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Chapter 257 Upright is never possible

With his body and mind prepared, Ainz looked at Gorgon who was unable to do anything, but did not take advantage of his illness to kill him, because it was pointless and it was better to wait for his magic power to drop to its lowest level.

Within a few seconds, Gorgon's size began to shrink rapidly.

"Hmm, do you return to your original form after being resurrected twice? But I remember that you are not such a ferocious monster, or is there a special reason for changing into that form?" Ainz asked.

Gorgon, who had returned to the form of little Anna, did not answer, but looked at Ainz again with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Don't you want to answer? Then it will become a prop for me to take root here and become famous." He raised his weapon and pointed at the cute monster that became smaller than himself.

"You, you did, what?"

"Hmph, your question is so vague that I don't know how to answer it. Is it because you have become smaller, or do you feel that you can't use some of your special skills?" Ainz shrugged and mocked.

"Roar, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!" Gorgon roared in a childish voice, kicked his feet, and launched a rapid attack on Ainz. Although the remaining magic power was somewhat small, there was still a lot of natural energy left in his body.

, is still enough to support the snake hair that has also become thinner to emit magic rays.

Ainz also launched an attack at the same time, and a large number of beams of light hit him hard, but disappeared like a candle blown away by the wind.

This was exactly the kind of magic counteracting method that Ainz had guessed using from Crounpith, and he enchanted his armor with it.

Gorgon made a mistake and received a sharp blow from Ainz's long knife to her stomach. However, in pain, she immediately responded in reflex and clawed at Ainz's mask with her sharp claws.

With her physical strength, she was able to crush the seemingly sturdy helmet visor into pieces and pierce her claws into Ainz's skull.

However, Ainz turned slightly to avoid it and blocked it with his staff.

The smooth movements after that blow all reflected how much training he had undergone.

Just like the name of the "blasting staff", the reaction at the moment of contact is like an anti-armor explosion, and Gorgon's petite body is severely blown away.

Gorgon had no time to adjust her posture, and the shadow under Ainz's feet suddenly extended behind her, expanded and stabbed out two dark attacks, like playing volleyball, and knocked her back towards Ainz.

That is a summoned unit with the ability of shadow sneaking - Shadow Demon. There are three in total, level 70.

These demons were summoned by Ainz using the magic items made by Ulbert in his infinite backpack. Ulbert is a chuunibyou, or because he is basically a loser in life, he likes to play the role of a villain in an exaggerated way. Listen,

It was said that there was a world-class item that could summon enough demons to flood the world, so I imitated it excitedly. The result was self-evident - it was impossible to do it.

What Ainz had in hand was a trial work. Ulbert originally planned to discard it, but Ainz thought it was too wasteful and accepted it.

"Humph, if Urber knew that his failed work could be fully and successfully used, he would be very happy."

Facing Gorgon who was adjusting his posture in the air and trying to pounce again, Ainz raised his long sword high.

Silent black thunder struck down and enveloped them.

Gorgon was in pain and fell to the ground.

Ainz's momentum instantly swelled.

This is Mesette's support magic. It is not a real thunder and lightning, but a denser and more concentrated release method of negative energy.

"Drink! [Crush]!" Ainz slashed vertically and activated his martial skill.

Gorgon rolled to the side, landing on all fours to avoid the shock wave emitted by the slashing attack, and once again rushed towards Ainz, who was already close to stagnating.

It was not an act of reckless recklessness. When Ainz swung out this blow with great strength at the moment of strengthening, it would not be surprising if he fell into a temporary freeze and revealed a flaw.

But Ainz didn't pause for a moment because of the seemingly powerful blow. He made a compass movement with one foot and turned sideways to avoid the claws that could surely tear him apart.

Gorgon was not discouraged, and immediately stabilized his posture, turned around and swung his tail as fast as he could to slap Ainz. But Ainz, who had been prepared, was even faster——

"[Demon Energy Strike]!"

The martial skill was activated, and the blade shining with purple light instantly cut into Gorgon's petite body. Almost at the same time, it swept towards the tail of Ainz's body and met the "blasting staff" that was actively approaching.


When Gorgon scored twice and was blown away, Ainz pulled the long knife that penetrated Gorgon's body laterally, further widening the wound and injecting negative energy. When the two separated, he once again greatly deprived part of Gorgon's energy.


His shadow quickly followed and extended again at the same time as the Shadow Demon's movement, chasing Gorgon who was unable to control his body in the air.

But this time, the shadow demon hiding in Ainz's shadow was not so lucky. The seemingly crazy Gorgon did retain a considerable degree of judgment, but he was unable to come up with a strategy that was sufficient to deal with Ainz.

Such a situation.

But now the only opponent is the Shadow Demon.

The snake hair behind her glared directly at the shadow demon and released [Petrification Ray]. Even if it had little effect on high-level demons, it could still make the opponent feel the effect of heavy pressure, making the demon unable to move for a while.

She took the opportunity to swipe her tail at the demons, knocking out three of them from Ainz's shadow at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, his backhand was a claw, crushing part of a demon's body.

The remaining two demons attacked from both sides, intending to control Gorgon's limbs. Ainz immediately rushed towards her at high speed as if he was about to take off.

Suddenly, Gorgon's whole body seemed to sparkle.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

The snake's hair seemed to be scattered in all directions due to chaotic movements, and all of them sprayed out somewhat thick magic beams!

All the demons were blown away in an instant. Ainz relied on his armor, which already had magic cancellation effects, to receive the blow without any damage.

"Hmph, it's a desperate move. Now your remaining magic power is not enough to support any tricks."


Gorgon originally wanted to activate the Noble Phantasm "Blood Fort", but the magic circles that had been deployed underground to target the undead had been destroyed in advance.

First of all, in the first round of attack and defense - [the goal of all life is death] makes everything within the range die, even the "forced seal·Pandemonium Cetus"

Being given death in an instant, there is no reason why a lower-level "Seal of Others·Blood Temple (Bloodfield·Andromeda)" could survive.

However, Ainz didn't know if there would be a way to quickly repair the "dead" magic circle if it still retained the runes and patterns, so he still had a next step.

(to be continued)

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