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Chapter 1, 2, and 3: The Destructive Outbreak

Seeing that the Eternal Guardian "summoned" three tree men whose levels were almost the same as theirs, Yibiluyai shouted not to rush to kill the summoned tree men, but to hold them back as long as possible and focus fire attacks first.

Boss Eternal Guardian.

This is the best judgment at this moment after observing their abilities through the maze battle.

Sometimes it is not the best choice to prioritize the destruction of summoned units to reduce the number of enemies, and sometimes it is the complete opposite. Ibiruyai intuitively judges that this is the former.

Because Crounpisi used the taunting martial skill [Declaration of Duel] against all enemies, all the hatred was quickly pulled away, and the three eternal guardian trees rushed in and quickly gathered together.

Anna's Noble Phantasm "Blood Fort" is continuously activated. On the basis of absorbing consumption, Anna aims at the eternal guardian tree man within the field of vision to activate the [Petrified Magic Eye] with all her strength, while Angel is aiming at the tree man.

Four black rods were shot out from the surroundings, and he formed a seal with his hands to activate the [Four Red Sun Formation], trapping them in a red flame barrier.

Cattleya ran behind the trapped Eternal Guardian Treeman, using it as a shield, raised her bow again to condense the giant black arrows, and planned to launch another missile sea bombing [Dark Sky Eclipse Rain].

She felt that her soul had recovered, and the black erosion had stopped spreading, perhaps because the Hell Demon King was dead. Although the power of the single attack of [Dark Sky Eclipse Rain] has not changed, the dark charge time has increased significantly.

, for this purpose, there is a need for a bunker. If you don't charge up and attack forcefully, you can only shoot the [Rain of Light] inherited from your father. The single-shot attack is too weak and can easily be neutralized by the Eternal Guardian's defense.

The red barrier was attacked both inside and outside, but the barrier remained unmoved.

The whipping attacks of some branches fell on those who were undergoing treatment and receiving treatment. Ibiruyai activated her original magic [ice bullet rain] to attack the dancing branches in a wide range.

[Ice Bullet Rain] is a specialized ice-type version of her special physical strike magic [Crystal Bullet Rain]. Although the texture has become brittle, it can also add chilling or even freezing damage to the target.

The effect is that even if the Eternal Guardian's resistance is complete, the trunk and crown are still burning with flames, and the branches have become extremely hot, it can still freeze the exterior for a moment, causing its attack to slow down and deviate from its original swing trajectory.


Then, [Dark Sky Eclipse Rain] was activated.

The jet-black rain of arrows falling like a sea of ​​missiles infested the Eternal Guardian, knocking down waving tree branches.

Within this period of time, Alice No. 0's body and Yukari have recovered. This is necessary. Regardless of the remaining HP, the physical ability and concentration will definitely be affected when injured and unable to fight at full strength. Since there is certainty of containment

, just treat it completely. By the way——

"Cattleya, you have a lot of mp left, add a buff to those who are preparing to attack here!" Crowenpis shouted towards the back of the [Four Red Sun Formation].

"Ah? But my buff magics are all below the sixth level!"

"Then how did you become such a high-level professional dancer? Then in addition to pleasing men, it is also a profession that adds buffs!"

"Sorry, there is really no way to understand the high-level skills of 'Dancing Girl', so I focus on the former..."

"Hey, you useless guy! Then Sunny, please squeeze more MP."

"Okay, no problem. Then I have to control the mp consumption and I have to go to melee. Is it okay? Pi...Alice No. 0, Ibiruyai?"

"Well, be careful."

After a few more seconds, the treatment was completed, and [sanctuary protection], [reinforce armor], [greater strength], and [greater agility] were added.

dexterity]], [greater luck], [greater maximize life], several defensive magic and gain buffs.

"Such a powerful healing and strengthening power. Is this the level of a pope? Can I ask you for help in the future?" Yugali said as she stood up and moved her hands and feet.

Although Sunny didn't understand why her eyes were so sparkling, she still nodded. She did have this ability.

"That's good. Then I will - [Life Burning Blood]!" Yukari immediately launched a move that sounded like it required paying HP, and her whole body seemed to be filled with blood.

"[Vitality continuous recovery [regenerator]]." Upon seeing this, Sunny immediately added a buff to her.

"This monster, the blow just now was so painful. Why are you so obedient now?" Yukari activated the martial arts [Shuchi Kai] and [Flowing Water Acceleration] and rushed towards the Eternal Guardian, and used [uriel] again.

]], activate [Fire Dragon Fang].

Under the impact of the dragon-shaped flames, the waving branches were dodged, bounced, and even burned, causing terrible wounds along the trunk.

Crounpisi's eyebrows twitched, Yugali's wave of successive blows actually made the power catch up with the super magic.

Sunny also followed Yugali, flying almost close to the trunk of the tree. Her fists and feet were wrapped with light and heat magic, and she hit the wounds wildly. From time to time, she stopped attacking and used a third-level [Severe Injury Healing] on Yugali.

[heavy recover]].

"The reply is to rush forward to reply?! Well, [Hell Inferno]... Ibiruyai, this monster has just given birth to a baby, has it become a lot weaker?" Kraunpi

Si said while releasing magic assist.

"[Blood crystal knight spear [blood crystal lance]]...then activate the ninth-level fire attribute with blood," Ibiruyai added after attacking, and replied, "There was a similar experience in the Demon God War a hundred years ago.

Use a certain ability to summon a large number of demon gods whose strength is close to your own at once. While the subordinates are maintaining their existence, their attack and counterattack capabilities will be greatly weakened."

It may seem like a great opportunity, but it is not. With that level of summoned units as opponents, it is usually impossible to escape from them while focusing the output on the main boss, and it is easy to cause the formation to become scattered and the back row to be destroyed.

Moreover, even if the boss becomes weaker at this time, it is not necessarily that players who are weaker than it can easily go up to it head-on.

However, there are some bad guys in the team fighting it this time, so it is unlucky.

"Hey! Get out of the way!" Sunny shouted when she saw Eucalyptus running around and dealing damage along the main trunk of the Eternal Guardian, seemingly ignoring the large number of branches being withdrawn.

Yugali's frequent attacks made her attract more hatred, surpassing Crounpiss who used taunting martial arts. The number of attacks against her became quite large.

There is no "teammate immunity" here. It would be nice to let the branches hit themselves. There is no need to resist just because there is a milk here, right?

"You should worry about yourself! Although I can't restore magic, I don't want to waste the opportunity to kill this guy!" Yugali roared loudly, and once again displayed a brilliant new ability...

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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