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Chapter 140 Only the winner is qualified to make a joke

The strategy team had just reappeared in the outside world, and received thousands of cheers. At the same time, Ainz Ooal Gown, the "skeletal winner" in everyone's eyes, was the first to be embraced by a beautiful woman.

The person coming was none other than Mesette. Although the impact of the level 90 flying hug was like a truck collision, and there was a sound of wind pressure at the moment of contact, but because the level was very high, the wind blowing out accidentally blew Mesette's hair and

With the headscarf raised, it seemed just right.

Messite put her face against Ainz's collarbone, glanced at the more conspicuous bright red reinforced armor, and added in a scripted tone: "Thank you for your hard work, brother."

"This is so close! It also feels soft and fragrant?! Does the Death Queen race have such a setting?" Ainz roared in his heart, and the green words "Forced not to panic" and "Forced not to be excited" flashed across his body.


"Well...this is the figure and clothes that Master Ainz gave me. And the Death Queen seems to have no corpse odor at all, so I specially switched to ordinary and elegant perfume this time. How do you feel about it, Master?" Mesette asked

Ainz blinked.

Although Ainz wanted to dismiss it by saying, "Is now the time to joke about this?", in his past life and this life, let alone getting married, he had no real experience in getting close to women - Mordred didn't allow him to treat himself as a woman.

Others regard her as a woman, so it doesn't count.

So it's very astringent. Although he has almost no desire to reproduce among the three desires, but because he is not a skeleton undead that changes according to the normal process, the residual personality that has always existed seems to be in response to Mesette's transformation.

The more mature porcelain-like delicate body exuded the same atmosphere, telling him that he wanted to proceed according to his feelings.

But the rationality of being an immortal made him stop. Others are not limited in ambition, and there are other people around him who have the strength and qualifications to be equal to him now. At this time, he should show his courage and carry on.


Ainz couldn't remember what figure or clothes he had given as a gift, but now that it was like this, it was probably because the Death Queen had an "adult" setting and forced her figure to reach adulthood.

And the clothes are just a thing with appearance and negative energy construction settings. After all, the monsters summoned by using skills in the game cannot have nothing on their bodies, and the players must prepare additional equipment. That clothes is something of that level.

.But after all, the game still attaches great importance to appearance, and the clothes of the Death Queen are indeed beautiful.

So, Ainz said in a tone that he thought sounded like a popular man: "Mesette, you are quite attractive now."

"Hey...thank you for the compliment, that's really great."

"I'll go!" Yilut pointed here from a distance and yelled, "You are playing the game of raising a young wife! Before, she was a little girl with no outstanding features, but now... she has grown up so fast!

There is obviously a beautiful woman like Mordred, but now she is hugging her from left to right——"

Before he finished speaking, Mordred immediately crossed the distance between the teams, pointing his sword directly at Ilut.

Ilut didn't know what offended him with his words just now. His reaction was a little slow but he still dodged Mordred's blow. On the one hand, Yilut was already at level 100, and he had just finished beating the boss. Even though he had some

Even though he was consuming his energy, he was not completely relaxed; on the other hand, Mordred's intimidation attack was just a threatening attack without taking his life.

But Mordred obviously hasn't calmed down yet, or if the other party doesn't dodge the sword that is given to her and touches it lightly, it won't make her more energetic.

The weapons were crossed and Mordred's sword was held.

Then the jet-black double-edged scythe struck directly at her back, forcing her to break away from the confrontation and dodge backwards.

"Come on, I saw you playing very hard just now, come again -"

"Despite it, don't cause trouble! Ahem, female Mordred... ahem, swordsman Mordred, it is true that what he just said was rude, but you shouldn't use force, right?"

"Hey, you're good enough for that, please apologize quickly."

"I just want to make fun of you. I'm very sorry." Yilut immediately bent down and bowed. He naturally knew that this matter could not be ignored. He had a galgame brain and thought that it was terrible for a woman's vagina to be touched and go crazy, and then he also said

Ainz and Mesette apologized.

"Mordred, he doesn't know about you yet. I made a mistake regardless of the atmosphere, so please forgive him." Ainz used this step to put Mercet down and said to Mordred.

"Humph, I won't do it next time." Mordred also knew that it was her own problem. She was not unaware of her own gender, so she sheathed her sword in a depressed tone.

"You are quite leisurely. Shouldn't it be time to discuss the distribution of loot between us and the thousands of people over there and the issue of resurrecting the dead?" Crounpis touched his hands in his arms and called "Sister"

The two coquettish Alices shouted towards the conflict area.

Although some of the gamers wanted to complain, "Then what are you doing?", but they felt that they would lose if they were not serious just now.


Ibilua quietly sat by the earthen wall of the camp and looked at the scene in the camp.

The camp was divided into many singing groups in an orderly manner and lined up to distribute various trophies.

From time to time there were noises and quarrels.

It's more harmonious than expected.

There was no too fierce dispute, probably because those few people discussed and finally decided to adopt a simple and easy-to-understand allocation for each recipient, and not directly disclose the effects of the magic equipment and props.

Those things that are taken out and distributed are basically garbage in the eyes of the transcendent. If you use them forcefully, you have to worry about whether the durability will lose too quickly. But in the eyes of the residents of this world, ordinary people cannot maximize the performance of the equipment.

With their own appraisal level of treasures, they will only have the feeling of "Wow, this performance is so powerful". Even if all the effects can be further understood in the future, a new war may break out because of each other's peek at each other's harvest, as long as it is not here

If a fight breaks out, there will be no need to convene the party.

"What are you doing here? You won't just sneak away from the banquet later, right?" Crounpisi came to Ibiluaya and sat down and asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that I don't have anything to do with it now, right?"

"But didn't you just give up the artifact-level equipment that could have been distributed to you? It makes people feel that way."

"Nonsense, when it comes to me, the only artifacts left are swords, axes, and plate armor. What do I, a magic caster, do with those?" Yibiruyai looked angry.

"You can go over there and get a little more as compensation for this, as long as you ask." Crownpis pointed at the mountain of garbage in the eyes of the transcendent and the mountain of treasure in the eyes of ordinary people. "It's useless to you. When will you be short of money?"

You can just sell it if you have the money."

(to be continued)

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