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Chapter 177 is mocking with life

The sudden rebellion of part of the coalition forces and the emergence of internal sneak attacks caused Crownes and Star to quarrel even though they quickly finalized their tactics.

But Fredberg said to Crownpis in a very serious tone: "Lampards, although my subordinate is suspected of overstepping his bounds, there is something during the battle that I feel I must speak up."


"Even if I are asked to launch a suicide attack, I will carry it out without hesitation. I hope there will be no situation where contradictory orders are issued beyond the level of the command chain," he said.

"...Sigh, even if it is entertaining to me, this is a taboo for military strategists. I understand." Crownpis definitely doesn't know how to operate a battleship. Even if there is only one, this kind of warship was originally a conventional World War II

There are too many departments that the battleships of the capital ships need to cooperate with.

After Cronpis disappeared from the bridge and headed to the Flanders, the counterattack began——





The turrets of the Flandreau, the Normandy, the Languedoc, and the Flanders strangely "swiped" in the target direction in less than three seconds, and each fired a full salvo of guns at an interval of half a second.

The muzzle sprayed out huge explosions of flames and air waves. From a distance, it looked like a violent explosion occurred on the battleship itself!

Although these battleships can shoot beams, what they need to do now is to attract attention. The sheer solidity of the battleships should be the highest among all-metal shells here, so sell favors to your allies and use this method to taunt the enemy and protect your teammates.

And this round of salvo is not over yet!

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom..."

The large-caliber naval guns of 330mm to 380mm were like machine guns. The muzzles roared one after another, spewing out terrible flames and explosions. Although it seemed that the resulting increased muzzle blast and the violent shaking of the ship caused the cannonballs to fly to strange places.

, but the cannonballs scattered like raindrops on the sea and stirred up water columns in a large area are quite spectacular.

Although it doesn't matter how spectacular it is if you don't hit the enemy, if the current purpose of the battle is to attract the enemy, then the purpose can be considered achieved.

It’s just that the price is a bit high——


Suddenly, a violent explosion occurred on the bow of the Languedoc!

"What? Got hit... no, exploded? Is there something wrong with Pachi's magic modification?" Star's eyebrows twitched as he looked at the burning battleship not far away.

"...the rate of fire was too fast, causing the barrel to overheat and explode. Stop shooting!" Fredberg ordered.

From here, you can also see the color of the twelve main guns from the bow to the middle of the Flandreau, and the smoke coming out of them is a bit ominous.

Pachi separated each component part of her own Graeme creation skill and used it in the loading system and steering system of the battleship turret, making it as smooth as a giant Graeme turning its arms and continuously attacking. It is only seen in this world.

I'm used to relying on wind magic to propel cannonballs, so I didn't have a chance to test it, so I didn't consider the problems caused by relying on explosions for a while. I should be glad that the magic has modified these ships.

It seems that the battle can only be carried out at the original firing rate. Half of the Languedoc's main guns have been deactivated, and the combat effectiveness is greatly reduced, but it can still fight.

Star suddenly activated his contact magic and started talking about topics that had nothing to do with the current situation——

[Fendilete is the bloodline of Varudo and Granbell, who had just joined the church and separated their families in Guximont. However, after a few generations, the world is unpredictable, and the human sexual characteristics she showed are more difficult to adapt to the Central Continent.

, the Guximont family took advantage of the situation and took advantage of it by selling a favor. Well, the information found from the temple was just sent.】

[What, is there any result at such a stimulating time? By the way, a battleship just blew up on its own, right?] Crownpis was stunned for a moment, then started complaining, [The racial differences between Varudo and Granbell

How did you get so big?]

[Then, Pisi, how did you get Michaelis pregnant? Although she had a miscarriage, it is true that she had a fetus, right? 】

[... Indeed, regardless of whether the inheritance is successful or not, using magic to deceive genes to create biologically impossible offspring is indeed something that can be done in the human field. The only question is whether it is psychologically acceptable? After all, what Orochimaru does?

The son’s behavior is also... No, does this have anything to do with whether the fairy class card contains elements that make girls shy? 】

"Boom! Boom!"

The shells landed nearby and stirred up a huge water column. One even hit the front turret and bounced towards the bridge!

"Hmph!" Star raised his hand and cast a [Shenra Tianzheng] at will, blowing away the cannonball before it exploded.

This level of resistance is not enough to reveal one's own existence.

But since there is a hit, it means that the opponent can continue to attack in the same way as before.

"Full right rudder!" Fredberg ordered loudly.

Even without the buff given by Flappis during control and unable to accelerate to the speed of a high-speed train, the ghost ship's ability to move is very contrary to Newton's laws.

The huge Flandreau "slips" as soon as it started to accelerate, causing the battleship to tilt almost thirty degrees.

[Very good, things here are more exciting. I don’t have time to worry about what’s wrong with my Elf class card hero’s outfit. I’ll let Alice No. 107 take a picture of it, and let the person named Fundilete write a ‘customer experience’ report afterwards.

Send it here.] Crownpis sent the message without looking at the atmosphere.

This is a matter of religious belief. If the battle attire of superior clergy raises ethical issues in some places, then it cannot be treated as a trivial matter, but this priority must be ranked behind war.

[Hmph, just reply like this.] Star took out the magic fax and knocked it in the air a few times, then put it away again. This ended the matter.

The situation at sea is more important now.

The real sound of large-caliber artillery from another dimension also shocked everyone who fell into the water after the sinking of the Holland-class cruiser, including representatives from Titania.

Although thermal weapons have been developed in the contemporary era under the influence of fairies who brought technology from other worlds, the energy that can be launched as propulsion projectiles is wind energy. If explosion propulsion is used, thermal energy must be converted into kinetic energy, causing waste, and the strength of the pipe is required.

It's also high. Since you can directly create airflow that is enough to stabilize the ballistic trajectory, why use explosions?

Although the wind blast gun barrel will make a blast sound of squeezing the air due to the violent release, and it will have a visible explosion effect due to magic, it will never have the same effect as if the battleship itself was submerged by the explosion. Just all together

The force of the shot was comparable to the ninth level explosion magic.

Other Titania warships also fired their guns, but due to the smaller number of gunpowder-fired guns, including the Alsace, which was comparable in tonnage to the Flandreau, they were not as powerful as the Flandreau.


For a time, the Flandreau received the greatest attention from both the enemy and ourselves.

(to be continued)

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