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Chapter 260 Beheading

When the giant disappeared, a vortex distorting the scenery appeared not far from Ainz, just as the air turned into water and was stirred.

A fairy with dark purple hair, two bunches of flower buds tied into twin ponytails, and a stylish jumpsuit with the same hair color appeared from it.

It seemed that she landed lightly on the ground, but then there was a tremor on the ground. Spider-web-like cracks erupted with her as the center, and the storm emanating from her body turned into a giant dragon and shot towards Ainz!

"[Konoha Dragon God]!"

"This is the first time I've seen a martial art that turns my entire body into a blunt blow. It's eye-opening. But—" Ainz released the [Perfect Warrior] while keeping his armor on. He held it in his hand and activated

One of his favorite necromancy magic——

【Heart mastery】.

Otherwise, he would die immediately, but the result would be a blur of consciousness, causing the opponent to forcibly transform into a storm dragon and lose control of his body. He immediately fell to the ground and bounced and rolled towards Ainz under the influence of gravity and inertia.

Ainz turned sideways to dodge the sword strike, but to his surprise, the sword passed through the opponent's body without any real impact.

He was not surprised. The ability to dematerialize the body exists both in "yggdrasil" and in this world, and the response is very simple——

There are many high-level magics that can directly act on the target without shooting or setting coordinates.

While the goblin with the appearance of a purple-haired girl had just stood up, Ainz cast a [greater word of curse] on it.

"This, this is!" The purple-haired girl went down on one knee in pain, covering her chest with her hands.

Ainz was about to make his next move when the other party suddenly stared at him, and those strange concentric circles of eyes gave him a bad feeling.

"[Shinra Tianzheng]!"

Immediately, an overbearing impact knocked him back more than twenty meters, and he relied on the magic [fly] to stabilize his body.

"[Hungry Ghost Path·Sealing Technique Absorption Seal]." The curse aura on the purple-haired girl goblin quickly disappeared like a stone sinking into the ocean.

"Isn't it like other systems like shock wave and spell-removing magic?" Ainz secretly guessed in his mind. When he saw the purple-haired girl goblin emitting huge purple-black energy, condensing it into the form of a giant warrior, he increased his vigilance and rehearsed how to deal with it in his mind.

That kind of thing tactics and preparation for escape.

But the giant divided into three heads and six arms and formed separate seals. No moves appeared, but the sky seemed to have turned cloudy.

"Could it be." Ainz took the "cloudy sky" as a sign that the move was about to be launched. He raised his head and his body flashed a "forced calm" green light.

"No, illusion." He looked at the huge meteorite, "Unlike the meteor fire meteorite magic I know, this does not have the initial speed to rub out the fire. It is more like using space magic to send such a large stone into the air.

It falls by itself."

Super level magic can be easily broken or even destroyed. However, using super level magic in front of an opponent who has just displayed such "martial skills" is tantamount to suicide. I am afraid that even pinching the flaw in the hourglass will be fatal.

The boulder did not contain the high heat caused by the rapid falling of the meteorite magic, so he directly activated [dimensional move] to teleport to the top of the boulder, only to see another super boulder that was at least several times larger following closely behind!

He immediately calmed down in the "forced calmness", flew towards the super boulder, and activated the contact magic [message] at the same time.

[Mesethe, use my swing of the sword as a signal to have the Elemental Skeleton and the Sage, the Ruler of Death, launch a large-scale soil-moving magic against me and a binding magic that will raise rocks from the nearest ground to surround me in a large-scale!]


He did not specify a specific magic. There are several types of magic. Contact magic can transmit information faster. He believed that Mesette's clearer observation from the third perspective would enable him to make more correct judgments.

Just before the boulder under Ainz's feet hit the ground and the super boulder above was about to clamp him, he swung his sword vigorously at the super boulder.

At the same time, the tenth level magic [mountain bind] and [earth quake] were activated one after another.

The function of the former is to turn the ground beneath the target of the spell into multiple stone mountains to surround and bind the target. Now, the ground under Ainz's feet is the huge boulder.

The latter naturally means the same as the literal meaning - a huge range, applied to the super boulder above.

Still at the same time, Ainz ordered the "Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown" that he had hidden but still had its function to activate [crack in the ground] against the "ground" above that was about to begin to collapse on a large scale.

The super boulder that would have turned into countless rubbles and flew flying to bury Ainz separated in front of him, and then crushed and defeated the boulder below that was split and ready to restrain him.

"Boom! Boom..."

The stones continued to impact each other, and eventually the magic was exhausted. All the stones that lost their magic function turned into free fall, burying him.

But he was unscathed.

Under the influence of several passive skills such as [Advanced Knockback Resistance 3], [Advanced Physical Invalidation 3] and [No Oxygen Required], the earth and rock burial that has nothing to do with the enemy's attack itself is ineffective against him.

He activated other skills and easily pushed away countless tons of earth and rocks. He jumped to the top of the large mountain of rocks that fell on the ground and looked up at the big feet that turned into purple-black giants and stepped towards him.

"Drink!" He shouted, and while dodging, he raised the "blasting staff" and activated his martial arts——

"[Eighteen Light Continuous Slashes]!"

"Duang!" A huge roar broke out between the two sides.

This is a move he used to learn how fairies use martial arts.

Usually, martial arts such as releasing multiple attacks at the same time place a huge burden on the body and mind. There are few native heroes in the field who can surpass [Five Light Continuous Slash] at one time. Even so, it is difficult to use due to the burden.

Unable to focus, the attack will be spread out, so it can usually only be used as a range skill.

However, Ainz only had bones that could not fatigue and had no physical limitations. Since he was the highest-ranking magic caster, his mental strength was not hindered, so he was able to focus eighteen swings on one point.

"Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble..."

An even more terrifying roar sounded. This was the function of the "blasting staff" working ten times at one point. As a result, the huge purple-black giant was overturned and fell to the ground with a huge noise.

The opponent seemed to be mentally confused and failed to maintain his abilities properly. The purple-black giant seemed to have turned into a gaseous state.

Ainz took advantage of the situation and used [Thunder Acceleration] to chase after him. He caught the opponent as he stood up and slashed with his sword.

The two sides stood with their backs to each other.

"You are actually...so strong?"

The purple-haired girl looked back slightly, and her twin ponytails broke off at the level of her neck. Then, before she finished speaking, her head rolled to the ground, and the headless body gushing liquid fell down.

(to be continued)

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