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Chapter 115 Saying Goodnight in the Devil's Residence

If Sagihime made a pool for herself to sleep in, the magic on her lower body would be released, her shoes and socks would disappear, and her legs would close together and turn into a fish tail.

[Personification] and [Advanced Item Creation] are not difficult magics for her. The fact that non-humans can automatically comprehend and upgrade magic and skills during upgrades also saves her a lot of effort in learning.

However, because it is magic, it is more likely to be lifted by external factors. This means that her lower body can only be limited to a skirt, otherwise it will not be fun if her legs get stuck when they close the fishtail.

Wakasugahime didn't bother to pay attention to the "Ooooh--" from Yirut, she dipped the fish tail and body into the water and lay down. The lower body was the fish tail, and even the person who seemed to treat this place as a galgame couldn't do it.


"Do you have any regrets?" Ruo Luji suddenly said with her eyes closed.

"Regret?" Speaking of regret, Yilut has regretted quite a lot of things recently.

"I'm referring to what happened this time. You have a girlfriend who is similar to you but must be lower than you. If you had known that this adventure was going so steadily, you might have brought her along."

"How...how do you know?" Yilut was surprised. He didn't mention the dance clothes to anyone. Could it be that Yugali is a big talker?

"It's very simple. The equipment you lent me is obviously not up to the top standards. You were not in a team with me before coming here, so you couldn't have prepared it for me. It's not suitable for the 'Death to Death' profession. Unless

Are you a pervert who likes women's clothing, otherwise there should be someone who lets you carry this set of equipment with you, or is it someone you will never see again and this is just a souvenir? But in this case, you can't lend it to me.


"Hehe, hehe, haha..." Yilut, who was speechless for a while, laughed a few times.

In fact, he initially felt that dancing clothes were not suitable for him. The level of the dancing clothes was not enough, and his body was quite restricted by the original game rules. He could not wear several layers of a magical outfit like Yugali, and it should occupy the same equipment slot.

Wear plurals of different jewelry to harden up your strength.

As of now, the lowest level of the guide is still very unstable. Depending on the situation, Dragon Queen Drotilon may fall below level 70. She has gained a lot of experience points and is leveling up quickly. It seems that even her body is growing visibly? This makes Irut feel

Somewhat hot.

He thought that if a lower-level copy appeared next time, let Wu Yi go.


At dawn the next day, the canopy maze a——

During this time, the monsters in the maze have increased to level 80-95, and more and more Yugula parasitic mushroom monsters are chasing after them, until the last one hits the boss before they are defeated.

To be honest, it's not that difficult. Considering that the opponents are all creatures, they will have weaknesses that don't exist in the game, and the maze along their path is constantly being chased by monsters that force blood loss upon contact. Compared to this maze,

For the sake of balance, it is quite simple and narrow, which makes it difficult for a large number of monsters to take advantage of their troops. In addition, there is no "teammate immunity" in reality. As a result, various terrain kills, accident kills, and collision kills continue one after another. If there is any problem, it is the above kills.

The method has no experience value.

Even so, because more than half of the team is actually over level 100, the gap is too large. All overflow experience points cannot be accumulated and stored like Ainz does, and all flow to the lower levels. As a result, even if the experience accumulation method of the natives has

The difference is that the level still rises very quickly.

Cattleya reached level 100 on the spot, and Yugali also reached level 95. It was very difficult to rise after that. Although her combat power was raised by Crounpiss using skills, Ibiruyai, who was actually the lowest level, was raised to level 90.

, she relied on the automatic upgrade of monsters to comprehend a large number of high-level skills and magic in one go, which made her wear a mask to maintain her cold image during the battle.

The tree hole maze has reached the end, and the team stepped out of the narrow space, and their eyes were bright. When they came outside, they could take a rest without feeling that there were any more monsters coming.

However, the number of active members in the team is currently incomplete.

"Is there no way out?" Yibiluyai looked at the flowers hanging on the side of the huge tree trunk. "The only one that looks abnormal is that. According to the past rules of the devil's residence, are there any traps or mysteries?"

"The writing here is too general. There is nothing specific. Maybe there is a teleportation array inside the flower?" Sunny said while flipping through the small book she had asked for before.

Crownpiss stepped forward and took a closer look - keeping a safe distance for now, and then said to Jack: "How about you put a clone in there and try?"

Jack shook his head: "We can't receive the power of hell or the magic of Miyu here. Why do you think I came all the way without using [Wang Xu's Flash] and Noble Phantasm as much as possible?"

Crownpiss replied casually: "Isn't it true that the team containing strangers is hiding something?"

Jack said: "That's just one reason."

"Well, it's not like I can't feel it." Crounpis shrugged. She could sense that except for spells and communication across time and space, all other connections with the outside world were completely cut off, and she couldn't communicate with herself here.

The main body is controlled by the original connection.

She had previously used [Psychic Technique] to summon Anqiya and Anna once her mp was bottomed out or she had suffered too much damage and was unable to sustain the spell, instead of using space magic. There was a reason for this, and she managed to get it done by beating around the bush with the Dragon King.

There are thousands of "summoned units". The reason why she uses [Psychic Technique] is that the rules here must determine them as summoned units. As expected, the entire maze cannot accommodate more than eighteen regular units.

Could it be the anti-cheating mechanism of the game? The strange thing is similar to the game.

An Qiya looked at the sunrise sky and shouted: "I said, wake them two up? How long will my tail be used as a pillow and quilt? Hehehehe."

That's right, the only ones in the team who are still active at this time are the above ones. They all rely on their racial characteristics to stay awake and have no other problems, while the other team members are all sleeping.

Anna counter-channelled back to the Altar of Destruction in the south of Top Forest and went home to sleep. Kateleia and Yugali slept on Anchia's tail, so Anchia could only stand in the back row during the second half of the night.

When the mage outputs. Fortunately, there is no big problem.

Hearing Anqiya's cry, Cronpis and Sunny walked back to take a closer look at these half-elves who were so majestic in their own country but were now so pitiful. They were not sleeping well at first, and Anqiya

Kia thought it was troublesome to separate them and kept them as close to each other as possible, causing them to hug each other with the long handle of Yugali's weapon between them, and became entangled like octopuses.

(to be continued)

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