, so she secretly handed it over to me.


"Oh my god, isn't it true that the entire Guard Knights are controlled by the "Blood Chain God Order"?"


"Don't be envious, I don't dare to take all the credit."

"We are worried..."

Chrissy's hair trembled, and half of a shrunken guardian fairy emerged from it.

"You can stop barking when I'm here to cover you. Humans are pretty good at calling me to wait."

In the end, this frightened Yuya and Nila, and they almost screamed.

"Katsu-chan, let's remember that you are not a summoning magic caster, right? Where did this little elf come from?" Yuya asked in a low voice, and Nila nodded as if she was trembling.

"...I don't know when it hid in my hair, but it seems to be very interested in getting through the cracks and cracks in the maze. If something happens and we get into a fight and touch something, it seems to be bothering it... Nila, what's wrong with you?


Nila's appearance changed from swaying to stiffness and then to softness in just one sentence. She touched her head and said with a silly smile: "No, it's nothing, it's probably an illusion... I read about the 'Guardian of the Ruins' in the library.

According to the author's narration, there happened to be another maze here, and I was wondering if it was, but it was not a very docile one, but as long as it offended or invaded their territory, it might cause terrible disasters. The height is comparable to that of a giant, and the hands and feet are like

A monster with a whip? It’s just that the face shape and hair color are so similar.”

The guardian fairy in Chrissy's hair, Nyxphia, secretly thought: That's probably her. That's her maximum fighting form. By the way, there's no suitable clothes for that form. Maybe she's being deceived now.

Because she wore a high-ranking elf dress and shrank her body.

"Well, it would be impossible for a monster of that level to be controlled by Ke-chan... Hey, it hurts, it hurts! Who is it!"

"Nila, this little demon is pulling your hair!"

"Katsu-chan, stop it! This joke is not funny!"

"They say it's not under my control!"

"We really need knights at times like this, where are the knights?"

In the end, Nyxphia jumped down and ran away, thinking that if all of you were from an important family in the country that is one of the sources of income for high-ranking fairies, her lower-class creature's head would have been moved.

"Really, don't use unknown monsters casually. It's very dangerous." Nila pressed the messed up hair while walking back, "I don't have much to gain anyway, so I'll go and fix my hair first."

(to be continued)

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