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Chapter 23 It's amazing! It made my hands numb

"Ah, ah? Why is there such a comment?" Crounpis, who was walking towards the downed red dragon and preparing to deal with it, heard some comments from the flying dragon tribe that his strength seemed to be stronger than imagined, and felt

Somewhat embarrassing.

"By the way, you guys are very noisy. Can you at least use a voice that I can't hear?"

It's not that Crounpis likes people saying bad things behind their backs, but she understands that she is not a kind-hearted goblin. There is no point in blocking people's mouths. Since they have already surrendered and cannot give them enough favors, then give them

It's okay for people to vent their complaints with a few words.

"But why is there such a low evaluation?" Crounpis was still puzzled.

Crownpis doesn't like fighting, and the purpose of fighting is sometimes not to kill. Therefore, if you can't crush the opponent without injury, you will most likely resort to detours and tests that are not direct attacks. You won't use your full strength unless you are forced to do so.


Naturally, this style will make it more difficult for races with a little strength to notice that the level of Crounpis is actually much higher than them, and they will not even be aware of the strength gap between the two sides at the first time, just as long as they work harder, they will be able to

Maybe it's the same as victory.

This is definitely not the bad taste of Crounpis giving his opponent hope of suddenly crushing and trampling his opponent, absolutely not.



The groggy Igonikos gradually woke up from complete despair.

Igonikos is the name of the red dragon.

What happened? Just now, it seemed that he was fighting a large plant-type monster that appeared there shortly after a disease spread to his "ranch" for some reason. He was about to burn that guy, and then in the blink of an eye, he was

He was being beaten back and forth like a rubber ball by some devil.

It seems like he got like this because he accidentally attacked some little guy behind him with a binding magic.

Igonikos' realization was interrupted here.

Could it be that he was kicked onto the iron plate?

No way?

Igonikos remained motionless. He opened his eyes slightly and looked around. He saw that the group of dragons that were watching from a distance and were originally in awe of him were separated in the middle.

A little guy dressed strangely, with an appearance somewhat similar to that of an elf, and who might be a humanoid monster, walked over.

"That's her..."

But Igonikos didn't get angry immediately. On the one hand, his body was seriously injured, and it might hurt if he moved. On the other hand, the dragon race is actually not such an arrogant race, which is why it gives most races the impression of being arrogant.

, because of their power, if they encounter an equal or even higher existence, as the highest intelligent race in this world, they will naturally weigh it.

Even if it was a sneak attack, since that little guy's magic was effective on him, he must have considerable strength.

"Hey, wake up, get up. Hey, did you accidentally strike too hard?"

Igonikos heard a voice coming from very close to him.

"Get up quickly if you know how powerful I am. [The whole race of the group... there's no point in using it on an unconscious guy. Then... there's only one sixth-level single-target healing magic. Forget it, use it—"

—[Great Healing[hea1]].”

Igonikos felt all the pain in his body disappear, and suddenly laughed to himself.

The method of first torturing the opponent and then giving treatment and then choosing to continue to torture or persuade them to surrender was also used by dragons in the wars between dragon clans in history. Igonikos, who is above the elder level, naturally knows this kind of knowledge.

"Okay, [all races in the group..."

"Hahahaha! Ka~"

Igonikos immediately bit the opponent and interrupted the magic chant. Although the opponent raised his hands to block it, it was absolutely impossible...

But before Igonikos had time to be proud, a sharp pain suddenly came from his mouth, forcing him to let go of his mouth, and then a strong force hit his head!

"Bang!" Igonikos, whose teeth were shattered and his head was bleeding, had stars in his eyes and almost fell to the ground. He only managed to avoid falling by taking a step back.

It is the automatic counterattack of the Mimicry Clothing.

If it were a head-to-head confrontation, Igonikos might be able to barely cope with such an attack, but the first blow was directly in his mouth, and the second blow immediately hit his head, catching him off guard.

They were attacked unexpectedly again! Despicable!

"Ugh~" Igonikos shook his head and spat out the blood oozing from his mouth.

"Teacher, are you okay?" It seemed like an inconspicuous human being was shouting something, but it didn't seem to be very important. He wanted to find a way to deal with this guy in front of him first.

"The bite was so severe! It made my hands numb." The little guy said, waving his hands.

What? Bite it with all your strength, but it’s just numb?

"It seems that the low-level magic I just played made the other dragons mistakenly think that my magic is very poor. It is necessary to correct their wrong views." The little guy took off a ring, and then

He raised his hand and shouted, "[Fie1dofforce]!"

The magic has not yet taken shape, but the fear of superiors is coming to Igonikos.

It’s over, this time I really kicked the iron plate. Although it is not the Eight Desire King level iron plate, it is not an iron plate that I can kick casually!

When was the last time you saw a magic circle of this level?

Has it been more than three hundred years?

At that time, it was still an adult dragon, just a commoner in a world ruled by dragons.

An existence named "Eight Desire Kings" appeared in the world, trying to conquer the world, and a war broke out with the Dragon Clan. At first, the Dragon Clan was in the upper hand. It just chatted with its compatriots and laughed about the news about the Eight Desire Kings. Until


Some kind of weird fluctuation seemed to spread throughout the world, and then, the magic advantage of the Dragon Clan was gone, replaced by the magic that the Six Gods used to use when they took away the humans raised in their pastures, and the Eight Desire Kings.

Rank magic is what the Six Great Gods and Eight Desire Kings are called.

Moreover, the type of magic circle that appeared in front of it was the most advanced one it had ever seen - the tenth level magic. The moment it saw it, a compatriot dozens of meters away was instantly killed. How lucky it was at that time

There is no need to fight hard to save face.

Although it is said that there is a bit magic that is comparable to the original magic [Ultimate Big Bang] before the world was polluted, but because no one has ever seen it, it is still regarded as a fallacy of the dragon clan who were beaten to doubt the dragon's life.

Igonikos subconsciously took a step back, but bumped into a translucent wall.

"[Force field [fie1dofforce]]!"

Immediately, a similar wall appeared as he was heading towards it, and severe pain struck him, beginning to squeeze out the remaining rational consciousness.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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