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Chapter 142 The Guild Ring on the Ring Finger

Recently, Mercet felt that Ainz was inexplicably very kind to her, and that it was far beyond the relationship between master and apprentice, or the relationship between the ruler and the dominated. Today, not only was she given a race of the same standard as Ainz, but she was also very proud as a woman.

His figure, clothes, and artifacts.

Coupled with the booing from a certain player with galgame thinking, Mercette had endless reveries about Ainz's opinion of her.

Her ancestors had players who married into their own noble family, but that player's upgrade tree was completely different from Ainz's. She didn't get the inheritance at all. What she still didn't know was the [creation of the "yggdrasil" undead and the original undead in this world.

The undead [create undead] is different: the latter is just to create the undead, and its control requires additional magic materials. This is also the reason why most of the indigenous rational undead do not like to directly control a large number of undead of the same kind as their subordinates;

The former follows the game settings and changes into reality. If there are no additional settings or other external factors, the creation will be absolutely reverent and loyal to the creator, and can feel the existence of the master with its breath. In order to make the rational immortal unconditionally

Obey the master - make the game's default settings consistent with reality, and the undead made by the "yggdrasil" series [create undead] that do not require special mental control have appeared. They can just listen to the master's words and see the master's

A realistic setting that can generate favorable impressions with every move. Even if the master wants them to be reduced to ashes, they will resolutely implement it and feel happy, just like a fanatical believer in reality.

The above is all due to the gap between the living and the undead. Even if the living are useful to the dead, there are times when they cooperate, but they don't know anything about it. Even Ainz, who has devoted his energy to studying magic to improve his strength in case of unexpected events

He didn't even study the natural feeling of human breathing.

The resistance of the Messite player bloodline is already higher (after all, the mental control in the game cannot really control the player's spirit). Indeed, in getting along with Ainz's normal master, apprentice and experimental subject, he gradually became more and more interested in Ainz.

She had a good impression, and the above factors plus a series of things that Ainz had done recently that were easily misunderstood made her think wildly and her resistance loosened. The good impression was greatly improved and turned into love.

There are many types of love. You can have love for the opposite sex you want to be with, you can have love for the peaceful beauty, you can have love for the turbulent sea and sky, you can have love for exquisite or abstract and ugly works of art, you can have love for terrifying but magnificent works of art.

Love can exist even in a disaster scene. Mesette's feelings for Ainz are by no means an equal and free love, but she has truly fallen in love with Ainz.

"What, what's wrong? What do you think of Mercette?" Ainz saw that Mercette looked very abnormal, her eyes were wandering and she was rubbing her wand up and down aimlessly, and the red light in her eyes suddenly flashed.

He wondered whether it was because the gift was too plain in appearance or because he thought he might not be willing to give it back to Ainz. In fact, Ainz had his own complete set of artifact-level equipment, so naturally he wouldn't care about the items dropped from the whiteboard.

, and there are also matching items distributed to other members of "Ainz Ooal Gown".

"Ah, this, that...compared to the wand, I, I..." Messite hesitated a little, and asked tentatively, "If it is the ring that gives me that...status...

I might be happier."

"Ring, huh?"

Ainz thought that this refers to the "Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown". The function of that ring is to teleport freely within the guild, and it can also trigger treasure house traps to hunt thieves who steal the ring. However, because there is no game era now

Therefore, his guild became a pure decoration. Even so, it was not made of materials from this world and could not be easily leaked. Therefore, he used the relatively expensive orichalcum and magic stones in this world to create forty-one rings of the same style.

As a substitute.

The inner circle companions who he personally invited or who joined the new "Ainz Ooal Gown" due to various reasons were awarded the "Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown (Second Generation)", but Mesette also and the Dragon King

There is some connection with the organization over there. Even if Ainz's skill experiments did not make her very powerful, she cannot be considered a member of the inner circle, so she does not have her ring. However, whether it is the game era or now, Mesette has achieved the status of being a member of the inner circle.

"Ainz Ooal Gown" has two major conditions.

Ainz used his peripheral vision to glance at Char, who was chatting with bosses from other races in his platinum armor a few dozen meters away. He also glanced at the mermaid Wakasagi who had attacked him with the Fairy Temple forces.

The "Messenger of the Dead" Obasan, who I thought was named Liguorido or something, was also there. He didn't expect Char to give him Mesette, a descendant of a player from a country that failed in the war with the Fairy Temple forces.

The underlying reason for using it is like moving weights in the scale of struggle for travelers on both sides of the continent.

As a test and provocation, if you fail, just let it go. If you succeed, it's better. It doesn't matter if you are bold. You have invested so much experience points in the experiment, how can you not keep the results as much as possible physically and mentally?

"Mesette, I order you to declare your sincerity here. Are you willing to devote yourself to "Ainz Ooal Gown" instead of just existing as a disciple controlled by my skills?"

Messite deeply felt that if she were not a bloodless white porcelain skin, she would still be alive, her face must be familiar now. Although she stuttered a little, she felt that she had to rush. She raised her hand and declared: "I am willing to let go of the past.

I only live as the Mesette who belongs to Ainz Ooal Gown."

"That's it, that's it." Ainz felt that this was too exaggerated and a bit embarrassing, but he could easily tell whether Mercette was lying under his control. The answer was yes, and several others, including Char, were confirmed

The attraction of Mercette's oath turned around, and she took out the ring as planned.

Ainz did feel that many eyes were being drawn to him.

Not only Char and Ligurido, but also many natives of this world who have established friendly relations with him or Char, as well as several people from the Fairy Temple force, and... I kind of want Mordred's help.

It's a town, but she found another Loli Dragon King to talk about King Arthur.

"Cheer up, I'm not someone who will be stunned by such a sight!" He cheered himself up in his heart, looked directly at Mercette, felt flattered, stretched out his trembling hand, and put the ring on the ring finger of his left hand.

, feeling a little surprised, "Huh? Why are you wearing it there?"

Not far away, Hua Jingjing, who was sitting on the head of Nunuluo, was suddenly slapped by a tentacle.

"What are you doing? It's time for a good show, isn't it?"

"Twist, their heads are not twisting in the same line at all."

(to be continued)

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