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Chapter 214 Whether It Can Be Reliable

When Ainz saw the other party's unabashed approval, he immediately struck while the iron was hot and got to the point that concerned him: "So, what is the entrustment given to us?"

"It's like this. We can't let go of any possibility during this period. There are endless problems in various places. The problems that should be solved by adventurers also need to be solved quickly, so we want to hire strong enough adventurers to go to the border to solve these few problems.

The demi-human forces and the number of monsters have begun to increase, and the Yue has begun to take the opportunity to investigate a legendary place called the 'Altar of Destruction'. Unexplored ancient ruins may often contain valuable treasures or even lost technologies. The treasures can be recovered later.

We will discuss the sharing, and if there are any other discoveries, I hope that all will be handed over to the principality. Even if nothing is gained, the reward will be based on the market price entrusted by the Adventurer's Guild." Bruton said, motioning to his subordinates to present the map and explain it.

Ainz listened and looked at it, confirming that the Altar of Destruction was originally a place that Sunny had proposed, and he planned to investigate it when he had time. Naturally, he would not refuse if he could earn more fame and money from it.

However, there is still one doubt. They said: "If it is a ruin of this scale, it would not be surprising if multiple teams were entrusted. Why is it just us? Investigating the ruins is not something that can only go smoothly if you have the strength."

"However, as far as we know, six groups of adventurers from iron to platinum levels have not returned from that mission. During this period, adventurers are indispensable to us as mercenaries to exorcise monsters."

Clark is wrong.

To put it simply, I just can’t bear it.

"No matter what, you must give me two or three teams of helpers, preferably those of Mithril level or above." Ainz had a tough attitude.

Of course, to show off his power, he still needs to have the ability, vision, and a high enough level to better help with publicity. It will be very troublesome if there is a monster Gorgon, but those people now have countermeasures. If that time with Mod

The Gorgon that Red fights with is a complete form, so there is no chance of defeat.

Even if the conflict breaks out again, with the help of illusions and memory-modifying magic, as long as Francesca doesn't mess around, she can still gain enough thanks and fame. Ainz is very satisfied with his plan.

The officials looked at each other in embarrassment at Ainz's request. Since the request was so reasonable, they themselves seemed to be in trouble. Finally, they reluctantly agreed to provide some capable and reliable manpower. However, they were not responsible for how to coordinate the relationship.

Ainz was a little skeptical, but he didn't think that bargaining would bring any more benefits, so he agreed. After that, they talked about the time and details of the subsequent contact.

After he and Francesca left, the noble officials present started talking again.

"Are they trustworthy?"

"Because of this, the employment relationship has been maintained so far. After all, why is he willing to remain an adventurer and take a sideline to accept this kind of employment? With their ability, there are better ways to obtain money and power from us.

The method."

"What are the benefits? The biggest benefit is to gain fame among the common people."

"Could it be this? You shouldn't take advantage of people's panic to lead people to riot and overthrow our plan, right? After all, we can't give that kind of person the title of Grand Duke or King. It has indeed been spread among some civilians and soldiers that he is a legendary hero


"Having said that, it's a pity that there is no conclusive evidence to prove that he is trustworthy. The time to deal with the trust crisis some time ago was too suitable, and the possibility of directing and acting on his own is not impossible. But they all put themselves

If you have that level of knowledge, you should be able to trust it.”

"Maybe it was just to gain trust?"

"In the final analysis, the reason for distrust should be that the timing of their appearance is too coincidental, right? But such a powerful person has never been heard of before. He must be from a distant foreign country. Considering the sphere of influence of the Fairy Temple, he is in a distant foreign country.

We are enemies of the Fairy Temple, and there is a high possibility that we heard that there is a revolution here and plan to take advantage of the situation and come here."

"In short, although we still don't know which country he comes from, we'd better get along with them until the country stabilizes. Of course, it also depends on who the 'new guy' he introduces to us is."

Three days later, a man and a woman on horseback came to the city hall to report for duty with the souvenirs they had promised.

The noble officials were very busy, and only Alfonso and Canberra were responsible for the reception.

What kind of person is that? In their eyes, riding on the mighty and strong horse is a man wearing a windbreaker, with upside-down hair, and a smiling mask. The hands holding the reins have fingers that can feel

The sharp finger cot serves as the blade; the other is a simple long-haired woman, not beautiful at all, with strange scars on the corners of her eyes, mouth, and hands.

Just when Alfonso felt that his appearance and dress were a bit suspicious, the other party's displeased atmosphere enveloped him, making him feel creepy. As a very high-level warrior in this country, he intuitively felt that these two people were not good friends.

If the principality only used infantry to fight them, they could kill them all without any trouble. Even if he didn't think the two could compare to Fluder Paradine, there shouldn't be much difference.

At this time, he noticed that Canberra was not in the right state of mind, her eyes were rounded, and she was like a baby asking for a hug, throwing forward her hands. If he hadn't caught Canberra quickly with his quick eyesight, he probably would have hugged the two of them directly.

The horse kissed and licked her again.

"what are you doing!"

"You, can't you see?!"

"It's true that this horse looks very good, but how about you?"

"Can't you really see it? That lifelike Grimm horse!"


Alfonso didn’t know much about magic. Even if he knew it was a Graeme horse, he would only think “Oh, that’s pretty awesome” because he didn’t know the difference in the value of Graeme horses of different levels and craftsmanship. There was a certain level of judgment in judging Canbera’s crime.

The "Paradine Genetic Disease" that causes madness due to magic, Alfonso pushed the man into the room, came back, put his right hand on his chest and bowed: "The scene just now made you two laugh, may I ask who you are?"

Man: "Ah ho ho ho, I'm Jack."

Woman: "Saplikent."

The man's voice was hoarse and disrespectful, while the woman's was very calm. They both only reported by name, but it was normal for this line of work, so Alfonso didn't care, but he had to examine it.

"Mr. Jack, can you take off the mask?" he asked.

"Ah haha, yes. But if you want to live, I will refuse. See my face - there is no living person!"

"...I see, then it's better not to take it down."

(to be continued)

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