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Chapter 272 Temporary Truce

"There is no need to worry about life and health. The blood-sucking should be able to recover to a certain extent. Just send it back to Stheno and Euryale." Elfin replied.

So Winkworth took a half-step back in a pretentious manner and covered his mouth: "Wow, Elfin, you are quite cruel. I think her becoming like this is probably the eldest and second sister's bad taste. And... twin ponytails, pfft

!Ah ah, it’s not that the twin tails are ugly, both Alfin and the current Anna are very cute, it’s just that the monster look just now was actually twin tails, hahaha..."

Alfin twisted the corner of his mouth and simply pouted and said: "Wenka, go down and take a look. Maybe the monster has left something underground. I'll carry Anna on my back, and you can take it with you."

"Ah? That's right...that's weird. I don't know how to escape from earth, let alone earth magic."

"It's okay, I'll help you." Alfin brushed it down first, and then——

"[Earth Release: Heart Beheading Technique]!"


They still had to play around for a while, but then they made sure that Anna was awake and okay before sending her back to the Altar of Destruction where the Gorgon sisters lived.

Miraculously, Gorgon's destruction of the underground not only did not shake the structure of the altar, but also expanded the underground cavity a lot, giving the basilisk group gathered by the Gorgon sisters a larger space for reproduction.

In addition, even if Anna's spiritual base is damaged and her strength is permanently reduced, as long as she ensures sufficient magic power and food, she will still have a combat power of level 80 to 90, which is enough to intimidate her. It is also a "blessing in disguise" that she finally does not need to [Transform].

Let yourself be as beautiful and lovely as your sisters.

From then on, they lived a happy and peaceful life for hundreds of years, but that's a story for another day.


Five months after the demon attack on E-Rantel ended, Owental——

"……found it."

The invisible Migalis stepped gently onto the outer city wall and looked at the city shrouded in turmoil, almost forgotten.

"The guy who wields black mud has stayed here for a long time, but now...he's not here."

"Francesca also had contact with Pisi in that world, and even helped Francesca...the purpose was really just pleasure."

Michaelis held up her chin and thought for a while, trying to figure out how to act better.

Crownpiss said that leaving this case to her, of course she knew it was more than just catching a suspect.

We just need to express our attitude and ask for an explanation. All of this is included in this war. We have reached an agreement not long ago, but we still need to confirm what they have left here and whether there are any tricks to deceive the fairies.

"It seems that Ainz Ooal Gown no longer comes here. On the one hand, the news that he is undead has spread throughout the surrounding countries. Because he has a good reputation, this shocking news has also spread widely.

Hurry. Plus Alfin gave us a step without permission, just so he can stop when he is ready."

"But since it's Francesca, it should be easy to trip up Pisi. Do you really just want to say hello and joke?"

"Pisi believes that people need to go through some hardships and let them regain what belongs to them as much as possible on their own strength, so that they can cherish it more. Then use this to hype it up and continue to widen the morale gap between the two sides."

She quietly went to the place where Francesca lived and worked to investigate. During this period, she did not find the existence of Ainz and Francesca, but there were some intermediate undead.

There are the headless livestock, an undead animal that pulls carts and loads, and another type of undead that will definitely run for its life once it recognizes its true form, as well as flesh-and-blood giants and death knights who do heavy work. The patrol team also includes a combination of skeleton knights and skeleton warriors.

Michaelis estimated the abilities of those undead. Although it seems that most of them are doing similar things to the undead and patrols used by workers and peasants, some of their strength is very dangerous to the people. Once out of control, at least several cities will be destroyed.

It will become a city of death.

Although these exist in human knowledge and are not absolutely impossible to generate, they cannot dare to produce them themselves. They should be leased by Ainz or simply sold to them for use with control and ownership rights.

It is true that Ainz is gone, but the business and influence still exist. Even if you question him, you will say that this is just a normal "labor" and "arms" trade. Since Crounpis did not forcefully attack them, then this is the default

The only thing left to allow was to destroy the "Blood Chain God Group" by the hands of the people - Michaelis made her own judgment. After all, it was impossible to ask her superiors for instructions on everything.

You figure it out for yourselves - this is the famous saying of Kroenpis.

Since there was no more investigative value, she manipulated some of the undead who were no longer connected to Ainz and left.

Of course, the investigation does not stop at this point.

However, I am now relatively relieved. With the so-called Principality of Bajas having enemies all around, judging from the current level of economic recovery and military expansion, it should not be able to attack foreign countries in a few years.

However, it will take several years for the Bajas Empire and the Southern Saint Kingdom, which have lost part of their territory and resources, to have a decisive counterattack capability. But fortunately, it should be less than the opposite side.

It just so happens that the Southern Holy Kingdom, which has recently been pressed hard by Mordred, has reached a moment when it can explode its troops. There is also a huge and grand ceremony to invite friendly countries to participate. While attending, please say a few harsh words to the international community.

She could surmise the chain reaction this would cause.

"Sigh... But until peace comes, we can only ask the people to be patient a little longer, right? However, the short-term pain is worse than the long-term pain."


While the high-ranking goblins under Crownpis were still "battling wits" with Ainz Ooal Gown in the Northwest Continent, Crownpis had already led people into the Eastern Continent "Ainz.

The territory of Ur Gown.

Searching a house is so random - just kidding, this time Crownpiss paid a private visit incognito, to see what the actual conditions were like in Ainz's territory.

If it works to her liking, she can introduce something beneficial to them in the future. It's not like she can't operate it secretly to give Ainz a chance to gain more territory in the human kingdom of the northwest continent.

In order to confirm the underlying situation, Crounpis specially brought a human. Of course, the combat effectiveness must be guaranteed, and he must not be famous in certain circles. In this way, basically all the humans that Crounpis knows have passed, so this time

The one I chose was Chizuruko, who brought me from the Forbidden World for research. Anyway, the data that needed to be obtained and the inspection records that needed to be done had already been solved.

(to be continued)

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