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Chapter 51 Suspected world-class props are located

Merriface used a gorgeous magic circle to attract the attention of the attendees. After feeling satisfied with the pretentious effect, she began to enter the necessary process that occurs once every twenty years.

"Everyone who has come from afar, the departure time has come. Next, I will send you to Titania and rest there for a night. Your reception will be arranged by Lady Alice. The banquet of eternal life will be held tomorrow! Please take this time

Everyone who still hasn’t given up, please stand in the magic circle.” Melissa announced loudly.

Marquis Gucimonte walked into the magic circle with many people, and his eyes fell on the young people who stopped outside to greet the old people.

Those who can receive the feast of eternal life are those who have made sufficient contributions to the Fairy Temple, but not everyone wants to live forever. One problem may be competition and economic issues, and the other problem is that immortals live in races with short lifespans.

The headaches faced by society are obvious.

However, the banquet itself is an important place for communication. Since there is an opportunity, it will be helpful for future development to find ways to get familiar with the old people who are valued by the Fairy Temple. Hou Guximont also had several younger generations take the initiative before and after the meal.

Had a conversation with him.

Some young people are also standing in the magic circle. They seem to be not old enough to inherit the family business, maybe they are here on behalf of the family head.

"The preparations have begun. Hekadia is about to go to the sanctuary. Please keep your feet firmly on the ground for those who are here for the first time. [Widen Magic·greater teleportation]." Melifiss shouted.

With that said, he activated the seventh-level magic and disappeared into the back courtyard of the Imperial Capital Fairy Temple together with everyone in the magic circle.


Central Continent,????——

"Hey, is it true? Is it a relative of the hell demon tree of Pisi's body?" Sunny, led by three Alices and eighteen Midoris, came to the place where she could visually inspect the suspected world-class props.

Elephant place.

Then what came into view was the large tree hundreds of meters high several kilometers away.

"It didn't exist at the beginning. I heard that the space there was isolated at first, and the surrounding villages were wiped out by unknown forces. Then this thing grew within two months." Ai Li, the leader of the team.

Silk No. 43 replied.

"Two months? Isn't the delay too much?" Sunny was a little dissatisfied.

"Sunny, please save yourself, this is not the sphere of influence of the Fairy Temple, and most places in this world do not rely much on communication magic. The news is transmitted here very quickly." Alice No. 43 said.

Although magic [message] is very convenient, most countries in the world do not pay attention to it. Of course, one of the reasons is that it is a very unreliable method for races that are not good at magic, and there are other reasons.

At present, the most famous tragedy in this regard in the world is undoubtedly the tragedy of Gotiburg two hundred years ago.

This country is a country dominated by magic casters. It has set up an intelligence network of [message] between cities, which greatly improves the speed of information transmission. They have such superior conditions.

However, because this country trusted [message] too much, just because three pieces of false information were received in one place, it spread all over the country in an instant, and it fell into a state of civil strife. Wars broke out in cities, and they were attacked by monsters and foreign invasions.

So the country perished.

Although [message] is used to connect Titania with fairy temples around the world, the necessary information will be sent using magical faxes that can be compiled and encrypted. If necessary, it will be handed over to someone who can use space magic.

Important children to verify the situation.

This place is not under the influence of the Fairy Temple, so there is nothing we can do about the delay in the news.

"Lord Sunny, there are some things that are difficult to explain clearly in the [message]. Let's talk about it while walking." Alice No. 43 continued.

"Would it be faster to just teleport it there?"

"This... I'm afraid it's not good. After all, it's been quite a while, and there are a lot of people who will be stationed and investigating. They will also always pay attention to the various intelligence transmissions flying around. This is why I'm just starting to talk about it now.

Since I’m a latecomer, it might be polite to walk over.”

"Is that so?" Sunny had a premonition and said, "Is there someone I can't beat who also likes this tree?"

"We don't understand whether Lady Sunny can beat her, but we know that if we get involved, we will be dead." Another Midori said.

"...Okay, your judgment is correct. Speak slowly, but it's too embarrassing to walk. Let's fly over."

On the way, Sunny asked why she thought the big tree was related to world-class props instead of monster combat units similar to Crounpiss, or maze buildings.

Alice No. 43 said that since most countries in the world have slow message transmission speed, the first ones to arrive must not be the world leaders who cannot even deal with the two-digit sequence Alice, but the people sent by the affected nearby regions and countries.

Investigation team.

When the entire big tree stopped growing, the investigation team discovered that there was a tree hole under the tree that could accommodate a creature the size of an ogre. So they launched an internal and external investigation.

On the one hand, it attempts to climb and fly upwards from the outside, and on the other hand, it enters the tree hole to investigate.

Even if the investigating party on the outside successfully flew up, they would not be able to enter the tree canopy with its lush branches and leaves like a wall. A forced attack would instead rebound and shoot them down, causing casualties.

The few survivors who came out from the inside said that it was completely empty inside, just like the entire tree was hollow. However, if you try to climb up or fly from the inside, your whole body will suddenly burst into blood or even fall apart.

Afterwards, a giant dragon passed by and launched various earth-shaking attacks on the big trees. As a result, several trees were severely injured by the rebound, and then left on their own.

Judging from common sense in this world, this structure cannot be a maze level or a guild building, let alone a large NPC monster. Considering that world-class props are transformed into reality, they may become able to spontaneously affect large areas.

Things that cause abnormalities or even change the laws of the world. The sanctuary where Titania founded the country is a good example. Therefore, it is more appropriate to think that this is the abnormal operation of world-class items, right?

The next level up from world-class props are guild weapons and max-level player equipment. The fellow fairies all have enough knowledge about these things to know that they are unlikely to cause such a phenomenon.

Later, nearby towns sent personnel to blockade the place, until the top powers in the world who were concerned about this ignored the arrival of local sovereignty.

During the conversation, the goblins were suddenly scolded from the ground——

"Stop! Who are you!"

If you are not within the sphere of influence of the Fairy Temple, you will be in trouble if you encounter an ignorant guy, just like now.

(to be continued)

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