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Chapter 189: The Eve of Landing

Even though it was a small game, it was true that Sariel was defeated by Nyxphia. Sariel did not refuse Nyxphia's training proposal.

If Cordia were here, she would still have to keep talking harshly even if she was beaten to half a disability, but Nyxphia was actually stronger than her, and there was no big conflict between the two.

Although if you lose an ordinary fight, you can imagine that you will be used as a target of teasing and blackmail for some time in the future, but with the high-level goblin controlling her, as long as she still makes corresponding contributions to Titania, Nyxphia would not dare to do it.

Unacceptable level.

Then Nyxphia helped Sariel up, and the two continued walking along the unfamiliar road, but they just changed the position of Nyxphia holding Sariel up.

"Ah, there's no way. Is there a fork in the door I passed through before? Let's take a look."

"All right."

Unknowingly, they came to another place that seemed to be where they were. Across a three-meter-square stone arch, they saw a huge stone seat in the center of a hall-like space opposite the door. If it were for Awo or Ai,

It would probably be suitable for a colleague of my size to sit on, but the sleeping figure sitting there now is too small.

"Hey, isn't that the adult?"

"You can tell it's Lady Michaelis right from the first glance, right?"

"The question is why do you look like you're sleeping here?"

"how could I know?"

This is really a weird scene. Michaelis should be commanding the fleet now. She appears here in an unconscious posture as if she is sleeping. She was probably defeated and escaped to hide.

Of course, based on the knowledge of Nyxphia and Sariel, they can also guess that the outside world and Michaelis here are actually one body and one soul. A more pragmatic guess is that they are a clone and a body.

But we cannot rule out the first possibility, which is a big problem.

Sariel stretched her hand towards the arch, but was blocked by a translucent wall.

"Is it a barrier? Is it strong enough to fight the Transcendents now? We are helpless. The challenge is coming." Nyxphia took out the demon-slaying sword and pointed it at the arch, and said,

"Longing for a new world?"

Then the translucent wall was eliminated.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! What good things have you done? Ahhh! You want to die and wait until I leave before you do it on your own, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Sariel screamed in fright.

, the second half of the sentence was off-key.

"Okay, I still have a sense of control over my survival. I wouldn't do such a thing in front of Rampads or the Three Fairies of Light."

"These are not the only problems!"

From Sariel's point of view, destroying the barrier of Hades is a great disrespect to Hades. Even if you don't know the reason, it might be a stab at the lifeline of Michaelis; at the worst, it will disturb Michaelis' rest.

Behavior. In this way, wouldn’t her impression as a “coercive accomplice” in God’s eyes be greatly reduced?

"It's okay, you can just stroll around. Do you have anything to do with me?" Michaelis opened her eyes, looked at Nyxphia and Sariel and asked calmly.

"Hey, didn't you let us recharge our batteries here and release us to land when you arrive at the battlefield? Why are we sleeping here?" Nyxphia asked shamelessly.

Michaelis shook her head and said: "What you see is my soul. In my underworld, as long as you are still alive, even the state of your soul can be the same as that of a normal person. The person commanding the fleet outside is just a zombie."

It’s the same body. After all, I don’t know how to clone myself. Even if I can, how to separate the yin and yang worlds with the clone body is still a problem. Of course, this will affect the combat effectiveness of my body, but if my body is damaged, the stability of my underworld will also be affected.

If you are affected, even if you are used as soldiers, I must ensure the safety during transportation."

Sariel knelt down and bowed her head at the right moment and said, "Thank you, Lord Michaelis, for your kindness."

"By the way, Nyxphia, come here." Megaris hooked her hand at Nyxphia.

"Is something wrong?" Nyxphia walked over under Sariel's surprised gaze, and let Migalis grab her hand with both hands.

Michaelis slid her hands back and forth with magical probing, and asked: "Although I didn't have much time before, I did your clan like a streamlined job, but at that time I felt that materials of this level were rare in this world.

It’s extraordinary, how did you get it?”

"First of all, don't ask 'what' but 'how to get'? It seems that Lady Michaelis doesn't seem to be greedy. Does that mean she is well-informed?" Nyxphia asked.

"It's not that I can process it easily - you know what I mean. I just want to know how to get it and share it with a group of you. If there is a channel..."

Nyxphia opened her mouth. This was not good news for her. She felt that if she told it, Megaris would take it out and share it with the people of Titania, so she told the truth: "I'm not big either.

It’s clear, but it can be called a paid item in the maze of the sea city.”

"Now that the guild is supposed to have no functions, can I still get it for a fee?"

"Haha," Nyxphia smiled, touched her delicate body and face, and said, "I almost lost everything for this."

Michaelis was stunned, smiled bitterly, shook her head and said: "That's right, how can you get this kind of 'krypton gold skin'... Wait, Sariel, you just got a new one."

It didn’t take long for me to lie on the ground and bite my fingers. Don’t develop this habit. Stop and shut up.”

"Hey, is that the problem?"

But Michaelis did not answer. Instead, she let go of Nyxphia's hand, glanced upward, and said, "It's almost dawn, and it's almost here, but... I have to apologize to you before that."

"What?" Sariel asked uneasily. If you can make Michaelis apologize, will they become cannon fodder?

"The enemy is weaker than expected. It's really hard for so many of you to make this trip. If the battlefield we are responsible for is divided equally between you, the training and experience gains will be much less." Migalis sighed.

"No, no, no, no, we won't care." Sariel pretended to be polite. In fact, she didn't want to take risks, especially she didn't want to be involved in the self-destruction of the man in the black mask.

Some time ago, they were driven by the eldest son of Crounpisi to engage in a life-and-death cage battle. Although their strength was greatly improved under specific regional rules, if they had not directly learned high-level skills and magic and obtained high-level skills that matched their own level,

With high-level equipment channels, they might be qualified to challenge the real world leaders.

But I really don’t want to have that kind of battle again.

(to be continued)

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