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Chapter 17 Ten Events

After a long journey from the Dragon Kingdom, Crownpis was "bought" as a slave and visited Fluder. Shortly after he visited Fluder, before he began to formally study magic theory systematically, Fluder proposed to the magic academy to use waxed wooden boards.

He uses charcoal burned from thin branches to teach students to write on the blackboard. Just in this way, the teaching becomes much smoother and it is highly praised.

However, this suggestion was naturally not Fluder's idea, but was taken out by Crownpis based on his memory of painting, because there was no method of making chalk in Crownpis's memory.

There are also some other detailed reforms, and these achievements have been recognized, further improving Fluder's reputation.

Before enrolling in school, Crownpis asked Wakagi-hime why she didn't tell her this knowledge in advance. Wakagi-hime's answer was - the improvement of human learning efficiency and image improvement are very important.

What’s the benefit to me? Like this.

Because Wakagi learned magic from the mermaid tribe and joined Fluder's research institute directly after the Demon God War, she didn't care.

But elves like Cronpis are different.

It would be half a year later when the school was adjusted to a level that satisfied Crownpiss.

During this period, the goblins such as Crounpis were not idle. In order not to think that they had vision problems during the learning process, the goblins carefully copied the words of the five major human countries (the Kingdom, the Empire, the Theocracy, the Holy Kingdom, and the Dragon Kingdom).

The language has been learned.

The way of learning is very simple: the three fairies of light and the fourth person come with a Nue, and each one learns a language. Then the flowering and fruiting period of the Crounpith body passes, and all the fruits that are mature and can be used as seeds fall to the ground and start to take root.

, Crounpisi temporarily recovered the main body, and then spent several days going back and forth between using [modify memory] and restoring MP, so that everyone could learn the written languages ​​of the five major human countries.

Crounpis tasted the human memories she had obtained, and how much the human owners had done when they took the CET-4 and CET-6 exams, and lamented once again that racial superiority was too much... No, as an advantage

The party is really awesome.

The night after all the plant-type monsters learned all the important languages ​​​​around them——

"Cheers!" x 4

"So, why do we have to spend our own money to celebrate the draining of all human language?" Luna complained without drinking the drink in the cup immediately.

The three fairies of light have been staying in the most luxurious hotel in the imperial capital, and now Crounpis is also there, as well as the Mimic Demon who is also transforming into leather pantyhose at this moment.

Although Clunpis was confused and followed the toast again, she felt very embarrassed. It was not until she started studying that she realized that the "surprise" given to her by the three fairies of light was to attract her to study so efficiently.


Otherwise, Crounpis would still be idly watching the ripening process of her own fruit.

However, I am a little dissatisfied——

"Are we going to stay in the place provided by Fluder? The magic arranged in that kind of place does exist. Isn't it disrespectful to others to eliminate the magic that others have applied just in case?" Crownpis drank it all.

After taking the cup, he said disdainfully.

"Need to give humanity face?"

"Of course, people work with their brains, not those who do physical work. The efficiency of using their brains depends very much on their mood, so it is very important to make Fluder happy. I have said it many times." Crowe

Enpisi said.

"No, not much. Pisi only talked about the dwarves," Star said.

"This is called drawing inferences from one instance, drawing inferences from one instance!"

"This is only two, not three."

"That's enough, Star..." Crownpiss felt a little tired of Star, who liked to put on a smile and make people angry.

"But, well, it does exist among the dwarves." Luna agreed with Cronpith's point of view.

"However, although I heard that you want to come and study together and acquire a large amount of knowledge in the same way that we learned human language, but-" Clawnpis poured himself a new glass and continued, "Put the shipbuilding project on

Would it be feasible to outsource the clipper ship experiment to dwarves? Star’s idea, right?”

"Well, we have tamed the giants, haven't we? Let the dwarves and imperial technicians provide technical guidance, while the giants do the work, and leave the remaining details to the dwarves and imperial technicians." Star explained.

"I understand the truth, but I find that it is true that giants are surprisingly dexterous - I believe they can make precision gears, but how can Star coordinate and coordinate the races?"

"They can do it by themselves and I don't care. I don't believe it will take hundreds of days and years to get it done." Star looked irresponsible.

However, Crounpis came to her senses and immediately stopped pursuing the matter and continued to drink: "That's right, we have a long lifespan and we can afford to wait."

"Pissy, let's stop talking impromptu. Shouldn't we make a detailed list of what happened during this period?" Sunny raised her hand and said.

"Oh, I leave it to you."

"Well, that's probably it -" Sunny spread out a piece of paper and listed the top ten events from front to back in order from urgent to insignificant -

1. It’s almost time to enroll in the Imperial Academy of Magic. Everyone should choose unrelated subjects to prepare for enrollment;

Second, the flying dragon tribe was lightly poisoned by the big goblin many times (including the time when Crounpis discovered the strange atmosphere in the place, but she was in a hurry to leave without confirming it to the big goblin without knowing it at the time). The lower-class human beings became extinct, and the flying dragons took over.

Success, but Feilong seems to have a fearful superior who needs to pay tribute, and this matter needs to be resolved;

3. The future planning issues of the thousands of "children" that Crowenpisi gave birth to himself, as well as the "children" that were successfully hybridized with other plants, including Sunny and Pisi's "children";

Fourth, the empire-dwarf sea trade and cooperative shipbuilding involving Wakagi-hime are in progress, but the overseas ships are not qualified;

5. The situation in the Top Forest and the Angelicia Mountains, which have been included in the direct territory of Crown Pisi, is now stabilizing, and regional development requires planning;

6. The dwarves are still playing the game of making chariots, but they actually went astray and fell in love with "staggered road wheels". Do they need to use "five pairs of road wheels" to correct it?

7. The Elf King’s first child of god-human blood is about to be born. The big elf seems to want to be an adoptive mother. Do you need to give me anything?

8. Larva is being hired by the Dragon Kingdom to try to thwart the upcoming first wave of orc invasion;

9. It is suspected that the migration of the indigenous dark elves in the Top Forest was discovered;

10. It seems that there are spies from other countries monitoring the goblins who are openly operating. They can’t be beaten no matter how hard they are, so just pretend they didn’t see them.

"Sunny, this sequence looks strange no matter how you look at it, right?" Crounpis held up her chin speechlessly.

(to be continued)

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