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Chapter Seventy

After receiving the consent of the accompanying officers, Irut regained his momentum and prepared to launch an unarmed ordinary attack on the Holy Annunciation chariot mass-produced by the Theocracy. However, the problem he discovered with concentration made him suddenly stop -

"Then I'm going up. Can you please ask the people above to come down first?" Yilut felt that there was obviously someone above.

The material of the St. Ann's chariot cannot be determined by looking at its appearance, but if it were really made of ordinary iron, he would have seriously punched it down to pack the ticket and all the stuffing on the belt would be shattered.

"This is also one of the tests."

"Holy shit, are you so dedicated?" Yilut thought to himself. Is this a bulletproof car prepared for national leaders?

He simply put up a posture, aimed at a position where no one was sure to be, and blasted his fist without any skills towards the flat position of the armor!


The St. Ann's chariot suffered a huge impact and spun around on the spot and slid for more than ten meters. A closer look revealed a hole that looked like a hole made by a pile driver at the spot where it had just been hit by a punch.

Then, just as planned, the crew above immediately got out of the car and started temporary repairs.

"Huh - not bad." Ilut pretended to shake his hands that were not numb at all.

He secretly thought that since he could destroy the chariot with his bare hands without using all his strength, would he have any chance of winning when he went out to challenge the city?

No, no, no, it's absolutely impossible. That golden chariot is definitely not similar to this one. It's definitely not gold-plated but made of higher-grade materials. The large-caliber naval gun has no comparative value.

The officer didn't know what Ilut was thinking and said, "I'm making you laugh. By the way, its price is 1.5 times that of Captain Sunshine Scripture's complete set of equipment."

"Oh." Yilut saw Captain Sunshine Scripture from a distance. It is possible to defeat such a chariot with that strength, but there are definitely not many that can be dealt with at once.

At that time, he asked the people accompanying him how that kind of strength was positioned in this world, and the answer he got was that he was already one of the outstanding ones selected from thousands of people who joined the army.

Is it true that the level of strength in this world is so low?

So, really, we should vigorously develop thermal weapons? Or should they be the kind of thermal weapons that had caused great damage to his city before?

However, his academic qualifications and knowledge cannot intervene much in these matters.

The officer took Yilut to another chariot that was not participating in military drills.

"This is our latest research and development of the Dragon Breaker chariot. It can kill even the strongest dragon in the Demon God War. Although it is still a child-like existence compared to you and your equals, it is what we are currently going all out to do.

It worked, what do you think?"

"This..." Yilut had to raise his head.

In the 22nd century, even conventional armies have long since stopped using large-caliber cannons, so this cannon with a caliber definitely exceeding 350mm is forcibly mounted on an omnidirectional rotating turret, which is really quite a visual impact. He

I even have a little desire to get in through the muzzle and take a look.

Even if he has never driven a car, he has to think: The proportions of this big-headed doll make him feel that the car will overturn if it goes over a slight bump?

"I'm sorry, what kind of monster is Shenlong? It's too general." He asked this first.

"Probably about the same strength as Jeffs from the Black Scripture."

"Oh." Irut estimated that the so-called divine dragon is about level 50-60. Not to mention that it looks very bulky, and I don't know how expensive the cannonballs are if they can really hit the opponent. It can be seen that these light levels of 30 are for heroes.

In this world, these people are really trying their best.

"Can I see inside?"


The officer opened the hatch at the rear of the turret, and Ilut even felt that he could step in just by ducking down.

But there was no need for him to go in. He directly locked his sights on the magic circle on the cannon base.

Although he did not understand the similarities and differences between the physical magic circle at this moment and the one in the game, he recognized that it was a sixth-level magic circle with sacred attributes, and then added a [boosted magic] and

A [magic resistance breakthrough [rate magic]] is used to break through the limits that ordinary humans can achieve in this world and weaken the influence of the passive skills of those players and NPCs, entering a field that can initially harm them.

Of course, Ilut, who didn't understand these technologies, had nothing to say about it. He could only praise the efforts of these people, and then pointed out the points that were inconsistent with the laws of physics: "I'm not satisfied with its body proportions. Shouldn't it be done better?"

Is it wider and more biased to drive more stably? There is no need for the crew’s entire body to be in the turret.”

"You are right. In fact, we think so too, but this is also designed based on the width and height of the city gate, and the chariots also need to enter and exit the city gate."

"I have seen the map of the Theocracy, and it shows that there are only about a dozen cities with walls as strong as those in Shendu. I also heard that there are architectural magics. If you want to equip these on a large scale, I think changing the city gates will still help.


The officer was serious and wrote everything down on paper and notes.

"Hey! Ilut!"

Suddenly, a girl's voice sounded at the same time as the strong footsteps.

"Drink! This is the only polite way to say it!" Yilut turned around and ran away without caring about the people around him.

"You actually let Wu Yi fuck me like that! What do you mean by running away when you see me!"

"Don't you have any ideas in your mind? And when did I let Wu Yi fuck you?!"

After running for a while to make sure no one was watching or eavesdropping, I stopped and turned around.

"Miss Yukari——"

"Why do you always miss appointments?"

"When did I break my appointment and go to see you?"

"Can this level of sparring be called a battle? Please be serious!"

"No, no, no, the problem is that the bet you proposed is too ridiculous. If I win, you will ask me to give you to 'that'. If you win, you will forcefully give me to 'that'."

, what’s the difference?!”

"'That', why are you boys so coy? That's very important. It's important to confirm the relationship between me and the so-called God. I also want to know the relationship between mother and you.


Irut knew that although Yukari, whose title is "Desperate to the Death", is indeed as powerful as her name in this country, and has a special seat in the darkest part of the Theocracy, which seems to have a high status, there is no such thing.

Any position other than a combatant. The same goes for the mother who is definitely not her biological mother. So——

"Your so-called upper-lower relationship is not a physical upper-lower relationship, right?" he asked.

"Physical level?" Yugali tilted her head, indicating that she didn't understand your blabbering.

"Alas - even if there is automatic translation, people who don't understand the meaning still can't understand it? Then I'll just say it!"

(to be continued)

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